   ↳ Fragment
     ↳ com.pdftron.pdf.controls.PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment
Known Direct Subclasses
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

The PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment is the base class for other viewer classes.


Nested Classes
class PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.FloatingNavTheme  
interface PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener  
interface PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener  
class PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.SaveFolderWrapper Wraps either a File or an ExternalFileInfo in order to make saving easier. 
interface PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.TabListener Callback interface to be invoked when an interaction is needed. 
Public Constructors
Public Methods
void addPageStackListener(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener listener)
void addPasswordProtectedDocumentListener(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener listener)
void addQuickMenuListener(ToolManager.QuickMenuListener listener)
void animatePageIndicator(boolean show)
void annotationsCouldNotBeAdded(String errorMessage)
The overloaded implementation of annotationsCouldNotBeAdded(String).
void applyCutout(int top, int bottom)
void attachFileSelected(PointF targetPoint)
Called when a location has been selected for adding the file attachment.
boolean canDocBeSaved()
Checks whether the document can be saved.
void cancelFindText()
Cancels finding text.
void clearPageBackAndForwardStacks()
Clears the stacks of page backward/forward.
void closeNavigationList()
Closes the navigation list if it was opened as side sheet
void closeRedactionSearchList()
Closes the redaction search dialog if it was opened as side sheet
void closeSideSheet(String tag)
Closes the side sheet
static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle(String tag, String title, String fileExtension, String password, int itemSource, ViewerConfig config)
Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.
static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle(String tag, String title, String fileExtension, String password, int itemSource, int initialPage, ViewerConfig config)
Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.
static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle(String tag, String title, String fileExtension, String password, int itemSource)
Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.
static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle(Context context, Uri fileUri, String title, String password, ViewerConfig config)
Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.
static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle(Context context, Uri fileUri, String password, ViewerConfig config)
Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.
static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle(Context context, Uri fileUri, String password)
Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.
boolean doesSaveDocNeedNewTab()
void exitSearchMode()
Exits the search mode.
void fileAttachmentSelected(FileAttachment attachment)
Called when a file attachment has been selected.
void fileCreated(String filePath, ToolManager.AdvancedAnnotationListener.AnnotAction action)
Called when an annotation needs to perform an action with a file created
void forceSave()
Saves the changes to the document forcefully
void freeTextInlineEditingStarted()
Called when free text inline editing has started.
void freehandStylusUsedFirstTime()
Called when free hand stylus has been used for the firs time.
int getBookmarkDialogCurrentTab()
Returns which tab in bookmark dialog is selected.
Returns the live data containing bookmarks in the document.
BookmarksDialogFragment getBookmarksNavigationList()
FileInfo getCurrentFileInfo()
Returns the current file info.
long getCurrentFileSize()
PageBackButtonInfo getCurrentPageInfo()
Returns the current page info.
File getExportDirectory()
ExternalFileInfo getExportUriDirectory()
File getFile()
Returns the file.
String getFileName(boolean needsCopy, String suffix)
String getFilePath()
Returns the path of the document
boolean getHasWarnedAboutCanNotEditDuringConversion()
Checks whether a warning about can not edit during conversion has been shown.
PDFViewCtrl getPDFViewCtrl()
Returns the PDFViewCtrl associated with this tab.
Returns the live data containing the current page state.
PDFDoc getPdfDoc()
Returns the PDF document
ReflowControl getReflowControl()
Returns the ReflowControl associated with this tab.
int getReflowTextSize()
Returns the reflow text size.
int getTabErrorCode()
Returns the error code, if any.
int getTabSource()
Returns the item source of the tab.
String getTabTag()
Returns the tab tag.
String getTabTitle()
Returns the filename of the tab
String getTabTitleWithExtension()
Returns the filename of the tab
ToolManager getToolManager()
Returns ToolManager associated with this tab.
