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/ FAQ / What is included?
These channels connect you with qualified personnel to answer questions and provide assistance. In urgent cases, telephone support is also available.
If the product you licensed does not function according to the product's documentation or you experience any issues, our technical support team will be able to help you on a priority basis. Provided that the issue can be reproduced as an error in the product, Apryse will work towards a fix and you will be able to receive the fix as part of the next product update. In many cases, Apryse may also provide you with a workaround that you can apply prior to the update.
Provided you are using one of our installers, the operating system and service pack are listed as supported and the installation defaults are selected, our Technical Support team will assist you to get started.
Apryse takes problem reports seriously and channels them to our development team right away. Our support team will provide you with a fix or workaround, or let you know which version of the product the problem will be corrected in.
Provided the issue can be traced back to using a Apryse product and any other pertinent guidelines have been followed, our Technical Support Team can review your code to help you resolve your problem.
Our support engineers will provide you with the "how to" that explains the best way to use Apryse products.
At Apryse, we are committed to providing the best PDF products on the market and take all enhancement and new functionality requests seriously. You will be notified which update or new version the enhancement or new feature will be made available in.
Maintenance updates are released generally every four months with new features as well as enhancements to current functionality. Any obligation that Apryse may have to support the previous version of the Software will end six (6) months after the availability of an update.
To resolve verifiable and reproducible failures of the Software to conform in any material respect to the Documentation (“Error”);
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