Version 9.2.1 Changelog (March 21, 2022)


Release Date: March 21, 2022

New features

  • Updated UX for signature flow
Apryse Docs Image
  • New free text rotation
Apryse Docs Image
Apryse Docs Image
  • Support for adding comments to text markup in reflow mode
  • Support large font via device accessibility settings in the viewer
  • New duplicate option for existing annotations
  • New APIs to set editing options in the ThumbnailsViewFragment

Breaking changes

If you are experiencing issues with upgrading, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  • Fixed issue where annotation reply to sticky note is missing UUID
  • Fixed issue where floating point width for stroke thickness would not work
  • Fixed issue where object eraser would not behave properly
  • Fixed issue where usingFileExtension would not work with XOD file without extension
  • Fixed issue where quick menu for text markup would not appear if long press quick menu is disabled
  • Fixed issue where keyboard would not come up for Free Text on Android 12
  • Fixed issue where camera would not show up in the image stamp tool on Android 12
  • Fixed issue where search previous and next buttons would have square ripple effect on Android 12
  • Fixed issue where text markup menu items in reflow mode sometimes would not show up on Android 12
  • Fixed issue where decimal could not be entered with Samsung keyboard on certain devices
  • Fixed crash with moving grouped annotations
  • [collab] Fixed issue where sticky note annotation would not be selectable in some situations
  • [collab] Fixed issue where addUser would not create the correct id to name mapping for other users
  • UX improvements on page cropping
  • UX improvements on outline editing


PDFViewCtrlTools package


new method: void setSignatures(List<File>)


new method: Builder hideThumbnailEditOptions(ThumbnailsViewEditOptions[])

new method: Builder quickBookmarkCreation(boolean)


new method: LiveData<BookmarksCache> getBookmarks()

new method: MutableLiveData<PageState> getPageChange()

new method: void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)


new method: void setup(PDFDoc, ToolManager, OnPostProcessColorListener)


new method: void setToolManager(ToolManager)


new method: void rotateDocPage(int, boolean)


new static method: ThumbnailsViewFragment newInstance(boolean, boolean, int[], String[])


new final class: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_DELETE_PAGES

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_DUPLICATE_PAGES

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_EXPORT_PAGES

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_INSERT_FROM_DOCUMENT

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_INSERT_FROM_IMAGE

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_INSERT_PAGES

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_PAGE_LABEL

new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_ROTATE_PAGES

new static method: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions valueOf(String)

new static method: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions[] values()


removed class: UserCropApplyDialogFragment

removed constructor: UserCropApplyDialogFragment()

removed static final field: String BUNDLE_IS_EVEN

removed static final field: Integer OPTION_ALL_PAGES

removed static final field: Integer OPTION_EDITED_PAGE

removed static final field: Integer OPTION_ODD_OR_EVEN_PAGES

removed static method: UserCropApplyDialogFragment newInstance(boolean)

removed method: Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle)

removed method: void setUserCropApplyDialogListener(UserCropApplyDialogListener)


removed interface: UserCropApplyDialogListener

removed method: void onApplyCropOption(int)


new static final field: int ITEM_NOTE


new method: void onCreate(Bundle)


new final field: int value

new static method: DialogMode fromValue(int)


new method: SignatureDialogFragmentBuilder usingDialogMode(DialogMode)


new class: BookmarkButtonState

new constructor: BookmarkButtonState(boolean)

new method: boolean isSelected()


new class: PageState

new constructor: PageState(int)

new method: int getCurrentPage()


new field: boolean deleted


new constructor: DialogAnnotNote(Context, String, boolean)


new method: void showSignaturePickerDialog(OnCreateSignatureListener, OnDialogDismissListener, DialogMode)


new method: void raiseBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)


new method: void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)


new method: void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)


new static final field: String EVENT_EDIT_OUTLINE_EDIT

removed static final field: String EVENT_EDIT_OUTLINE_RENAME


new static field: String KEY_ANNOT_ROTATION

new static field: String KEY_UNROTATED_BBOX

new static method: Rect deserializeRect(String)

new static method: String getAnnotContents(PDFDoc, Annot)

new static method: int getAnnotRotation(Annot)

new static method: int getAnnotUIRotation(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)

new static method: Rect getUnrotatedBBox(Annot)

new static method: boolean hasPermission(PDFDoc, ToolManager, Annot, int)

new static method: boolean hasPermission(PDFViewCtrl, PDFDoc, ToolManager, Annot, int)

new static method: boolean hasRotation(Annot)

new static method: boolean hasRotation(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)

new static method: void saveUnrotatedBBox(Annot)

new static method: String serializeRect(Rect)

new static method: void setAnnotContents(PDFDoc, Markup, String)

new static method: void setBorderStyle(Annot, int, int, double[])


new method: void onClipboardTaskDone(String, ArrayList<Annot>)

removed method: void onnClipboardTaskDone(String)


new static method: void addUserBookmark(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, int)

new static method: void importUserBookmarks(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, String)

new static method: void onPageDeleted(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, Long, int, int)

new static method: void onPageMoved(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, long, int, int)

new static method: void removeUserBookmark(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, int)

new static method: void saveUserBookmarks(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, List<UserBookmarkItem>)

new static method: void updateUserBookmarkPageObj(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, long, int)


new static method: boolean getFreeHighlighterSmoothing(Context)

new static method: boolean getQuickBookmarkCreation(Context)


new class: RotationUtils

new constructor: RotationUtils()

new static method: double getRotationAngleInRadiansByDegrees(int)

new static method: Rect getUnrotatedDimensionsFromBBox(Rect, int)

new static method: RectF getUnrotatedDimensionsFromBBoxRectF(Rect, int)