Uri getUriFile()
Returns the URI file
void gotoNextSearch()
Goes to the next text in search.
void gotoPreviousSearch()
Goes to the previous text in search.
boolean handleKeyShortcut(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
Handles CTRL-based key when triggered.
boolean handleKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
Handles key when pressed up.
void handleOnlineShare()
Handles sharing.
void handlePrintAnnotationSummary()
void handleSaveAsCopy()
void handleSaveCroppedCopy()
void handleSaveFlattenedCopy()
void handleSaveOptimizedCopy(OptimizeParams params)
void handleSavePasswordCopy()
boolean handleSpecialFile()
Handles if the file is special case.
void handleViewFileAttachments()
void handleViewSelectedFileAttachment(File localFolder, ExternalFileInfo extFolder)
void handleViewSelectedFileAttachment(File localFolder, ExternalFileInfo extFolder, Uri destFileUri)
boolean hasUserCropBox()
void hideBackAndForwardButtons()
Hides backward/forward buttons.
void hidePageNumberIndicator()
void highlightFullTextSearchResult(TextSearchResult result)
Highlights the results of full text search.
void highlightSearchResults()
Starts the TextHighlighter tool.
void imageSignatureSelected(PointF targetPoint, int targetPage, Long widget)
Called when a location or widget has been selected for adding the image signature Only one of the param should be valid
void imageStamperSelected(PointF targetPoint)
Called when a location has been selected for adding the image stamp.
abstract boolean isAnnotationMode()
boolean isContinuousPageMode()
Checks if the tab is in continuous page mode.
boolean isConvertibleFormat()
boolean isDocModifiedAfterOpening()
Checks whether the document modified after opening.
boolean isDocumentReady()
Checks if the document is ready.
boolean isExportDirectoryContentUri()
boolean isNavigationListShowing()
Gets whether the navigation side sheet is visible
boolean isNonContinuousVerticalPageMode()
boolean isNotPdf()
Checks whether the document is not PDF.
boolean isNotPdfUri()
boolean isOpenFileFailed()
Checks if opening file failed.
boolean isPasswordProtected()
boolean isReflowMode()
Checks if the tab is in reflow mode.
boolean isRtlMode()
Checks whether right-to-left mode is enabled
boolean isSearchMode()
Checks whether it is in search mode.
boolean isSinglePageMode()
Checks if the tab is in single page mode.
boolean isTabReadOnly()
Checks if the tab is ready only.
boolean isWebViewConvertibleFormat()
void localFileWriteAccessCheck()
Handles if local file doesn't have write access.
boolean newFileSelectedFromTool(String filePath, int pageNumber)
void onActionGoBack()
void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
Handles the activity result
void onAddNewPage(Page page)
void onAddNewPages(Page[] pages)
void onAddProgressIndicator()
Handles when a blank page without content is added to the document as a placeholder.
void onAllAnnotationsRemoved()
The overloaded implementation of onAllAnnotationsRemoved().
void onAnnotationAction()
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationAction().
void onAnnotationSelected(Annot annot, int pageNum)
Called when an annotation has been selected.
void onAnnotationUnselected()
Called when an annotation has been unselected.
void onAnnotationsAdded(Map<Annot, Integer> annots)
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsAdded(Map).
void onAnnotationsModified(Map<Annot, Integer> annots, Bundle extra)
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsModified(Map, Bundle)
void onAnnotationsPreModify(Map<Annot, Integer> annots)
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsPreModify(Map).
void onAnnotationsPreRemove(Map<Annot, Integer> annots)
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsPreRemove(Map).
void onAnnotationsRemoved(Map<Annot, Integer> annots)
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsRemoved(Map).
void onAnnotationsRemovedOnPage(int pageNum)
The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsRemovedOnPage(int).
void onBookmarkModified(List<UserBookmarkItem> bookmarkItems)
Called when PDF bookmarks have been modified.
void onChangePointerIcon(PointerIcon pointerIcon)
The overloaded implementation of onChangePointerIcon(PointerIcon).
void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onConfigurationChanged(Configuration).
void onConversionEvent(PDFViewCtrl.ConversionState state, int totalPagesConverted)
Handles an update during document conversion.
void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onCreate(Bundle).
View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle).
void onDeleteCurrentPage()
void onDestroy()
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onDestroy().
void onDestroyView()
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onDestroyView().
void onDocPagesModified()
Handles when document pages are modified.
void onDocumentLoaded()
Handles terminating document load.
boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e)
The overloaded implementation of onDoubleTap(MotionEvent).
boolean onDown(MotionEvent e)
void onDownloadEvent(PDFViewCtrl.DownloadState state, int page_num, int page_downloaded, int page_count, String message)
Handles an update during download.
boolean onEnterFullscreenMode()
Called before the containing host fragment enters fullscreen mode (system status bar and navigation bar will be hidden).
boolean onExitFullscreenMode()
Called before the containing host fragment exits fullscreen mode (system status bar and/or navigation bar will be shown).
