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Realtime PDF collaboration with JavaScript

Enable real-time collaboration on PDF, DOCX, PPTX and XLSX documents using this JavaScript sample. When a user creates a new annotation it will immediately be displayed in another user’s browser, where they can reply to annotations in real-time by adding their own comments. This sample works on all browsers (including IE11) and mobile devices without using plug-ins. For more details, refer to our real-time collaboration guide or visit our collaboration demo. Note: this example is setup with a Firebase backend, but you can use whichever backend you prefer. Learn more about our JavaScript PDF Library.

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const IDS = {
  '': 'foo-12',
  '': 'foo-13',
  '': 'foo-14',

// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const server = new Server();
const initialDoc = '';

    path: '../../../lib',
    documentId: IDS[initialDoc],
).then(instance => {

  const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;

  let authorId = null;
  const urlInput = document.getElementById('url');
  const copyButton = document.getElementById('copy');

  let hasSeenPopup = false;

  if (window.location.origin === 'http://localhost:3000') {
    const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhttp.onreadystatechange = () => {
      if (xhttp.readyState === 4 && xhttp.status === 200) {
        urlInput.value = `http://${xhttp.responseText}:3000/samples/annotation/realtime-collaboration/`;
    };'GET', '/ip', true);
  } else {
    urlInput.value = '';

  copyButton.onclick = () => {;

  documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', () => {
    const documentId = documentViewer.getDocument().getDocumentId();


    const onAnnotationCreated = async data => {
      // Import the annotation based on xfdf command
      const annotations = await annotationManager.importAnnotationCommand(data.val().xfdf);
      const annotation = annotations[0];
      if (annotation) {
        await annotation.resourcesLoaded();
        // Set a custom field authorId to be used in client-side permission check
        annotation.authorId = data.val().authorId;
        // viewerInstance.fireEvent('updateAnnotationPermission', [annotation]); //TODO

    const onAnnotationUpdated = async data => {
      // Import the annotation based on xfdf command
      const annotations = await annotationManager.importAnnotationCommand(data.val().xfdf);
      const annotation = annotations[0];
      if (annotation) {
        await annotation.resourcesLoaded();
        // Set a custom field authorId to be used in client-side permission check
        annotation.authorId = data.val().authorId;

    const onAnnotationDeleted = data => {
      // data.key would return annotationId since our server method is designed as
      // annotationsRef.child(annotationId).set(annotationData)
      const command = `<delete><id>${data.key}</id></delete>`;

    const openReturningAuthorPopup = authorName => {
      if (hasSeenPopup) {
      // The author name will be used for both WebViewer and annotations in PDF
      // Open popup for the returning author
      window.alert(`Welcome back ${authorName}`);
      hasSeenPopup = true;

    const updateAuthor = authorName => {
      // The author name will be used for both WebViewer and annotations in PDF
      // Create/update author information in the server
      server.updateAuthor(authorId, { authorName });

    const openNewAuthorPopup = () => {
      // Open prompt for a new author
      const name = window.prompt('Welcome! Tell us your name :)');
      if (name) {

    // Bind server-side authorization state change to a callback function
    // The event is triggered in the beginning as well to check if author has already signed in
    server.bind('onAuthStateChanged', user => {
      // Author is logged in
      if (user) {
        // Using uid property from Firebase Database as an author id
        // It is also used as a reference for server-side permission
        authorId = user.uid;
        // Check if author exists, and call appropriate callback functions
        server.checkAuthor(authorId, openReturningAuthorPopup, openNewAuthorPopup);
        // Bind server-side data events to callback functions
        // When loaded for the first time, onAnnotationCreated event will be triggered for all database entries
        server.bind('onAnnotationCreated', onAnnotationCreated);
        server.bind('onAnnotationUpdated', onAnnotationUpdated);
        server.bind('onAnnotationDeleted', onAnnotationDeleted);
      } else {
        // Author is not logged in

  // Bind annotation change events to a callback function
  annotationManager.addEventListener('annotationChanged', async (annotations, type, info) => {
    // info.imported is true by default for annotations from pdf and annotations added by importAnnotationCommand
    if (info.imported) {

    const xfdf = await annotationManager.exportAnnotationCommand();
    // Iterate through all annotations and call appropriate server methods
    annotations.forEach(annotation => {
      let parentAuthorId = null;
      if (type === 'add') {
        // In case of replies, add extra field for server-side permission to be granted to the
        // parent annotation's author
        if (annotation.InReplyTo) {
          parentAuthorId = annotationManager.getAnnotationById(annotation.InReplyTo).authorId || 'default';

        if (authorId) {
          annotation.authorId = authorId;

        server.createAnnotation(annotation.Id, {
      } else if (type === 'modify') {
        // In case of replies, add extra field for server-side permission to be granted to the
        // parent annotation's author
        if (annotation.InReplyTo) {
          parentAuthorId = annotationManager.getAnnotationById(annotation.InReplyTo).authorId || 'default';
        server.updateAnnotation(annotation.Id, {
      } else if (type === 'delete') {

  // Overwrite client-side permission check method on the annotation manager
  // The default was set to compare the authorName
  // Instead of the authorName, we will compare authorId created from the server
  // Note that authorId can be undefined when annotation has just been created, need to handle it for fixing WVR-3217
  annotationManager.setPermissionCheckCallback((author, annotation) => !annotation.authorId || annotation.authorId === authorId);

  document.getElementById('select').onchange = e => {
    const documentId = IDS[];
    instance.UI.loadDocument(, { documentId });