AddPageDialogFragment.OnAddNewPagesListener | Callback interface invoked when new pages should be added to the current document. |
AddPageDialogFragment.OnCreateNewDocumentListener | Callback interface invoked when new document should be created. |
AddPageDialogFragment.OnCtaPressedListener | |
AnnotationDialogFragment.AnnotationDialogListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
AnnotationToolbar.AnnotationToolbarListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
AnnotStyleView.OnColorLayoutClickedListener | This interface is for switching between color picker and style picker |
AnnotStyleView.OnMoreAnnotTypeClickedListener | |
AnnotStyleView.OnPresetSelectedListener | This interface is for listening preset style buttons pressed event |
AnnotStyleView.OnStyleLayoutClickedListener | This interface is for switching between icon picker and style picker |
BaseEditToolbar | |
BookmarksTabLayout.BookmarksTabsListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
ColorPickerView.OnBackButtonPressedListener | This method is used for back button in toolbar pressed event |
ColorPickerView.OnColorChangeListener | A interface that is invoked when there is color changes in color picker pages |
CustomColorPickerView.OnEditFavoriteColorListener | This interface is for listening events about editing favorite colors |
CustomFragmentTabLayout.OnTabModificationListener<T extends Tab> | |
CustomSizeDialogFragment.DialogDismissListener | |
EditToolbar.OnEditToolbarChangedListener | Callback to update EditToolbar on orientation changes. |
EditToolbarImpl.OnEditToolbarListener | Callback interface invoked when the edit toolbar is dismissed. |
FavoriteColorDialogFragment.OnEditFinishedListener | This interface is for listening whether editing favorites is finished event |
FindTextOverlay.FindTextOverlayListener | |
FormToolbar.FormToolbarListener | |
NavigationListDialogFragment.AnalyticsEventListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an analytic event action happens. |
OnToolbarStateUpdateListener | Callback interface to be invoked when toolbar state buttons should be updated. |
OnToolSelectedListener | Callback interface to be invoked when user select a button shown in the edit toolbar. |
OutlineDialogFragment.OutlineDialogListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PageIndicatorLayout.OnPDFViewVisibilityChanged | Listener for PDFViewCtrl visibility change event |
PasswordDialogFragment.PasswordDialogFragmentListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.TabListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment.TabListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2.AnnotationToolbarComponentListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2.ComponentListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2.TabListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment.AppBarVisibilityListener | Callback interface to be invoked when AppBar visibility changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment.ReflowControlListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment.TabHostListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.AppBarVisibilityListener | Callback interface to be invoked when AppBar visibility changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.ReflowControlListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.TabHostListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AppBarVisibilityListener | Callback interface to be invoked when AppBar visibility changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.OnPreBuildToolbarListener | Listener called prior to building a new AnnotationToolbar. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.OnToolbarChangedListener | Listener called when toolbar changes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.ReflowControlListener | |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.TabHostListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
PrintAnnotationsSummaryDialogFragment.PrintAnnotationsSummaryListener | |
ReflowControl.OnPostProcessColorListener | Callback interface to be invoked to get the processed color |
ReflowControl.OnReflowLongPressListener | Callback interface to be invoked when a single tap up gesture occurs. |
ReflowControl.OnReflowTapListener | Callback interface to be invoked when a single tap up gesture occurs. |
ReflowControl.ReflowUrlLoadedListener | |
ReflowPagerAdapter.ReflowAppCallback | |
ReflowPagerAdapter.ReflowPagerAdapterCallback | Callback interfaces for tap |
SearchResultsView.SearchResultsListener | Listener interface for search result events |
SearchToolbar.SearchToolbarListener | |
StylePickerView.OnBackButtonPressedListener | This method is used for back button in toolbar pressed event |
ThumbnailSlider.OnMenuItemClickedListener | Callback interface to be invoked when a menu item in thumbnail slider clicked |
ThumbnailSlider.OnThumbnailSliderTrackingListener | Callback interface to be invoked when a tracking touch event occurs. |
ThumbnailsViewAdapter.EditPagesListener | Callback interface to be invoked when pages of the document have been edited. |
ThumbnailsViewAdapter.EditPagesProgressListener | |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.OnExportThumbnailsListener | Callback interface to be invoked when pages should be exported. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.OnThumbnailsEditAttemptWhileReadOnlyListener | Callback interface to be invoked when the user attempts to edit pages while the document is read only. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.OnThumbnailsViewDialogDismissListener | Callback interface to be invoked when the dialog fragment is dismissed. |
UndoRedoPopupWindow.OnUndoRedoListener | Callback interface to be invoked when undo/redo is called. |
UserBookmarkDialogFragment.UserBookmarkDialogListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
UserCropDialogFragment.OnUserCropDialogDismissListener | Callback interface to be invoked when the user crop dialog is dismissed. |
UserCropSelectionDialogFragment.UserCropSelectionDialogFragmentListener | Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. |
AddPageDialogFragment | The AddPageDialogFragment is responsible for add new pages with various page options. |
AdvancedColorView | A ConstraintLayout to show color picker board includes ColorHuePickerWheel
and ColorSatValuePickerBoard . |
AnnotationDialogFragment | The AnnotationDialogFragment shows a list of all the annotations in a
document being viewed by a PDFViewCtrl . |
AnnotationDialogFragment.AnnotationInfo | Annotation Info class. |
AnnotationsAdapter | |
AnnotationsAdapter.ViewHolder | |
AnnotationToolbar |
This class is deprecated.
use AnnotationToolbarComponent instead
The AnnotationToolbar works with a ToolManager to
allow quick selection of different tools. The toolbar shows a list of buttons
which prompts the associated ToolManager to switch to that tool.
