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/ Ams / Is there support without AMS?

I seem to have found a problem with your software, but I am not subscribed to the AMS? Can you still provide me with support?

We are always interested in improving our products, so we encourage you to submit a support request any time you find an issue. We will look into the issue based on a first-come, first-served basis, with AMS customers having priority. Our support team will email you with our findings as soon as the issue was identified and/or resolved. If the issue is reproduced and fixed in a new version of the software, you would need to purchase the AMS for your license(s) in order to get access to that version.

If you do not have AMS, and have a general question, please feel free to post a question to one of our forums or on StackOverflow using the pdftron tag, and someone from the community can assist you.

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