React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: March 21, 2022
has been replaced with onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
has been replaced with raiseBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
now requires SignatureViewModel
as an additional parameter.If you are experiencing issues with upgrading, please don't hesitate to contact us.
would not work with XOD file without extensionaddUser
would not create the correct id to name mapping for other usersnew method: void setSignatures(List<File>)
new method: Builder hideThumbnailEditOptions(ThumbnailsViewEditOptions[])
new method: Builder quickBookmarkCreation(boolean)
new method: LiveData<BookmarksCache> getBookmarks()
new method: MutableLiveData<PageState> getPageChange()
new method: void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new method: void setup(PDFDoc, ToolManager, OnPostProcessColorListener)
new method: void setToolManager(ToolManager)
new method: void rotateDocPage(int, boolean)
new static method: ThumbnailsViewFragment newInstance(boolean, boolean, int[], String[])
new final class: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_DELETE_PAGES
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_DUPLICATE_PAGES
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_EXPORT_PAGES
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_INSERT_FROM_DOCUMENT
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_INSERT_FROM_IMAGE
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_INSERT_PAGES
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_PAGE_LABEL
new static final field: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions OPTION_ROTATE_PAGES
new static method: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions valueOf(String)
new static method: ThumbnailsViewEditOptions[] values()
removed class: UserCropApplyDialogFragment
removed constructor: UserCropApplyDialogFragment()
removed static final field: String BUNDLE_IS_EVEN
removed static final field: Integer OPTION_ALL_PAGES
removed static final field: Integer OPTION_EDITED_PAGE
removed static final field: Integer OPTION_ODD_OR_EVEN_PAGES
removed static method: UserCropApplyDialogFragment newInstance(boolean)
removed method: Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle)
removed method: void setUserCropApplyDialogListener(UserCropApplyDialogListener)
removed interface: UserCropApplyDialogListener
removed method: void onApplyCropOption(int)
new static final field: int ITEM_NOTE
new method: void onCreate(Bundle)
new final field: int value
new static method: DialogMode fromValue(int)
new method: SignatureDialogFragmentBuilder usingDialogMode(DialogMode)
new class: BookmarkButtonState
new constructor: BookmarkButtonState(boolean)
new method: boolean isSelected()
new class: PageState
new constructor: PageState(int)
new method: int getCurrentPage()
new field: boolean deleted
new constructor: DialogAnnotNote(Context, String, boolean)
new method: void showSignaturePickerDialog(OnCreateSignatureListener, OnDialogDismissListener, DialogMode)
new method: void raiseBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new method: void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new method: void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new static final field: String EVENT_EDIT_OUTLINE_EDIT
removed static final field: String EVENT_EDIT_OUTLINE_RENAME
new static field: String KEY_ANNOT_ROTATION
new static field: String KEY_UNROTATED_BBOX
new static method: Rect deserializeRect(String)
new static method: String getAnnotContents(PDFDoc, Annot)
new static method: int getAnnotRotation(Annot)
new static method: int getAnnotUIRotation(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)
new static method: Rect getUnrotatedBBox(Annot)
new static method: boolean hasPermission(PDFDoc, ToolManager, Annot, int)
new static method: boolean hasPermission(PDFViewCtrl, PDFDoc, ToolManager, Annot, int)
new static method: boolean hasRotation(Annot)
new static method: boolean hasRotation(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)
new static method: void saveUnrotatedBBox(Annot)
new static method: String serializeRect(Rect)
new static method: void setAnnotContents(PDFDoc, Markup, String)
new static method: void setBorderStyle(Annot, int, int, double[])
new method: void onClipboardTaskDone(String, ArrayList<Annot>)
removed method: void onnClipboardTaskDone(String)
new static method: void addUserBookmark(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, int)
new static method: void importUserBookmarks(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, String)
new static method: void onPageDeleted(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, Long, int, int)
new static method: void onPageMoved(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, long, int, int)
new static method: void removeUserBookmark(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, int)
new static method: void saveUserBookmarks(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new static method: void updateUserBookmarkPageObj(Context, PDFViewCtrl, String, long, long, int)
new static method: boolean getFreeHighlighterSmoothing(Context)
new static method: boolean getQuickBookmarkCreation(Context)
new class: RotationUtils
new constructor: RotationUtils()
new static method: double getRotationAngleInRadiansByDegrees(int)
new static method: Rect getUnrotatedDimensionsFromBBox(Rect, int)
new static method: RectF getUnrotatedDimensionsFromBBoxRectF(Rect, int)
new static method: boolean isDivisibleByPiOverFour(double)
new static method: boolean shouldMaintainAspectRatio(int)
new static method: Single<File> getSignaturePreview(Context, String)
new static method: void handleEmptyPopup(PDFDoc, Markup)
new static method: Drawable tintDrawable(Context, Drawable)
new static method: void updateDashedLineColor(View, int)
removed static method: void handleEmptyPopup(PDFViewCtrl, Markup)
new static method: Annot getAnnotById(PDFDoc, String, int)
new class: BookmarksCache
new constructor: BookmarksCache()
