If there are multiple elements in the array then the user will be shown a picker to select the image size
The image will be resized down to those dimensions before being added to the document
Default values are [4032, 1024, 800]
Documents loaded from memory (not from a local file path/URL) can now be shared
The types of annotations shown in the annotation list can now be controlled via the excludedAnnotationTypes API on the PTAnnotationViewController class
Added a new searchSettingsEnabled API to allow the search settings to be hidden on the PTTextSearchViewController
Support for custom text in editable dropdown form fields
Newly editable annotation properties can now have their defaults specified.
Support for date form fields with format specifications of AFTime_Keystroke(ptf) and AFTime_Format(ptf).
Image stamps can now be created from SVGs selected in the file browser
Fix for possible infinite loop when tapping on form fields when using the freehand / free highlighter tools.
Fix so that the document doesn't shift when showing/hiding the control bars when using a PTDocumentController directly rather than view a PTDocumentTabbedViewController.
Fix so that the current page can be set immediately after opening a document.
Fix for a crash when running visual or semantic diff over documents with different page counts.
Fixes an issue where the PTPageTemplateViewController's page number was not being updated after first being shown.
Fixes an issue where the page could jump up and down when tabbing between form fields.
Fixes an issue where the PTPencilDrawingCreate tool would always be hidden in the PTToolGroupToolbar.
Fixes an issue with the eraser tool where strokes would only be partially erased.
Fixes an issue where in some circumstances the viewer could freeze when vertically scrolling beyond the bounds of the document.
Fixes the UINavigationBar appearance when running on iOS 15.
UI will no longer freeze when first opening a PDF with an extraordinary number of annotations.