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Android / Changelog / v9.0.1

Version 9.0.1 Changelog (June 03, 2021)


Release Date: June 03, 2021

New features

Digital signature validation dialogSignature properties
  • Adds options overflow menu to all toolbars in the compact mode for ease of use
  • Adds page number to individual item in the user bookmarks screen
  • Adds ability to rename a file prior to saving as flattened copy, reduced size copy, permanently cropped copy as well as password-protected copy
  • Adds API to permanently show the page number indicator, see permanentPageNumberIndicator
  • Adds a new document generation sample to showcase app


  • Fixes incorrect theming when using annot note dialog and free text dialog
  • Fixes issue where it was possible to add multiple user bookmarks of the same page
  • Fixes issue where incorrect crop box for stamp annotation was shown at large zoom level
  • Fixes issue where page number indicator did not update properly in reflow mode
  • Fixes issue where the quick menu layout was incorrect when certain tools were disabled
  • Fixes issue where edit toolbar did not show up when drawing advanced shape
  • Fixes issue where back button closes the viewer instead of closing the navigation list panel
  • Fixes potential crash when dismissing the toolbar switcher then backgrounding/foregrounding the app
  • Performance improvement for the viewer
  • Theme fixes for a number of screens


PDFViewCtrlTools package


new method: Builder autoSortUserBookmarks(boolean)

new method: Builder permanentPageNumberIndicator(boolean)

new method: Builder showDigitalSignaturesOption(boolean)


new method: void onEditBookmarkFocusChanged(boolean)


new method: void onEditBookmarkFocusChanged(boolean)


new method: void setCurrentPage(int)


new constructor: SaveFolderWrapper(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment, ExternalFileInfo, String, boolean, String)

new constructor: SaveFolderWrapper(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment, File, String, boolean, String)

removed constructor: SaveFolderWrapper(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment, ExternalFileInfo, boolean, String)

removed constructor: SaveFolderWrapper(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment, File, boolean, String)


new method: void setReflowMode(boolean)


new method: void onEditBookmarkFocusChanged(boolean)

new method: void showDigitalSignatureList()


removed method: void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater)


new constructor: ThumbnailsViewAdapter(Context, EditPagesListener, FragmentManager, PDFViewCtrl, List<Integer>, int, ViewHolderBindListener, Theme)

removed constructor: ThumbnailsViewAdapter(Context, EditPagesListener, FragmentManager, PDFViewCtrl, List<Integer>, int, ViewHolderBindListener)


new class: Theme

new constructor: Theme(int, int, int, int)

new final field: int activePageNumberBackgroundColor

new final field: int activePageNumberTextColor

new final field: int pageNumberBackgroundColor

new final field: int pageNumberTextColor

new static method: Theme fromContext(Context)


new static final field: String BUNDLE_AUTO_SORT_BOOKMARKS


new method: void onEditBookmarkFocusChanged(boolean)


new class: DigitalSignatureUtils

new constructor: DigitalSignatureUtils()

new static method: void addCertificate(Context, File)

new static method: void clearCertificates(Context)

new static method: File[] getCertificates(Context)

new static method: String getDigestAlgorithm(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getDigestStatus(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: DigitalSignatureInfo getDigitalSignatureInformation(Context, DigitalSignatureField, PDFViewCtrl)

new static method: DigitalSignatureProperties getDigitalSignatureProperties(Context, DigitalSignatureField, PDFViewCtrl)

new static method: String getDisallowedChanges(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getFieldVerificationStatus(Context, VerificationResult, DigitalSignatureField)

new static method: String getGeneralErrorReport(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getPermissionDetails(Context, DigitalSignatureField)

new static method: String getPermissionStatus(Context, VerificationResult, DigitalSignatureField)

new static method: String getSigner(Context, VerificationResult, DigitalSignatureField)

new static method: String getSignerSummary(Context, DigitalSignatureField, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getSigningTime(DigitalSignatureField)

new static method: String getTimeOfTrustVerification(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getTimeOfTrustVerificationDetails(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getTimeOfTrustVerificationWithExplanation(Context, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getTrustStatus(Context, DigitalSignatureField, VerificationResult)

new static method: String getValiditySummary(Context, DigitalSignatureField, VerificationResult)

new static method: VerificationResult getVerificationResult(Context, DigitalSignatureField)

new static method: boolean hasDigitalSignatures(PDFDoc)

new static method: boolean hasDisallowedChanges(VerificationResult)


new class: DigitalSignatureInfo

new constructor: DigitalSignatureInfo(DigitalSignatureBadge, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, DigitalSignatureProperties)

new final field: DigitalSignatureProperties digitalSignatureProperties


new interface: DigitalSignatureInfoBase


new class: DigitalSignatureListDialog

new constructor: DigitalSignatureListDialog()

new static method: DigitalSignatureListDialog newInstance()

