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iOS / Changelog /

Version Changelog (August 25th, 2022)

  • Version:
  • Release Date: August 25th, 2022
  • Built with Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100)


  • Fixed an issue preventing the generation of XFDF change information when the PTUndoRedoManager.isEnabled instance property is set to false.
  • Added a PTTool.commitAnnotation() instance method to commit pending annotation changes.
  • The eraser tool can now erase part of an ink annotation when tapping.
  • It is now possible to create text markup annotations on tap.
  • It is now possible to set and edit the text contents of the parent annotation from a PTAnnotationReplyViewController.
  • Added support for creating line annotations (line, arrow, polyline) with different line ending styles.
  • Adds a PTToolGroupToolbar.isPresetsViewEnabled property to control the presets view, as well as a PTToolGroupToolbar.arePresetsEnabled property to set both of the isPresetsToolbarEnabled and isPresetsViewEnabled properties at once.


  • Fixes an issue with the display of the annotation style picker's preview.
  • Fixes an issue with free text annotations where text styling (bold, italic) is not displayed after the annotation is edited.
  • Fixes a crash for iOS versions < 14 when clicking on a free text annotation style preset.
  • Fixes an issue when editing text form fields where tapping to dismiss the keyboard would incorrectly select another field.
  • Fixes the appearance of callout annotations that have been copied and pasted.
  • Fixes an issue with selecting annotations while the annotation list control is open in the side bar.
  • Fixes an issue with combo-box form fields not showing the selected option.
  • Fixes an issue with the size of free text annotations increasing when the annotation's text is edited for the first time.
  • The PTToolManager.isAnnotateOnRelowEnabled instance property now respects the PTToolManager.isReadonly property.

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