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Web / Changelog / v10.3.0

Version 10.3.0 Changelog (2023-08-02)

WebViewer Core


  • Added support for embedded JS functions getTemplate and template.spawn.
  • Added support for form field/widget tab ordering with types structural, row and column. To enable set fullAPI: true and call annotationManager.enableWidgetTabOrdering. You can also update the order on the fly with annotationManager.setTabOrder.
  • Added ability to download office editor document as PDF.
  • Added new APIs enableAlwaysPrintAnnotationsInColor, disableAlwaysPrintAnnotationsInColor and isAlwaysPrintAnnotationsInColorEnabled to allow always printing annotations in color, even when the grayscale print mode is selected.
  • Added new APIs setNoZoomReferencePoint and getNoZoomReferencePoint for NoZoom annotations. This allows you to control the reference point that a NoZoom annotation will remain relative to when the page is zoomed in and out.
  • Added error message when performing a Hide action on missing fields.
  • Exposed Core.Annotations.PDFCustomAnnotation for PDF annotations that are not markup or widget annotations.
  • Added annotation to the file attachment data object that gets returned by the fileAttachmentDataAvailable event when double clicking file attachment annotations.


  • Fixed issue that caused appearance reference changed event listeners to be added many times.
  • Fixed issue where style handling for small dashed shapes that use curves in XOD rendering was improved by utilizing built-in canvas APIs.
  • Fixed issue with overlapping popup when using Office editor.
  • Fixed issue where adding new paragraph in pdf text edit doesn't show element with correct styles.
  • Fixed issue where if the zoom level changed right before a page was rendered it could be drawn at the wrong zoom level.
  • Fixed issue where initially loading a document in content edit mode an error was thrown
  • Fixed issue where custom headers were not used when loading Office documents in editing mode.
  • Fixed issue with removing empty sections when using Office editor.
  • Fixed obfuscation issue for loading documents in office editor mode.
  • Fixed issue where FreeText annotations were not editable after navigating inside a document.
  • Fixed issue with VirtualDisplayMode removing unrecognized elements while scrolling the document.
  • Fixed issue where in PDF edit mode undoing color change to the entire content box would make the bounding box shrink to 1 line.
  • Fixed issue where annotations by a few pixels when performing page manipulation.
  • Fixed issue that caused annotation images to stop displaying while in PDF Edit.
  • Fixed issue where multiline form field text shifted after flattening the document.
  • Fixed issue causing ellipse annotations to not appear correctly when dragging and dropping across pages.
  • Fixed issue where annotations would be deleted if the tool was switched immediately in an annotationChanged event.
  • Fixed issue where the text caption color of line measurement annotations did not match other PDF viewers.
  • Fixed issue the mouseup event on a widget would not trigger if it was hidden on mousedown.
  • Fixed issue where the history of undo/redo actions was wrong when the annotation had replies.
  • Fixed issue where duplicate calls are made when loading an image from a URL.
  • Fixed issue where sometimes an arc's bounding box would cut off the annotation.
  • Fixed issue where tools such as FORM_FILL_CROSS, FORM_FILL_CHECKMARK and FORM_FILL_DOT could not be set as the default tool.
  • Fixed issue where a widget name would change when moving it to a new page.
  • Fixed issue with drawing ink signatures with the touchpad in the Web Component mode of WebViewer.
  • Fixed issue where in some cases the appearance for ellipse measurement annotation could be lost.
  • Fixed issue in Content Edit mode that prevented mobile device users from interacting with Content Boxes.
  • Fixed issue where the text cursor in Office Editor is in the wrong location.
  • Fixed issue where checkboxes, radios, listboxes and comboboxes could not be toggled with a stylus.

