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Web / Changelog / v8.5.0

Version 8.5.0 Changelog (2022-05-12)

WebViewer Core


  • Added optimized PDF WebAssembly workers which increase rendering and search performance by 20% on average
  • Improved performance of loading documents with many pages in continuous mode. These documents are no longer automatically opened in single page mode. To disable this functionality and revert to the previous behavior you can use the disableVirtualDisplayMode: true constructor option.
  • Added the ability to snap caption positions of a distance measurement annotation to the left, right and center. The related APIs are getCaptionSnapPostion and setCaptionSnapPostion
  • Added new APIs getScales, createAndApplyScale, replaceScale, and deleteScale to MeasurementManager for managing scales
  • Added performance optimizations for loading images. By default images will be loaded direct to the DOM and only converted to a PDF on demand. This also allows support for .gif/.apng/.avif/.bmp/.webp formats. To load them as a PDF immediately the loadAsPDF: true option can be used.
  • Added support for loading TIFF files directly
  • Updated setAssociatedSignatureAnnotation so that it would automatically show/hide the "sign here" button
  • Added the Core.Scale class to make it easier to work with measurement scales
  • Updated lodash to version 4.17.21


  • Fixed issue where the layoutChanged event would not have all the changed information accurately when using WebViewer Server
  • Fixed snap mode functionality issues when drawing right to left with a distance measurement tool
  • Fixed callout annotation text box size when the annotation is resized then duplicated
  • Fixed callout annotation size when the annotation was moved and then the change was undone
  • Fixed issue where dragging annotations at high zoom levels was unusable
  • Fixed TypeScript definition for registerAnnotation and deregisterAnnotation
  • Fixed issue where signature annotations were incorrectly drawn underneath other types of annotations
  • Fixed issue where searching does not work with Edge Legacy and WebViewer Server
  • Fixed issue where zooming in really far onto the page and setting the fit mode would change the page
  • Fixed issue with loading "initialDoc" that has a comma in it
  • Fixed text selection issues with various files
  • Fixed issue where an empty string was not accepted as a valid input for AFRange_Validate in embedded JavaScript
  • Fixed issue where XOD file requests added an extra header which causes issues with cross origin requests
  • Fixed issue with loading encrypted XOD files
  • Fixed issue with snapping in the Arc tool
  • Fixed WebViewer instantiation error in Salesforce
  • Fixed issue with loading an office document with an error prevented the fixed document from being loaded until you refreshed the page
  • Fixed issue where page rotation did not work properly with WebViewer Server
  • Fixed issue where the includeAnnotations option wasn't respected when calling getFileData with WebViewer Server
  • Fixed issue where searching the document one result at a time caused issues
  • Fixed issue where the radio form field placeholder could be moved across the pages
  • Fixed issue where deleted page's bookmarks were not removed
  • Fixed issue where a custom polygon selection model would not be used after importing a polygon
  • Fixed issue where using the "extractPages" API fails if the document is opened as a PDF with the loadAsPDF option
  • Fixed issue where a particular link's URL didn't open correctly
  • Fixed issue with dark sticky annotations not changing color in dark mode

WebViewer UI


  • Added support for rich text for all comments in the Notes Panel. Keyboard shortcuts can be used to change the text style.
  • Added APIs to collapse long annotation comments in the Notes Panel. UI.NotesPanel.enable/disableTextCollapse and UI.NotesPanel.enable/disableReplyCollapse.
  • Added an input field for changing stroke thickness and opacity in the style popup
  • Added support for setting a stroke thickness less than 1 in the style popup
  • Added new API UI.addDateTimeFormat to change the available date and time formats in UI dropdowns
  • Added UI.addRedactionSearchPattern and UI.removeRedactionSearchPattern to add and remove redaction search patterns
  • Added custom apply redaction function API UI.setCustomApplyRedactionsHandler for custom behavior when the apply redactions button is pressed
  • Added new options for font customization on custom stamps
  • Added new UI.ThumbnailsPanel namespace and new UI.ThumbnailsPanel.enableMultiselect and UI.ThumbnailsPanel.disableMultiselect APIs for controlling multiselect capability in the thumbnail panel.
  • Added UI.ThumbnailsPanel.selectPages, UI.ThumbnailsPanel.unselectPages and UI.ThumbnailsPanel.getSelectedPageNumbers. This should be used instead of selectThumbnailPages, unselectThumbnailPages, and getSelectedThumbnailPageNumbers which have been deprecated.
  • Added dark mode support for the redaction panel
  • Added accessibility support for the TAB hotkey for the Language Modal
  • Added support for the center alignment for signatures on fields


  • Fixed issue where crop popup not opening in different languages
  • Fixed issue where the redaction panel was not displaying the annotations correctly in a language other than English
  • Fixed issue where VISIBILITY_CHANGED was not being fired for the Left Panel tabs
  • Fixed issue where a link wasn't able to be added by pressing Enter in the link modal
  • Removed thumbnail and search panel elements from tabbing order when they are hidden
  • Fixed issue where Redaction Panel controls were being cut-off when viewing in tablets
  • Fixed issue with tab state not being saved and throwing an error in multitab mode
  • Fixed issues related to the language modal with the mobile UI
  • Fixed issue where the search text was overlapping the clear button if it was too long
  • Fixed issue with the crop popup taking up the entire screen size on mobile devices
  • Fixed issue where document crop popup was not appearing properly on Internet Explorer
  • Fixed issue where there distance measurement annotations with the FontSize property wouldn't show the font size slider
  • Fixed printing issue in Chrome and Firefox browsers on iOS devices
  • Fixed issue where the Add New Signature button did not show up in the UI when the tool was active

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