

AdvancedShapeCreate.OnEditToolbarListener Callback interface invoked when the edit toolbar should be shown/closed. 
AnnotManager.AnnotationAction Annotation actions  
AnnotManager.AnnotationSyncingListener This interface can be used to monitor local annotation changes, which can then be forwarded to a remote server. 
AnnotManager.AnnotItem Annotation custom properties  
DialogAnnotNote.DialogAnnotNoteListener Callback interface to be invoked when a button is pressed. 
Eraser.EraserListener This interface can be used to monitor eraser event  
QuickMenu.OnDismissListener Callback interface to be invoked when the quick menu is dismissed. 
ToolManager.AdvancedAnnotationListener This interface can be used to monitor advanced annotation events from various tools. 
ToolManager.AnnotationModificationListener This interface can be used to monitor annotation modification events such as added/edited/removed. 
ToolManager.AnnotationPermissionListener Callback for annotation permissions  
ToolManager.AnnotationsSelectionListener This interface can be used to monitor annotation selection changed event. 
ToolManager.AnnotationToolbarListener This interface can be used to monitor tools interaction with annotation toolbar  
ToolManager.BasicAnnotationListener This interface can be used to monitor basic annotation events such as selected/unselected. 
ToolManager.DialogListener This interface can be used to intercept dialog events. 
ToolManager.EdgeEffectListener This interface can be used to listen to viewer edge effect events  
ToolManager.ExternalAnnotationManagerListener This interface can be used to provide custom key for annotation creation  
ToolManager.FullSaveListener Callback to notify subscribers that a full PDF save is required  
ToolManager.OnGenericMotionEventListener This interface can be used to monitor generic motion event  
ToolManager.OnLayoutListener This interface can be used to listen for when the PDFViewCtrl's onLayout() is triggered. 
ToolManager.PdfDocModificationListener This interface can be used to monitor any modification events that change the structure of the PDF document such as page manipulation, bookmark modification, etc. 
ToolManager.PdfTextModificationListener This interface can be used to monitor PDF text modification events  
ToolManager.PreToolManagerListener This interface can be used to avoid executing Tool's code in the ToolManager implementation (the events will be called before Tool's ones). 
ToolManager.QuickMenuListener This interface can be used to detect if the built-in Tools quick menu item has been clicked. 
ToolManager.Tool This interface is used to forward events from PDFViewCtrl.ToolManager to the actual implementation of the Tool. 
ToolManager.ToolChangedListener This interface can be used to listen for when the current tool changes. 
ToolManager.ToolManagerChangedListener Listener called when the ToolManager has changed. 
ToolManager.ToolModeBase Base tool mode  
ToolManager.ToolSetListener This interface can be used to listen for when a new tool is set as current tool of ToolManager. 
UndoRedoManager.UndoRedoStateChangeListener Listener that gets notfied when the undo/redo stack has changed  


AdvancedShapeCreate This class is the base class for several shape creation classes that need clicks to determine vertices vs drag and drop, e.g., Polyline, Polygon, Cloud and etc. 
AnnotEdit This class is responsible for editing a selected annotation, e.g., moving and resizing. 
AnnotEditAdvancedShape This class is responsible for editing a selected advanced shape such as polyline, polygon and cloud. 
AnnotEditLine This class is responsible for editing a selected line or arrow, e.g., moving and resizing. 
AnnotEditRectGroup This class is for selecting a group of annotations  
AnnotEditTextMarkup This class is responsible for editing text markup: highlight/strikeout/underline, e.g., moving and resizing. 
AnnotManager This class is responsible for generating local annotation changes XFDF string and merging remote annotation changes XFDF string  
ArrowCreate This class is for creating an arrow. 
CalloutCreate A tool for creating callout annotation  
CheckboxFieldCreate This class is for creating checkbox field  
CloudCreate This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. 
ComboBoxFieldCreate This class is for creating combo box field  
CustomRelativeLayout a RelativeLayout inside PDFViewCtrl with specified page position posX, posY, and page_num. 
DialogAnnotNote The DialogAnnotNote is the super class for all annotation dialogs. 
DialogFormFillChoice A dialog about choosing selection in Form choice field. 
DialogFormFillText A dialog about entering text in form text field  
DialogFreeTextNote The DialogFreeTextNote is used for adding and editing free text. 
DialogLinkEditor A dialog editing link url/ page number  
DialogNumberPicker A dialog about picking number  
DialogStickyNote The DialogStickyNote is a subclass of DialogAnnotNote and is used for all sticky note annotations. 
DialogTextSearchOption Dialog of given option when searching text  
Eraser This class is for erasing annotation. 
FormFill This class is responsible for filling forms. 
FreehandCreate This class is for creating a free hand annotation. 
FreeHighlighterCreate This class is for creating a free highlighter annotation. 
FreeTextCreate A tool for creating free text annotation  
FreeTextSpacingCreate This class is responsible for creating FreeText annotation with custom spacing. 
LineCreate This class is for creating a line annotation. 
LinkAction A tool for handling single tap on Link annotation  
ListBoxFieldCreate This class is for creating list box field  
OvalCreate This class is for creating an oval annotation. 
Pan Pan tool implements the following functions:
  1. Select the hit annotation and switch to annotation edit tool on single tap event;
  2. Bring up annotation creation menu upon long press event. 
PolygonCreate This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. 
PolylineCreate This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. 
QuickMenu This class implements the quick menu for tools. 
QuickMenu.FadeOutAnimListener fade out animation listener when animation ends, set the fadeout view to be invisible, and start the next coming view animation  
QuickMenuBuilder A helper Menu class for constructing QuickMenu  
QuickMenuItem the MenuItem inside QuickMenu  
RadioGroupFieldCreate This class is for creating radio group field  
RectCreate This class is for creating a rectangle annotation. 
RectLinkCreate Used for creating Rectangle link  
RichMedia A tool for handling single tap on rich media annotation  
RubberStampCreate This class is for creating rubber stamp annotation. 
Signature This class is for creating signature annotation. 
SignatureFieldCreate This class is for creating a signature field annotation  
SimpleShapeCreate This class is the base class for several shape creation classes, e.g., LineCreate, OvalCreate, etc. 
Stamper This class is for creating stamp annotation. 
StickyNoteCreate This class is for creating a sticky note annotation. 
TextFieldCreate This class is for creating multiline text field  
TextHighlightCreate This class is for creating text highlight annotation. 
TextHighlighter This class can be used to highlight all search results. 
TextLinkCreate This tool is for creating link annotation by selected text  
TextMarkupCreate This class is the base class for all text markup creation tools. 
TextSelect This class selects text on pages. 
TextSquigglyCreate This class is for creating text squiggly annotation. 
TextStrikeoutCreate This class is for creating text strikeout annotation. 
TextUnderlineCreate This class is for creating text underline annotation. 
Tool The base class that implements the ToolManager.Tool interface and several basic tool functionalities. 
ToolManager This class implements the PDFViewCtrl.ToolManager interface. 
UndoRedoManager This class is responsible for managing the undo/redo chain and importing/exporting meta-data from/to each state of the chain

if you wish to add a new action to be handled in UndoRedoManager, make sure you will make necessary changes to #isValidAction(Context, String) and isEditPageAction(Context, String)