WebViewer UI


  • Added new APIs instance.UI.setTextSignatureQuality and instance.UI.getTextSignatureQuality to adjust the image quality of typed, text signatures.
  • Added support for opening files from the attachment panel in a new tab when in multi-tab mode.
  • Added support for adjusting the behavior of the thumbnails panel so that more than 3 thumbnails can be displayed in a row.
  • Added support for displaying colored bookmarks when the full API is enabled.
  • Added tooltip for User and Type labels in Filter modal.
  • Disabled MultiViewerMode and MultiTab at the same time as they are not supported together.
  • Made the file name field required in the "Save As" modal.
  • Updated text search to start at two characters to improve performance.


  • Fixed issue where when using PDFNet layers programmatically the layers panel is not able to be updated.
  • Fixed missing TypeScript types for TabManager.addTab.
  • Fixed issue where hidden annotations were still included in the filter modal.
  • Fixed issue where attachment panel is not updated after loading a new file.
  • Fixed issue where annotation note connector lines were not positioned correctly when using multiple web component WebViewers on the same page.
  • Fixed issue where the last selected tool was being lost when switching to the View ribbon.
  • Fixed issue where the panel persistently re-focused on a previously selected note during multiselect.
  • Fixed issue where signer display name was not properly shown in the signature popup.
  • Fixed issue where an offset was added to annotations while zoomed in, during use of multiple web component viewers.
  • Fixed issue related to improper CSS overflow behavior in the compare panel.
  • Fixed issue where a new field was being created with the name of a deleted field by the form builder.
  • Fixed issue of improper annotation positioning during high-resolution grayscale printing.
  • Fixed issue where the Rich Text Popup failed to update the font size upon menu adjustments.
  • Fixed issue where Tools Overlay and Tool Style Popup overlapped when using WebViewer in a web component.
  • Fixed issue where a 404 error was produced for a non-existent stylesheet.
  • Fixed issue where rubber stamp preview appeared when Signature Widget was clicked for signing, if rubber stamp was the last tool selected in the Insert ribbon.
  • Fixed issue of rubber stamp tool's UI behavior which allowed a pre-selected stamp to be placed under the mouse by default.
  • Fixed issue where the tooltip would re-appear on a header button after tab switching.
  • Fixed issue where some languages were displayed vertically in the notePopup.
  • Fixed issue where the last language was not set when the setLanguage API was called multiple times.
  • Fixed issue of disabling annotation features in comments panel during multi-selecting in read-only mode.
  • Fixed issue where mentions manager did not permit a newline after a mention.
  • Fixed issue of improper display of print previews in Firefox or Safari when using multiple web component instances.
  • Fixed issue where tools remained active in the tools header even after the active Toolbar Group was disabled.
  • Fixed issue of hidden header being cut off during printing.
  • Fixed issue where the annotation popup and context menu could be open at the same time.
  • Fixed issue where signature tool header failed to correctly display and select signatures or initials based on the last selected.
  • Fixed issue where the Forms ribbon toolbar disappeared when no tool was selected.
  • Fixed issue of wrong date display for digital signatures in the signature panel.
  • Fixed issue in form-field creation mode where adding options to list-box or combo-box caused modal size expansion and hiding of bottom buttons.
  • Fixed issue in web component mode where signature deletion from signature overlay was not working.
  • Fixed issue in comments panel filter modal where document filtering state was not being saved.
  • Fixed issue where FreeText style menus were not collapsible.
  • Fixed issue with Search & Replace where supported browsers would receive a warning of that it was not supported.
  • Fixed issue where printing a rotated page with a larger height than width led to double rotation in the preview.
  • Fixed issue where link annotations with black borders were incorrectly rendered.
  • Fixed issue causing closure of the page replacement panel during swiping of replacement pages on mobile devices.
  • Fixed issue where outlines redirected to incorrect pages when the pages were rotated.
  • Fixed issue of form misalignment during printing.
  • Fixed issue where home and end hotkeys were not working correctly in page by page viewing mode.
  • Fixed issue preventing editing of pending comments with mentions.
  • Fixed issue where style dropdown of some annotations was out of view when the style overlay was near the bottom of the page.
  • Fixed issue where typed signatures font dropdown showed empty options for empty signatures.
  • Fixed issue where style popup for FreeText annotations scrolled along with the page scroll.

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