AnnotViewImpl.AnnotViewImplListener | |
AppBarLayout.AppBarLayoutListener | |
AutoScrollEditText.AutoScrollEditTextListener | Listener interface for key up event |
AutoScrollEditText.AutoScrollEditTextSpacingListener | |
CheckableRelativeLayout.OnCheckedChangeListener | Callback interface to be invoked when the checked state of the layout is changed. |
ColorHuePickerWheel.OnHueChangeListener | Listening for hue changes |
ColorSatValuePickerBoard.OnHSVChangeListener | Listener interface for color HSV value changes event |
DiffOptionsView.DiffOptionsViewListener | |
ForegroundLayout | Interface to facilitate drawing a foreground drawable, similar to android.widget.FrameLayout, for API versions before 23 (where android.view.View supports foregrounds natively). |
IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayout.IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayoutListener | |
PTCropImageView.CropImageViewListener | |
PTCropImageViewBase.PTCropImageViewListener | |
RotateHandleView.RotateHandleViewListener | |
SignatureView.SignatureViewListener |
AnnotDrawingView | |
AnnotView | |
AnnotViewImpl | |
AppBarLayout | A Linear Layout that can adjust window insets in full screen |
AutoScrollEditor | A CustomRelativeLayout that contains an AutoScrollEditText . |
AutoScrollEditText | An EditText that can auto scroll |
CheckableRelativeLayout | This class is used to allow the use of checkable widgets inside ListViews WARNING: Make sure to use this with InertCheckBox/InertRadioButton/InertSwitch or onItemClickListener will not work. |
ColorHuePickerWheel | A Color Wheel for picking hue value of the color. |
ColorSatValuePickerBoard | A picker board for picking color HSV with a given Hue value. |
ConsumeEndInsetFrameLayout | |
ConsumeHorizontalInsetFrameLayout | |
ConsumeStartInsetFrameLayout | |
ContentLoadingRelativeLayout | A Relative layout for loading content |
CustomViewPager | A custom view pager that can toggle off swipe event. |
DiffOptionsView | Diffing options view. |
FixedKeyboardEditText | Reference: |
ForegroundCoordinatorLayout | A Coordinator layout that can draw foreground drawable |
FragmentLayout | |
IgnoreTopInsetCoordinatorLayout | A CoordinatorLayout that ignores top windows inset |
IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayout | |
IgnoreTopInsetRelativeLayout | |
InertCheckBox | Checkbox widget that does not react to any user event in order to let the container handle them instead. |
InertRadioButton | RadioButton widget that does not react to any user event in order to let the container handle them instead. |
InertSwitch | Switch widget that does not react to any user event in order to let the container handle them instead. |
InertWebView | |
PTCropImageView | |
PTCropImageViewBase | |
PTFloatingActionButton | |
PTFloatingActionMenu | |
RotateHandleView | |
RotationImpl | |
SelectionHandleView | |
SelectionLoupe | |
SignatureView | |
SoundAnnotView | |
StatusBarView | A Status bar view that can show/ hide based on full screen flags. |
TopCropImageView | |
TouchAwareRecyclerView | |
TransparentDrawable | This class is used for drawing a grey rectangle border and a red line inside, It is used to represents the transparent color |
UniformWidthRelativeLayout | |
VerticalTextView | This class is a TextView that draw text vertically. |
WrapContentViewPager |