Release Date: February 17, 2023
to enable custom appearance for text form fields, default to falseThis release of Apryse for Android brings the core PDF functionality inline with version 9.5.0 of the Apryse cross-platform APIs. More information can be found on What's new for cross-platform APIs. All none-module or SVG related changes apply to Android.
new method: Bundle getBundle()
new static final field: String INITIAL_INPUT
new static method: TextInputDialog newInstance(int, int, int, int, int, Bundle, String)
new constructor: FileInfo(FileInfo, String)
new static final field: String BACKGROUND_ALPHA
new method: void onClose()
new method: boolean onUp(MotionEvent, PriorEventMode)
new method: boolean isTextFieldCustomAppearanceEnabled()
new method: void setTextFieldCustomAppearanceEnabled(boolean)
new static method: double getFormFieldBackgroundOpacity(Annot)
new static method: boolean isTextField(Annot)
new static final field: String KEY_PREF_SUFFIX_XODO_DRIVE_FILES
removed static final field: String KEY_PREF_SUFFIX_DOCUMENTS_FILES
removed synchronized method: LinkedHashMap<String, PdfViewCtrlTabInfo> getAllPdfViewCtrlTabInfo(Context)
removed static method: Timestamp safeGetTimestamp(String)
new static method: String getUriDisplayName(ContentResolver, Uri)
new class: FixedKeyboardEditText
new constructor: FixedKeyboardEditText(Context)
new constructor: FixedKeyboardEditText(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: FixedKeyboardEditText(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new method: void focusAndShowKeyboard()
new method: void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean)
new method: List<ToolbarItem> getButtonItems()
new final field: FrameLayout aboveCtaContainer
new final field: LinearLayoutCompat emptyContainer
new final field: TextView emptyDesc
new final field: TextView emptyHeader
new final field: AppCompatImageView emptyIcon
new final field: TextTrashDurationMessageBinding textTrashDurationMessage
removed final field: TextView emptyTextView
removed final field: TextView trashDurationMessage
removed final class: ListviewItemTrashListBinding
removed final field: AppCompatImageView divider
removed final field: TextView docTextPlaceHolder
removed final field: ImageViewTopCrop fileIcon
removed final field: TextView fileInfo
removed final field: AppCompatImageView fileLockIcon
removed final field: TextView fileName
removed final field: Guideline guidelineImage
removed static method: ListviewItemTrashListBinding bind(View)
removed method: View getRoot()
removed static method: ListviewItemTrashListBinding inflate(LayoutInflater)
removed static method: ListviewItemTrashListBinding inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean)
new final class: TextTrashDurationMessageBinding
new final field: TextView trashDurationMessage
new static method: TextTrashDurationMessageBinding bind(View)
new method: View getRoot()
new static method: TextTrashDurationMessageBinding inflate(LayoutInflater)
new static method: TextTrashDurationMessageBinding inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean)
new method: void showTrashBin()
new class: RecentFilesFetcher
new static method: RecentlyDeletedViewFragment newInstance(boolean)
new method: void onPause()
new method: void removeAll()
new class: TrashViewHolder
new constructor: TrashViewHolder(TrashAdapter, View)
new field: ImageView divider
new field: ImageView imageViewFileIcon
new field: TextView textViewFileInfo
new field: TextView textViewFileName
new method: void fromUrl(Context, String, Uri)
new method: void handleWebpageToPDF(FragmentActivity, ImportWebpageUrlSelectorDialogFragment, OnDismissListener, OnLinkSelectedListener)
new method: void handleWebpageToPDF(FragmentActivity, ImportWebpageUrlSelectorDialogFragment, Uri, OnDismissListener, HtmlConversionActionListener)
removed final class: EmptyStateCause
removed static final field: EmptyStateCause FILTER_TYPE
removed static final field: EmptyStateCause FILTER_TYPE_IN_SEARCH_RESULTS
removed static final field: EmptyStateCause NONE
removed static final field: EmptyStateCause SEARCH_RESULTS
removed static method: EmptyStateCause valueOf(String)
removed static method: EmptyStateCause[] values()
new static method: boolean validateStringFilenameUsingIO(Context, String)
removed static method: int getUriFileInfoType(Uri)
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