React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: June 1, 2022
to specify the extension2.2.5
to 2.4.2
new method: ToolManagerBuilder setShowTypedSignature(boolean)
new method: Builder annotationPositionSnappingEnabled(boolean)
new method: Builder userBookmarksListEditingMode(int)
new method: void setIsDialogLayout(boolean)
new method: void setIsDialogLayout(boolean)
new method: boolean isWebViewConvertibleFormat()
new method: void setComponentListener(ComponentListener)
new method: void setSnackbarListener(SnackbarListener)
new interface: ComponentListener
new method: PresetBarComponent getPresetBarComponent()
new method: PresetBarComponent getPresetBarComponent()
new method: void onShowSnackbar(CharSequence, int, CharSequence, OnClickListener)
modified class: PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2
Declaration | |
From: | public class PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 extends PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment implements TabListener |
To: | public class PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2 extends PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment implements TabListener,SnackbarListener,ComponentListener |
new method: void setEditing(boolean)
new static final field: String BUNDLE_EDITING_MODE
new static final field: int CONTEXT_MENU_DELETE_ALL_BIT
new static final field: int CONTEXT_MENU_DELETE_ITEM_BIT
new static final field: int CONTEXT_MENU_EDIT_ITEM_BIT
new class: CountToolCreatePresetDialog
new constructor: CountToolCreatePresetDialog()
new static final field: String TAG
new method: void dismiss()
new method: AnnotationPropertyPreviewView getAnnotPreview()
new method: SparseArray<AnnotationPropertyPreviewView> getAnnotPreviews()
new method: AnnotStyle getAnnotStyle()
new static method: CountToolCreatePresetDialog newInstance()
new method: void onAnnotStyleLayoutUpdated()
new method: void onCreate(Bundle)
new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
new method: void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)
new method: void onViewStateRestored(Bundle)
new method: void saveAnnotStyles()
new method: void setAnnotPreviewVisibility(int)
new method: void setAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle)
new method: void setAnnotStyleProperties(HashMap<Integer, AnnotStyleProperty>)
new method: void setListener(CountToolCreatePresetDialogListener)
new method: void setMeasureCountToolViewModel(MeasureCountToolViewModel)
new method: void setPresetBarViewModel(PresetBarViewModel)
new method: void setToolbarStyleId(String)
new class: Builder
new constructor: Builder()
new constructor: Builder(AnnotStyle)
new method: CountToolCreatePresetDialog build()
new method: Builder setAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle)
new interface: CountToolCreatePresetDialogListener
new method: void onPresetChanged(String, String, AnnotStyle)
new class: CountToolDialogFragment
new constructor: CountToolDialogFragment()
new static final field: String COUNT_MODE
new static final field: String EDIT_MODE
new static final field: String PRESET_MODE
new static final field: String TAG
new method: void onCreate(Bundle)
new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)
new method: void setMode(String)
new method: void setPDFViewCtrl(PDFViewCtrl)
new method: void setPresetStyle(AnnotStyle)
new method: void setPresetViewModel(PresetBarViewModel)
new method: void setToolManagerViewModel(ToolManagerViewModel)
new method: void setToolbarStyleId(String)
new class: MeasureCountTool
new constructor: MeasureCountTool()
new field: int annotCount
new field: String annotStyleJson
new field: long id
new field: String label
new class: MeasureCountToolViewModel
new constructor: MeasureCountToolViewModel(Application)
new method: void delete(MeasureCountTool)
new method: void insert(MeasureCountTool)
new method: void observeCountToolPresets(LifecycleOwner, Observer<List<MeasureCountTool>>)
new method: void update(String, String, AnnotStyle)
new static method: CreateSignatureFragment newInstance(int, float, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, HashMap<Integer, AnnotStyleProperty>, boolean, boolean)
new method: SignatureDialogFragmentBuilder usingShowTypedSignature(boolean)
new method: SignatureFragmentAdapter setShowTypedSignature(boolean)
new interface: OnAnnotStyleChangedListener
new method: void OnAnnotStyleDismiss(AnnotStyleDialogFragment)
new method: void onAnnotStyleColorChange(ArrayList<AnnotStyle>)
new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_COUNT_MEASUREMENT
new method: boolean isCountMeasurement()
new method: boolean hasAnnotSelected()
new method: boolean hasAnnotSelected()
new method: boolean hasAnnotSelected()
