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iOS / Guides / 3. Customize

Customize iOS document viewer

After you have added Apryse to your project , learn how to customize it for your app.

Customize a document viewer

Apryse includes two UIViewControllers (PTDocumentController and PTTabbedDocumentViewController) for presenting documents. To customize their appearance and function, including hiding and adding buttons, see Customizing a Document Controller .

Apryse also includes a low-level UIView (PTPDFViewCtrl) to present documents. If you are using it, please see Customizing a PTPDFViewCtrl .

Customize how users interact with annotations

To change the way users interact with annotations, including restricting which annotations can be created and edited, see Customizing Annotation and PDF Interaction .

Customize individual controls

Apryse includes a rich set of controls. They are used by the document view controllers , and can also be used independently. To learn more about them, please see each component's guide/API:

Customize annotation appearances

To change the way an annotation appears, see the Custom Annotation Appearance guide.

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