new static method: boolean isDivisibleByPiOverFour(double)

new static method: boolean shouldMaintainAspectRatio(int)


new static method: Single<File> getSignaturePreview(Context, String)


new static method: void handleEmptyPopup(PDFDoc, Markup)

new static method: Drawable tintDrawable(Context, Drawable)

new static method: void updateDashedLineColor(View, int)

removed static method: void handleEmptyPopup(PDFViewCtrl, Markup)


new static method: Annot getAnnotById(PDFDoc, String, int)


new class: BookmarksCache

new constructor: BookmarksCache()

new method: boolean containsBookmark(int)

new method: List<UserBookmarkItem> getBookmarkItems()

new method: void setBookmarkItems(List<UserBookmarkItem>)

new method: void updateCache(PDFViewCtrl, boolean)


new class: BookmarkButtonViewModel

new constructor: BookmarkButtonViewModel(Application)

new method: void attachBookmarkData(LiveData<BookmarksCache>)

new method: void attachPageData(LiveData<PageState>)

new final method: void observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer<BookmarkButtonState>)


new class: BookmarksViewModel

new constructor: BookmarksViewModel(Application)

new method: LiveData<BookmarksCache> getBookmarks()

new method: void loadBookmarks(PDFViewCtrl, boolean)

new final method: void observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer<BookmarksCache>)

new method: void setBookmarks(List<UserBookmarkItem>)

new method: void toggleBookmark(Context, boolean, PDFViewCtrl, int)


new class: PageChangeViewModel

new constructor: PageChangeViewModel(Application)

new method: MutableLiveData<PageState> getPageState()

new method: void observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer<PageState>)

new method: void onPageChange(PageState)


new method: void setRotateImpl(RotationImpl)

removed method: PointF center()

removed method: RotateInfo handleRotation(PointF, PointF, boolean)

removed method: void snapToDegree(Integer, float)


new method: int getAnnotUIRotation()

new method: void setAnnotUIRotation(int)

new method: void snapToDegree(Integer, float)

removed method: InertRichEditor getRichEditor()


new field: int mAnnotUIRotation


new method: void rotateToDegree()

new method: void setRotateImpl(RotationImpl)


new method: void setPTCropImageViewListener(PTCropImageViewListener)


new interface: PTCropImageViewListener

new method: void cropWindowChanged()


new method: void setCustomSize(int)

new method: void setImageResource(int)


new class: RotationImpl

new constructor: RotationImpl(AnnotViewImpl)

new field: float mRotDegree

new field: float mRotDegreeSave

new field: boolean mRotated

new field: boolean mRotating

new field: Integer mSnapDegree

new method: PointF center()

new method: RotateInfo handleRotation(PointF, PointF, boolean)

new method: void snapToDegree(Integer, float)


removed method: void setCustomSize(int)

removed method: void setImageResource(int)


new method: void setItemIcon(int, Drawable)

new method: void setShowBackground(int, boolean)


new method: void setItemIcon(int, Drawable)

new method: void setShowBackground(int, boolean)


new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, ViewGroup)

new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, PresetBarView)

new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, PresetBarView, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>)

removed constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, ViewGroup)

removed constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, PresetBarView)

removed constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, PresetBarView, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>)


new constructor: PresetBarTheme(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)

new final field: int accentColor

removed constructor: PresetBarTheme(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)


new method: void singlePresetWithBackground(boolean)


new method: void presetIconWithBackground(boolean)

new method: void setArrowIconVisible(boolean)

new method: void setBackgroundColor(int)

new method: void setTextColor(int)

removed method: void setIconColor(int)


new class: SignaturePresetComponent

new constructor: SignaturePresetComponent(LifecycleOwner, SignatureViewModel, SignatureSelectionView, Context)

new final field: Context mContext

new method: void attachDialogToViewModel()

new method: void close()

new method: void setButtonEventListener(ButtonClickListener)

new method: void show()


new class: SignatureSelectionDialog

new constructor: SignatureSelectionDialog(FragmentManager)

new static final field: String TAG

new method: void close()

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void setAnchorView(View)

new method: void setButtonEventListener(ButtonClickListener)

new method: void setSignatures(List<String>)

new method: void show()


new interface: ButtonClickListener

new method: void onCreateClicked()

new method: void onFirstSignatureClicked()

new method: void onManageClicked()

new method: void onSecondSignatureClicked()


new interface: SignatureSelectionView

new method: void close()

new method: void setButtonEventListener(ButtonClickListener)

new method: void setSignatures(List<String>)

new method: void show()


new class: SignatureViewModel

new constructor: SignatureViewModel(Application)

new method: List<SignatureData> getSignatures()

new method: boolean hasSignatures()

new method: void observeSignatures(LifecycleOwner, Observer<List<SignatureData>>)

new method: void populateSignaturesAsync(Context)

new method: void populateSignaturesAsync(Context, Consumer<List<SignatureData>>)


new class: SignatureData

new constructor: SignatureData(String, long)

new method: String getFilePath()

new method: long getLastUsedRawDate()


new constructor: TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent(Fragment, FragmentManager, AnnotationToolbarViewModel, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, AnnotationToolbarView, boolean, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>, boolean)

removed constructor: TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent(Fragment, FragmentManager, AnnotationToolbarViewModel, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, AnnotationToolbarView, boolean, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>, boolean)


new method: void setShowBackground(boolean)


new method: void setBackground(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemIcon(int, Drawable)


new method: void setIcon(Drawable)


new method: BookmarkNode commitEditEntry()

removed method: BookmarkNode commitRename()


new method: TextView getTvPageNumber()

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