void onExportAnnotations(PDFDoc outputDoc)
Called when document annotations have been exported.
void onFullSaveRequired()
void onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event)
Handles generic motion events.
void onHiddenChanged(boolean hidden)
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onHiddenChanged(boolean).
abstract boolean onHideToolbars()
Called when the androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar toolbar of the containing host fragment will be hidden.
boolean onInterceptAnnotationHandling(Annot annot, Bundle extra, ToolManager.ToolMode toolMode)
Intercept tool's response to user actions (such as clicking on links, clicking on form widget, or about to change annotation properties etc.) If handled, tool will stop default logic.
boolean onInterceptDialog(AlertDialog dialog)
Intercept handling of dialog
boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
Propagates onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) to the tools.
boolean onLongPress(MotionEvent e)
The overloaded implementation of onLongPress(MotionEvent).
void onLowMemory()
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onLowMemory().
boolean onMove(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float x_dist, float y_dist)
The overloaded implementation of onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float).
void onPageChange(int old_page, int cur_page, PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeState state)
Handles changes the page number.
void onPageLabelsChanged()
Called when page labels have been changed
void onPageMoved(int from, int to)
The overloaded implementation of onPageMoved(int, int).
void onPagesAdded(List<Integer> pageList)
The overloaded implementation of onPagesAdded(List).
void onPagesCropped()
The overloaded implementation of onPagesCropped().
void onPagesDeleted(List<Integer> pageList)
The overloaded implementation of onPagesDeleted(List).
void onPagesMoved(List<Integer> pagesMoved, int to, int currentPage)
Called when pages have been moved.
void onPagesRotated(List<Integer> pageList)
The overloaded implementation of onPagesRotated(List).
void onPause()
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onPause().
void onPdfTextChanged()
void onPortfolioDialogFragmentFileClicked(int fileType, PortfolioDialogFragment dialog, String fileName)
void onPositionProgressIndicatorPage(Rect position)
Handles when the position of the blank page without content moves.
void onProgressIndicatorPageVisibilityChanged(boolean isVisible)
Handles when the blank page without content enters or leaves the screen.
boolean onQuickMenuClicked(QuickMenuItem menuItem)
The overloaded implementation of onQuickMenuClicked(QuickMenuItem).
void onQuickMenuDismissed()
The overloaded implementation of onQuickMenuDismissed().
void onQuickMenuShown()
The overloaded implementation of onQuickMenuShown().
void onReflowSingleTapUp(MotionEvent event)
The overloaded implementation of onReflowSingleTapUp(MotionEvent).
void onRemoveContentPendingIndicator()
Handles when the content on the page the user was previously trying to access is accessible.
void onRemoveProgressIndicator()
Handles when a blank page without content is removed from the document.
void onRenderingFinished()
Handles when PDFViewCtrl finishes rendering.
void onRenderingStarted()
Handles when PDFViewCtrl starts rendering.
void onResume()
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onResume().
void onSaveFileAttachmentSelected(FileAttachment fileAttachment, Intent intent)
void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
boolean onScale(float x, float y)
The overloaded implementation of onScale(float, float).
boolean onScaleBegin(float x, float y)
The overloaded implementation of onScaleBegin(float, float).
boolean onScaleEnd(float x, float y)
The overloaded implementation of onScaleEnd(float, float).
void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)
The overloaded implementation of onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int).
void onShowContentPendingIndicator()
Handles when it user is trying to access the next page of the PDFViewCtrl but there is no room for the visual progress indicator in the viewer.
boolean onShowQuickMenu(QuickMenu quickMenu, Annot annot)
Called when quick menu is about to show.
boolean onShowToolbar()
Called when the androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar toolbar of the containing host fragment will be shown.
boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e)
The overloaded implementation of onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent).
void onStop()
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onStop().
void onThumbnailsViewDialogDismiss(int pageNum, boolean docPagesModified)
Handles when thumbnails view dialog is dismissed.
boolean onUp(MotionEvent e, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode priorEventMode)
The overloaded implementation of onUp(MotionEvent, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode).
void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onViewCreated(View, Bundle).
