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Xamarin / FAQ / Add a license key

Add license key

It is important that you initialize Apryse library with a valid license key before using any Apryse classes.

Please be sure to initialize Apryse SDK before any calls to Apryse APIs.

In Xamarin.Android

In your MainActivity.cs file's OnCreate method (before SetContentView), add:

pdftron.PDFNet.Initialize(this, Resource.Raw.pdfnet, "Insert commercial license key here after purchase");

or if you only installed PDFTron.Android.Tools package, you can instead use:

pdftron.PDF.Tools.Utils.AppUtils.InitializePDFNetApplication(this, "Insert commercial license key here after purchase");

And you are set to go! Now time to show a PDF .

In Xamarin.iOS

pdftron.PDFNet.Initialize("Insert commercial license key here after purchase");

And you are set to go! Now time to show a PDF .

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