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Android / Guides / Info dictionary

Information dictionary: adding custom data to a PDF in Android

To add custom data to an existing document.

// In case you have PDFDoc you can always access
// SDF/Cos document using PDFDoc.GetSDFDoc() method
SDFDoc doc = new SDFDoc(filename);
Obj trailer = doc.getTrailer(); // Get the trailer

// Create an Info dictionary
Obj info = trailer.putDict("Info");
info.putString("Producer", "Apryse PDFNet");

// Create a custom inline dictionary within Info dictionary
Obj custom_dict = info.putDict("My Direct Dict");
custom_dict.putNumber("My Number", 100);

Cos/SDF low-level API to edit PDF files
Full code sample which illustrates how to use basic Cos/SDF API to edit an existing document.

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