public static class


extends Object
   ↳ com.pdftron.pdf.Convert.ExcelOutputOptions

Class Overview

A class containing options common to toExcel functions


int e_ocr_always The Constant e_ocr_always.
int e_ocr_off The Constant e_ocr_off.
int e_ocr_text The Constant e_ocr_text.
Public Constructors
Creates a ExcelOutputOptions object with default settings
Public Methods
Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting getFootnotesSetting()
Get the setting for footnotes from this options object.
Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting getHeadersAndFootersSetting()
Get the setting for headers and footers from this options object
void setCustomOCRLanguage(String ocrlang)
Specifies the custom OCR languages to use.
void setFootnotesSetting(Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting option)
Specifies how footnotes should be converted.
void setHeadersAndFootersSetting(Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting option)
Specifies how header and footers should be converted.
void setLanguage(Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.LanguageChoice language)
Specifies the OCR language.
void setNonTableContent(boolean non_tables)
Specifies whether to convert non-tabular content.
void setPDFPassword(String password)
Specifies the password if the PDF requires one.
void setPageSingleSheet(boolean page_single)
Specifies whether to combine all tables on a page into a single sheet.
void setPages(int page_from, int page_to)
Specifies a range of pages to be converted.
void setPreferredOCREngine(Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.PreferredOCREngine engine)
Specifies the preferred OCR engine.
void setSearchableImageSetting(int setting)
Specifies how scanned image pages should be converted.
void setSingleSheet(boolean single_sheet)
Specifies whether to combine all tables into a single sheet.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int e_ocr_always

The Constant e_ocr_always. Indicates that OCR will always be performed on all pages, and the recognized text replaces the image pixels underneath.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int e_ocr_off

The Constant e_ocr_off. Indicates that OCR will not be performed.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int e_ocr_text

The Constant e_ocr_text. Indicates that OCR will be performed on scanned pages, and the recognized text replaces the image pixels underneath (default).

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public Constructors

public ExcelOutputOptions ()

Creates a ExcelOutputOptions object with default settings

Public Methods

public Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting getFootnotesSetting ()

Get the setting for footnotes from this options object.

  • The current footnotes setting.

public Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting getHeadersAndFootersSetting ()

Get the setting for headers and footers from this options object

  • The current header and footer setting.

public void setCustomOCRLanguage (String ocrlang)

Specifies the custom OCR languages to use. Use 3-letter ISO 639-2 language codes, separated by spaces. Example: "eng deu spa fra". The default is English.

ocrlang the OCR language(s).

public void setFootnotesSetting (Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting option)

Specifies how footnotes should be converted. Default is e_Recover, which will include them as footnotes.

option The footnotes setting.

public void setHeadersAndFootersSetting (Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting option)

Specifies how header and footers should be converted. Default is e_Recover, which will include them as headers and footers.

option The header and footer setting.

public void setLanguage (Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.LanguageChoice language)

Specifies the OCR language. Default is automatic language detection.

language the OCR language.

public void setNonTableContent (boolean non_tables)

Specifies whether to convert non-tabular content. Default is false.

non_tables If false, only tabular content is converted to Excel. If true, all textual content is converted to Excel.

public void setPDFPassword (String password)

Specifies the password if the PDF requires one.

password the PDF password, if required; an empty string otherwise.

public void setPageSingleSheet (boolean page_single)

Specifies whether to combine all tables on a page into a single sheet. Default is false.

page_single If false, each logical table on a page goes to a separate Excel sheet. If true, all logical tables for a page are combined into a single Excel sheet.

public void setPages (int page_from, int page_to)

Specifies a range of pages to be converted. By default all pages are converted. The first page has the page number of 1.

page_from the first page to be converted.
page_to the last page to be converted (inclusive). Use a negative value to specify the last page in the PDF.

public void setPreferredOCREngine (Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.PreferredOCREngine engine)

Specifies the preferred OCR engine.

engine The PreferredOCREngine to use.

public void setSearchableImageSetting (int setting)

Specifies how scanned image pages should be converted. Default is e_ocr_text.

setting the searchable image setting.

public void setSingleSheet (boolean single_sheet)

Specifies whether to combine all tables into a single sheet. Default is false.

single_sheet If false, each logical table goes to a separate Excel sheet. If true, all logical tables are combined into a single Excel sheet.