Version 11.3.0 Changelog (2025-02-19)

WebViewer Core


Form Builder

  • Added widget highlighting capabilities with three new APIs to the FieldManager class:
    • enableWidgetHighlighting
    • disableWidgetHighlighting
    • isWidgetHighlightingEnabled

Office Editor

  • Added a trackedChangesUpdated document event.
  • Dragging and dropping a table range now creates a new table.



  • Fixed unnecessary processing when loading larger documents.
  • Fixed an issue where URLs with special characters used as an initial document were crashing the application.


  • Fixed an issue where rectangle annotations with larger stroke sizes than the rectangles themselves did not appear correctly when downloaded and re-opened in WebViewer.
  • Fixed an issue with FreeText copy/paste not copying over the rich text style.
  • Fixed an issue with FreeText underline not rendering correctly when switching from dynamic font scaling.

Content Edit

  • Fixed an issue with the Paragraph tool where sometimes a paragraph would be added to the wrong page.
  • Fixed an issue in Safari where manually selecting a character in content edit mode would incorrectly include an extra character from the start.
  • Fixed an issue in Safari where selecting a font-family from the dropdown would lose focus and no operation was performed.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the font size of a content box would sometimes update the wrong content box.

Form Builder

  • Fixed an issue where setting the default value in the form field panel would immediately update the field value instead of taking effect only after a reset.
  • Fixed an issue where some imported widgets were selectable when not in form builder mode.

Office Editor

  • Fixed an issue with the cursor moving to the wrong position when pressing backspace while in review mode.

WebViewer UI


Modular UI

  • Added the ability to add other modular components into any flyout.
  • Added support for importing and exporting custom panels and custom elements.
  • Added CustomElement component to render any custom React or HTML element.
  • Added a new setStyle API, and style / className parameters to the Item components.

Office Editor

  • Added a "Show Non-Printing Characters" button to the toolbar.



  • Fixed an issue in multi-viewer mode where closing the first document and attempting to download caused an error and made WebViewer freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where printing with the left panel open, while a tab was disabled, caused the app to crash.


  • Fixed an issue with annotation selection when clicking on them very fast.
  • Fixed an issue where custom colors could not be added while creating a custom stamp.

Form Builder

  • Fixed an issue with form filling where in certain situations users could not fill out a form in capital letters.


  • Fixed an issue with annotation layer toggling not working properly.


  • Fixed an issue where tabs with the same file name had the same identifiers.

Modular UI

  • Fixed an issue where icons would not render in flyouts in Safari.
  • Fixed an issue with ribbons disappearing and not reappearing after enabling and disabling readOnly mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the Insert ribbon was set as active whenever users selected the signature tool, even when the tool lived in a different ribbon.
  • Fixed an issue where occaisonally you could not reorder pages by dragging and dropping thumbnails in the thumbnails panel.


  • Fixed an issue where setting a custom note filter would not be reflected in the note filter modal.

Office Editor

  • Fixed an issue where tracked change popups appeared in review mode.


  • Fixed an issue where the "Total number of pages" label was not visible in the embedded print modal.
  • Fixed an issue with the embedded print printInBackground API where it would still show the print modal.

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