Step 2: View a document in Xamarin.iOS

  1. If you do not already have an existing application, create a new Visual Studio iOS App project with Single View App.
  2. Add these namespaces to ViewController.cs:


1using pdftron;
2using pdftron.PDF.Controls;
  1. Add a new NavigationController as the entry point and make the existing ViewController the root view controller:

Apryse Docs Image

Your final setup should look like this:

Apryse Docs Image
  1. Add the following lines to the ViewDidLoad() method:


1var documentController = new PTDocumentController();
2this.NavigationController.PushViewController(documentController, true);
3documentController.OpenDocumentWithURL(new Uri(""));
  1. Run the application in debug mode and you should see the DocumentController start up:
Apryse Docs Image

Next step

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