Right to Left Scrolling support

You can choose to change the scrolling direction to Right-to-Left if you require so for your document or language.

Right-to-left support (RTL) in Xamarin.Android

To support right-to-left (RTL) language documents, the Apryse SDK provides a high-level API for changing the reading direction of documents in your document viewer.

Apryse Docs Image

If you are using DocumentActivity or PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2, you can enable right-to-left (RTL) support in your document viewer by setting it with ViewerConfig:

1//@data {"m":true}//
2ViewerConfig.Builder builder = new ViewerConfig.Builder();
3ViewerConfig config = builder
4 .FullscreenModeEnabled(true)
5 .MultiTabEnabled(true)
6 .DocumentEditingEnabled(true)
7 .LongPressQuickMenuEnabled(true)
8 // ...
9 .RightToLeftModeEnabled(true) // Enable RTL mode, must also call showRightToLeftOption
10 .ShowRightToLeftOption(true) // Show RTL toggle button in view mode dialog
11 .Build();

Note that if you call rightToLeftModeEnabled you must also call showRightToLeftOption in order for right-to-left (RTL) mode to be enabled.

If you would like more granular control over your document viewer, you can enable right-to-left (RTL) directly in PDFViewCtrl by calling PDFViewCtrl.setRightToLeftLanguage(true).

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