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)

new method: void setPDFViewCtrl(PDFViewCtrl)


new final class: DigitalSignatureBadge

new static final field: DigitalSignatureBadge ERROR

new static final field: DigitalSignatureBadge VALID

new static final field: DigitalSignatureBadge WARNING

new static method: DigitalSignatureBadge valueOf(String)

new static method: DigitalSignatureBadge[] values()


new class: UnsignedDigitalSignatureInfo

new constructor: UnsignedDigitalSignatureInfo(String)


new class: DigitalSignatureProperties

new constructor: DigitalSignatureProperties(DigitalSignatureBadge, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)

new final field: DigitalSignatureBadge badge

new final field: String digestAlgorithm

new final field: String digestStatus

new final field: String generalErrorReport

new final field: String permissionDetails

new final field: String permissionStatus

new final field: String signerSummary

new final field: String trustStatus

new final field: String trustVerificationTime

new final field: String validitySummary


new class: DigitalSignaturePropertiesDialog

new constructor: DigitalSignaturePropertiesDialog()

new method: void bindTextViews()

new static method: DigitalSignaturePropertiesDialog newInstance()

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)

new method: void setDigitalSignatureProperties(DigitalSignatureProperties)


new static final field: int EVENT_SETTING_CHANGE_ABOUT

new static final field: int EVENT_SETTING_CHANGE_ANNOTATION

new static final field: int EVENT_SETTING_CHANGE_GENERAL

new static final field: int EVENT_SETTING_CHANGE_STYLUS

new static final field: int EVENT_SETTING_CHANGE_TABS

new static final field: int EVENT_SETTING_CHANGE_VIEWING


new static final field: String KEY_PREF_SCROLLBAR_GUIDELINE

new static method: boolean getShowNavigationBarForNewUI(Context)

new static method: boolean getShowScrollbarGuideline(Context)

new static method: void setShowNavigationBarForNewUI(Context, boolean)

new static method: void setShowScrollbarGuideline(Context, boolean)


new class: SwipeDetector

new constructor: SwipeDetector()

new method: void handleOnDown(MotionEvent)

new method: void handleOnUp(MotionEvent)

new method: boolean isHorizontalSwipe()

new method: boolean isVerticalSwipe()


new class: InertWebView

new constructor: InertWebView(Context)

new constructor: InertWebView(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: InertWebView(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)


new method: void setZoom(double)

modified class: PTCropImageView

From:public class PTCropImageView extends CropImageView
To:public class PTCropImageView extends PTCropImageViewBase


new class: PTCropImageViewBase

new constructor: PTCropImageViewBase(Context)

new constructor: PTCropImageViewBase(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: PTCropImageViewBase(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new static final field: int GUIDELINES_OFF

new static final field: int GUIDELINES_ON

new static final field: int GUIDELINES_ON_TOUCH

new method: Bitmap getCroppedImage()

new method: boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)

new method: void setAspectRatio(int, int)

new method: void setFixedAspectRatio(boolean)

new method: void setGuidelines(int)


new method: void setReflowMode(boolean)

pdfnet-demo-utils package


new method: boolean onPreferenceStartFragment(PreferenceFragmentCompat, Preference)

new method: void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)

new method: boolean onSupportNavigateUp()

new static method: void setPreferencesDefaultValues(Context)

removed method: boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem)

modified class: SettingsActivity

From:public class SettingsActivity extends AppCompatActivity
To:public class SettingsActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback


removed class: SettingsFragment

removed constructor: SettingsFragment()

removed method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)

removed method: void onDisplayPreferenceDialog(Preference)


new class: AboutFragmentBase

new constructor: AboutFragmentBase()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)

new method: void onDisplayPreferenceDialog(Preference)


new class: AnnotatingFragmentBase

new constructor: AnnotatingFragmentBase()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: GeneralFragmentBase

new constructor: GeneralFragmentBase()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: SearchSettingFragmentBase

new constructor: SearchSettingFragmentBase()

new static final field: String START_PREFERENCE

new method: void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater)

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onStop()


new class: SettingFragmentBase

new constructor: SettingFragmentBase()

new method: void onActivityCreated(Bundle)

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: SettingsFragment

new constructor: SettingsFragment()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: StylusFragmentBase

new constructor: StylusFragmentBase()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: TabsFragmentBase

new constructor: TabsFragmentBase()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: ViewingFragmentBase

new constructor: ViewingFragmentBase()

new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)


new class: FrescoCustomPoolFactory

new constructor: FrescoCustomPoolFactory(PoolConfig, int)

new method: PooledByteBufferFactory getPooledByteBufferFactory()


new static final field: String KEY_PREF_CATEGORY_ABOUT

new static final field: String KEY_PREF_CATEGORY_ANNOTATING

new static final field: String KEY_PREF_CATEGORY_GENERAL

new static final field: String KEY_PREF_CATEGORY_STYLUS

new static final field: String KEY_PREF_CATEGORY_TABS

new static final field: String KEY_PREF_CATEGORY_VIEWING

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