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Migrate to the New Viewer UI

Migrate to the New Viewer UI in Xamarin.iOS

To learn more about the new UI, please see the new UI overview

In version 8.0.0 , we introduced a new version of the main viewing component. The new class, PTDocumentController, is a near drop-in replacement for the old PTDocumentViewController.

The new UI's API is almost entirely additive, so migrating will in many cases be a case of changing only the class name of the instantiated view controller. If you have implemented delegate methods or accessed a select few APIs, some other code changes will need to be made, as explained below.

If using PTDocumentViewController

  • To update: Update all references of PTDocumentViewController to PTDocumentController.

Delegate methods

The class' delegate type has been changed from PTDocumentViewControllerDelegate to PTDocumentControllerDelegate.

Required change: If you have implemented delegate methods, must update the protocol you implement and the method signatures:

  1. Change the conforming delegate from PTDocumentViewControllerDelegate to PTDocumentControllerDelegate.

  2. Change the delegate methods to reference the PTDocumentController, both in method name and parameter type, eg:

is now

If using PTTabbedDocumentViewController

As of version 8.0.2, the PTTabbedDocumentViewController will by default create tabs which host instances of PTDocumentController rather than legacy PTDocumentViewController objects. No changes to accomplish this are needed on your part.

(To revert to the old legacy UI, set the viewControllerClass property of the tabbed document view controller to PTDocumentViewController).

The PTTabbedDocumentViewController's property types (e.g. selectedViewController) and method signatures (e.g. documentViewControllerAtIndex:) have changed to reference the PTDocumentBaseViewController abstract base class, from which both the PTDocumentController and legacy PTDocumentViewController inherit.

  • Required change: In Objective-C be careful to reference the correct class type for your project. In Swift the compiler should guide you in making the necessary changes.

Delegate methods

The type of the documentViewController parameter of the tabbedDocumentViewController:willAddDocumentViewController: delegate method has changed from PTDocumentViewController to the abstract base class PTDocumentBaseViewController.

  • Required change: You must match the parameter type in your implementation of the PTTabbedDocumentViewControllerDelegate protocol. In Swift if the parameter type in your implementation does not match the type declared in the protocol then your implementation of the method will not be called.

Update API-based customizations

The table below lists APIs that have changed.


Most properties operate as before. These are the ones that have been removed, and how to accomplish the same thing with a PTDocumentController.

Removed PTDocumentViewController propertiesHow to achieve the same functionality with a PTDocumentController.
freehandButtonHiddenOne-touch access to freehand annotations is now found in the toolbar. It (and any other tool's button) can be hidden as described in the customize guide.
annotationToolbarButtonHiddenThe visibility of the toolbar is now controlled via the toolbar switcher. The switcher can be hidden as described in the customize guide.
freehandButtonItemA freehand button no longer exists by default in the the navigation items, but one can be added described in the customize guide.
annotationButtonItemThe toolbar's visibility is now controlled by a PTAnnotationModeIndicatorView.
undoButtonItemThis property is now part of PTAnnotationModeManager.
redoButtonItemThis property is now part of PTAnnotationModeManager.
annotationToolbarThe customize guide shows how to programmatically customize the new annotation toolbar. The old annotation toolbar class, PTAnnotationToolbar, is still available if your app requires it.
annotationToolbarHiddenThe customize guide shows how to hide and show the new annotation toolbar.

Annotation toolbar

The PTAnnotationToolbar is no longer used, as the new classes are far more versatile and customizable. The old class is available for direct integration if your app requires it.

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