new class: CountMeasurementCreateTool
new constructor: CountMeasurementCreateTool(PDFViewCtrl)
new static final field: String COUNT_MEASURE_CHECKMARK_ICON
new static final field: String COUNT_MEASURE_KEY
new static final field: String COUNT_MEASURE_LABEL_KEY
new method: int getCreateAnnotType()
new method: ToolModeBase getToolMode()
new method: void setTargetPoint(PointF)
new method: void setupAnnotProperty(AnnotStyle)
new method: void setupAnnotProperty(int, float, float, int, String, String)
new method: boolean hasAnnotSelected()
new method: AnnotSnappingManager getAnnotSnappingManager()
new method: OnAnnotStyleChangedListener getOnStyleChangedListener()
new method: SnackbarListener getSnackbarListener()
new method: boolean isShowTypedSignature()
new method: void onAnnotStyleColorChange(ArrayList<AnnotStyle>)
new method: void onAnnotStyleDismiss(AnnotStyleDialogFragment)
new method: Tool safeCreateTool(ToolModeBase)
new method: void setOnStyleChangedListener(OnAnnotStyleChangedListener)
new method: void setShowTypedSignature(boolean)
new method: void setSnackbarListener(SnackbarListener)
new interface: SnackbarListener
new method: void onShowSnackbar(CharSequence, int, CharSequence, OnClickListener)
new static final field: ToolMode COUNT_MEASUREMENT
new class: AnnotSnappingManager
new constructor: AnnotSnappingManager()
new method: SnappingResult checkSnapping(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, Rect, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)
new method: void clearCache()
new method: void setEnabled(boolean)
new method: void setThreshold(double)
new method: void tryUpdateCache(PDFViewCtrl, boolean)
new final class: SnappingGroup
new static final field: SnappingGroup FORM_FIELD
new static final field: SnappingGroup FREE_TEXT
new static final field: SnappingGroup SHAPE
new static method: SnappingGroup valueOf(String)
new static method: SnappingGroup[] values()
new class: SnappingResult
new constructor: SnappingResult()
new constructor: SnappingResult(Set<SnappingType>, Rect, List<Pair<Point, Point>>)
new method: Rect getRect()
new method: List<Pair<Point, Point>> getSnappingLines()
new method: Set<SnappingType> getSnappingType()
new method: boolean isSnapping()
new final class: SnappingType
new static final field: SnappingType BOTTOM
new static final field: SnappingType CENTER_HORIZONTAL
new static final field: SnappingType CENTER_HORIZONTAL_PAGE
new static final field: SnappingType CENTER_VERTICAL
new static final field: SnappingType CENTER_VERTICAL_PAGE
new static final field: SnappingType LEFT
new static final field: SnappingType RIGHT
new static final field: SnappingType TOP
new static method: SnappingType valueOf(String)
new static method: SnappingType[] values()
new static method: int getAnnotBaseRotation(PDFViewCtrl, int)
new static method: int getAnnotRotationRelToPage(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)
new static method: boolean isCountMeasurement(Annot)
new static method: void saveUnrotatedBBox(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)
removed static method: void saveUnrotatedBBox(Annot)
new static final field: String[] FILE_NAME_EXTENSIONS_WEBVIEW
new static method: void drawGuideline(Canvas, Path, float, float, float, float, Paint)
new static final field: String TOOLBAR_METADATA_KEY
new static method: boolean isConvertibleFormat(String, String[])
new static method: boolean isConvertibleFormatFromExt(String, String[])
new method: void clearPositionGuidelines()
new method: void setPositionGuidelines(List<Pair<Point, Point>>)
new method: void addPositionGuidelines(Pair<Point, Point>)
new method: void handleAnnotStyleDialogDismiss(AnnotStyleDialogFragment)
new method: void handleAnnotStyleDialogDismiss(AnnotStyleDialogFragment, int, String)
new method: boolean hasCountMeasurementPresets()
new method: void observeAnnotStyles(LifecycleOwner, Observer<ArrayList<AnnotStyle>>)
new method: void populateAnnotationStylesAsync()
new method: void saveCountMeasurementPreset(String, AnnotStyle, String, int)
new static method: SinglePresetState fromAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle, int)
new method: AnnotStyle getAnnotStyle()
new method: int getIconRes()
new method: void setAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle)
new method: void setIconRes(int)
new method: void setPresetAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle, int)
new static final field: ToolbarButtonType COUNT_MEASUREMENT
new method: void disableAllItems()
new static final field: ButtonId COUNT_TOOL
new method: void disableAllItems()
new method: void deselectAllToolbarButtons()
new method: void disableAllItems()
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