Rotate a page

There are two options to rotate a page. First is using a UI component that can rotate at 90 degree angles. Second is an API guide to programmatically rotate a page.

Rotate document pages in Android

The RotateDialogFragment allows users to rotate pages of the opened document by 90, 180 and 270 degrees. It also displays a thumbnail of the current page at the selected rotation angle.

Apryse Docs Image

Show rotate page dialog

To show a rotate pages dialog in your activity, create a new instance of RotateDialogFragment by calling newInstance() and setting the PDFViewCtrl:

1private PDFViewCtrl mPdfViewCtrl;
2// ...
3public void showRotateDialog(FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
4 RotateDialogFragment.newInstance()
5 .setPdfViewCtrl(mPdfViewCtrl)
6 .show(fragmentManager, "rotate_pages_dialog");

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