new method: boolean containsBookmark(int)
new method: List<UserBookmarkItem> getBookmarkItems()
new method: void setBookmarkItems(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new method: void updateCache(PDFViewCtrl, boolean)
new class: BookmarkButtonViewModel
new constructor: BookmarkButtonViewModel(Application)
new method: void attachBookmarkData(LiveData<BookmarksCache>)
new method: void attachPageData(LiveData<PageState>)
new final method: void observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer<BookmarkButtonState>)
new class: BookmarksViewModel
new constructor: BookmarksViewModel(Application)
new method: LiveData<BookmarksCache> getBookmarks()
new method: void loadBookmarks(PDFViewCtrl, boolean)
new final method: void observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer<BookmarksCache>)
new method: void setBookmarks(List<UserBookmarkItem>)
new method: void toggleBookmark(Context, boolean, PDFViewCtrl, int)
new class: PageChangeViewModel
new constructor: PageChangeViewModel(Application)
new method: MutableLiveData<PageState> getPageState()
new method: void observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer<PageState>)
new method: void onPageChange(PageState)
new method: void setRotateImpl(RotationImpl)
removed method: PointF center()
removed method: RotateInfo handleRotation(PointF, PointF, boolean)
removed method: void snapToDegree(Integer, float)
new method: int getAnnotUIRotation()
new method: void setAnnotUIRotation(int)
new method: void snapToDegree(Integer, float)
removed method: InertRichEditor getRichEditor()
new field: int mAnnotUIRotation
new method: void rotateToDegree()
new method: void setRotateImpl(RotationImpl)
new method: void setPTCropImageViewListener(PTCropImageViewListener)
new interface: PTCropImageViewListener
new method: void cropWindowChanged()
new method: void setCustomSize(int)
new method: void setImageResource(int)
new class: RotationImpl
new constructor: RotationImpl(AnnotViewImpl)
new field: float mRotDegree
new field: float mRotDegreeSave
new field: boolean mRotated
new field: boolean mRotating
new field: Integer mSnapDegree
new method: PointF center()
new method: RotateInfo handleRotation(PointF, PointF, boolean)
new method: void snapToDegree(Integer, float)
removed method: void setCustomSize(int)
removed method: void setImageResource(int)
new method: void setItemIcon(int, Drawable)
new method: void setShowBackground(int, boolean)
new method: void setItemIcon(int, Drawable)
new method: void setShowBackground(int, boolean)
new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, ViewGroup)
new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, PresetBarView)
new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, PresetBarView, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>)
removed constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, ViewGroup)
removed constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, PresetBarView)
removed constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, PresetBarView, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>)
new constructor: PresetBarTheme(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
new final field: int accentColor
removed constructor: PresetBarTheme(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
new method: void singlePresetWithBackground(boolean)
new method: void presetIconWithBackground(boolean)
new method: void setArrowIconVisible(boolean)
new method: void setBackgroundColor(int)
new method: void setTextColor(int)
removed method: void setIconColor(int)
new class: SignaturePresetComponent
new constructor: SignaturePresetComponent(LifecycleOwner, SignatureViewModel, SignatureSelectionView, Context)
new final field: Context mContext
new method: void attachDialogToViewModel()
new method: void close()
new method: void setButtonEventListener(ButtonClickListener)
new method: void show()
new class: SignatureSelectionDialog
new constructor: SignatureSelectionDialog(FragmentManager)
new static final field: String TAG
new method: void close()
new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
new method: void setAnchorView(View)
new method: void setButtonEventListener(ButtonClickListener)
new method: void setSignatures(List<String>)
new method: void show()
new interface: ButtonClickListener
new method: void onCreateClicked()
new method: void onFirstSignatureClicked()
new method: void onManageClicked()
new method: void onSecondSignatureClicked()
new interface: SignatureSelectionView
new method: void close()
new method: void setButtonEventListener(ButtonClickListener)
new method: void setSignatures(List<String>)
new method: void show()
new class: SignatureViewModel
new constructor: SignatureViewModel(Application)
new method: List<SignatureData> getSignatures()
new method: boolean hasSignatures()
new method: void observeSignatures(LifecycleOwner, Observer<List<SignatureData>>)
new method: void populateSignaturesAsync(Context)
new method: void populateSignaturesAsync(Context, Consumer<List<SignatureData>>)
new class: SignatureData
new constructor: SignatureData(String, long)
new method: String getFilePath()
new method: long getLastUsedRawDate()
new constructor: TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent(Fragment, FragmentManager, AnnotationToolbarViewModel, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, SignatureViewModel, AnnotationToolbarView, boolean, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>, boolean)
removed constructor: TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent(Fragment, FragmentManager, AnnotationToolbarViewModel, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, AnnotationToolbarView, boolean, HashSet<ToolbarButtonType>, boolean)
new method: void setShowBackground(boolean)
new method: void setBackground(int, boolean)
new method: void setItemIcon(int, Drawable)
new method: void setIcon(Drawable)
new method: BookmarkNode commitEditEntry()
removed method: BookmarkNode commitRename()
new method: TextView getTvPageNumber()
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