If undo/redo is enabled in the PDFViewCtrl the undo/redo buttons are also provided.
AnnotIndicatorManger | This class manages annotation indicators |
AnnotStyleDialogFragment | Annotation style dialog fragment is a DialogFragment that shows annotation style properties in a bottom sheet. |
AnnotStyleDialogFragment.Builder | Builder for building annotation style dialog |
AnnotStyleDialogFragment.Theme | |
AnnotStyleView | A LinearLayout that can adjust annotation appearance |
AnnotToolbarOverflowPopupWindow | A popup window class that displays undo/redo options |
BaseToolbar | |
BookmarksTabLayout | This class provides a tab layout having three tabs including document outline, user-defined bookmarks, and annotations in the document |
ColorPickerView | A Linear layout for changing annotation color. |
CustomColorPickerView | A Linear layout that shows recently selected colors, favorite colors |
CustomFragmentTabLayout | This class implements TabLayout where each tab is attached with a fragment
CustomSizeDialogFragment | A dialog with custom size which depends running on tablet or phone devices |
DiffActivity | |
DocumentActivity | DocumentActivity is derived from AppCompatActivity and is an all-in-one document reader and PDF editor. |
DocumentActivity.IntentBuilder | |
EditToolbar | The EditToolbar allows to edit/create an annotation such as freehand, polyline, polygon and cloud using a list of buttons provided in the toolbar. |
EditToolbarImpl | This class is implementing the logic for EditToolbar to create/edit annotations. |
FavoriteColorDialogFragment | A DialogFragment for adding/ editing colors to Favorites. |
FindTextOverlay | |
FormToolbar | |
InsectHandlerToolbar | This class is responsible for handing insects when the view is toolbar. |
MirrorSeekBar | A seek bar that can reverse in RTL mode |
NavigationListDialogFragment | A base class for all navigation list dialog fragment in BookmarksDialogFragment . |
OutlineDialogFragment | The OutlineDialogFragment shows a document outline (bookmarks) that can be used to navigate the document in the PDFViewCtrl. |
OutlineDialogFragment.Theme | |
PageIndicatorLayout | A LinearLayout that shows page indicator. |
PasswordDialogFragment | A Dialog fragment for entering password |
PasswordDialogFragment.Builder | |
PasswordDialogFragment.Theme | |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment | The PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment is the base class for other viewer classes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.FloatingNavTheme | |
PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.SaveFolderWrapper | Wraps either a File or an ExternalFileInfo in order to make saving easier. |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment |
This class is deprecated.
use PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 instead
The PdfViewCtrlTabFragment shows |
PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 | The PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2 shows PDFViewCtrl out of the box with a various
of controls such as AnnotationToolbarComponent ,
BottomBarComponent , and
ThumbnailsViewFragment etc. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment | The PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment is a base class for other viewer host classes. |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment |
This class is deprecated.
use PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 instead
The PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment shows multiple |
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 | The PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 shows multiple PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2
in tab layout. |
PresetColorGridView | A ExpandableGridView shows a list of standard preset colors. |
PresetStyleGridView | |
PrintAnnotationsSummaryDialogFragment | A dialog that lets user select the print options including document, annotations and summary of annotations |
ReadingModeSettingsDialog | |
ReflowControl | This class provides convenient methods for interacting with ReflowPagerAdapter class
and takes care of throwing an exception if ReflowPagerAdapter is not set up. |
ReflowPagerAdapter | pager adapter for reflow |
ReflowPagerAdapter.ReflowAppInterface | |
RubberStampDialogFragment | A dialog that enables the user to select a stamp |
SearchResultsAdapter | A TextSearchResult array adapter for showing search results
SearchResultsAdapter.ViewHolder | |
SearchResultsView | A Relative layout that shows search results |
SearchResultsView.Section | A class contains information about search result section |
SearchResultsView.Theme | |
SearchToolbar | |
StylePickerView | |
ThumbnailSlider | The ThumbnailSlider uses the getThumbAsync(int)
API to show thumbnails of the current page as the slider moves. |
ThumbnailsViewAdapter | A Recycler view adapter for loading thumbnail views |
ThumbnailsViewFilterMode | |
ThumbnailsViewFilterMode.Factory | |
ThumbnailsViewFragment | The ThumbnailsViewFragment uses the getThumbAsync(int)
to show thumbnails of the documents as a grid view. |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.Theme | |
UndoRedoPopupWindow | A popup window class that displays undo/redo options |
UserBookmarkDialogFragment | The UserBookmarkDialogFragment shows a list of user-defined bookmarks that can be used to navigate
the document in the PDFViewCtrl . |
UserCropDialogFragment | The UserCropDialogFragment shows manual crop dialog. |
UserCropDialogFragment.Theme | |
UserCropSelectionDialogFragment | The UserCropSelectionDialogFragment shows three crop mode options. |
AddPageDialogFragment.PageColor | The page color |
AddPageDialogFragment.PageOrientation | The page orientation |
AddPageDialogFragment.PageSize | The page size |
AddPageDialogFragment.PageType | The type of page |
AnnotationToolbarButtonId | Id that references a specific button on the AnnotationToolbar
PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2.AnnotationToolbarPosition | |
SearchResultsView.SearchResultStatus | |
ThumbnailsViewAdapter.DocumentFormat | The format of document |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.FilterModes | |
ThumbnailsViewFragment.ThumbnailsViewEditOptions |