void openNavigationList(BookmarksDialogFragment bookmarksDialogFragment, int marginTop, int marginBottom)
void openNavigationList(BookmarksDialogFragment bookmarksDialogFragment)
Opens the navigation list as a side sheet
void openRedactionSearchList(SearchRedactionDialogFragment searchRedactionDialogFragment)
Opens the redaction search dialog as a side sheet
void openRedactionSearchList(SearchRedactionDialogFragment searchRedactionDialogFragment, int marginTop, int marginBottom)
void openSideSheet(DialogFragment dialogFragment, String tag, int marginTop, int marginBottom)
Opens a dialog fragment as side sheet
void queryTextSubmit(String text)
Submits the query text.
void redo()
Redo the last undo operation.
void refreshPageCount()
Refreshes the number of pages.
void removeFromRecentList()
Removes the current file from the recent list.
void removePageStackListener(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener listener)
void removePasswordProtectedDocumentListener(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener listener)
void removeQuickMenuListener(ToolManager.QuickMenuListener listener)
void resetAutoSavingTimer()
void resetFullTextResults()
Resets full text results.
void save(boolean close, boolean forceSave, boolean skipSpecialFileCheck, boolean upload)
Saves the changes to the document.
void save(boolean close, boolean forceSave, boolean skipSpecialFileCheck)
Saves the changes to the document.
void saveExternalFile(boolean close, boolean forceSave)
Saves external document file.
void saveLocalFile(boolean close, boolean forceSave)
Saves local document file.
void setBookmarkDialogCurrentTab(int index)
Sets the which tab in bookmarks dialog should be selected.
void setCanAddToTabInfo(boolean enabled)
Sets if the file an be added to tab info.
void setColorModeChanged()
Specifies that color mode has been changed.
void setCurrentPageHelper(int nextPageNum, boolean setPDFViewCtrl)
Helper to set the current page.
static void setDebug(boolean debug)
void setHasWarnedAboutCanNotEditDuringConversion()
Specifies that the warning about can not edit during conversion has been shown.
void setReflowMode(boolean isReflowMode)
Sets the reflow mode.
void setRtlMode(boolean isRtlMode)
Sets right-to-left mode
void setSavedAndClosedShown()
Confirms that document saved toast has been shown.
void setSavingEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set enable or disable auto-saving annotations.
void setSearchMatchCase(boolean matchCase)
Sets the search rule for match case.
void setSearchMode(boolean enabled)
Sets search mode
void setSearchNavButtonsVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the visibility of search navigation buttons.
void setSearchQuery(String text)
Specifies the search query.
void setSearchSettings(boolean matchCase, boolean wholeWord)
Sets the search rules for match case and whole word.
void setSearchWholeWord(boolean wholeWord)
Sets the search rule for whole word.
void setStateEnabled(boolean enabled)
set enable or disable saving state of document from outside
void setTabListener(PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.TabListener listener)
abstract void setThumbSliderVisible(boolean visible, boolean animateThumbSlider)
Sets the visibility of thumbnail slider.
void showBackAndForwardButtons()
Shows backward/forward buttons.
void showReadOnlyAlert(DialogFragment dialogToDismiss)
void stopAutoSavingTimer()
boolean toggleReflow()
Toggles the reflow mode.
boolean toggleRtlMode()
Toggles right-to-left mode.
void toolChanged(ToolManager.Tool newTool, ToolManager.Tool oldTool)
Event called when the tool changes.
void undo()
Undo the last modification.
void updateColorMode()
Updates the color mode.
void updateCurrentPageInfo()
Updates the current page info.
void updateNavigationListLayout(int marginTop, int marginBottom, boolean animated)
void updatePrintAnnotationsMode(boolean enabled)
Updates annotation mode in print.
void updatePrintDocumentMode(boolean enabled)
Updates documentation mode in print.
void updatePrintSummaryMode(boolean enabled)
Updates summery mode in print.
void updateRecentList()
Updates the recent list.
void updateViewMode(PDFViewCtrl.PagePresentationMode pagePresentationMode)
Updates the view mode.
void userCropDialogDismiss()
Dismisses the user crop dialog.
void zoomInOutReflow(boolean flagZoomIn)
Zooms in/out reflow mode.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.PDFViewCtrl.DocumentDownloadListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.PDFViewCtrl.DocumentLoadListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.PDFViewCtrl.RenderingListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.PDFViewCtrl.UniversalDocumentConversionListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.PDFViewCtrl.UniversalDocumentProgressIndicatorListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.controls.ReflowControl.OnReflowTapListener
From interface com.pdftron.pdf.dialog.PortfolioDialogFragment.PortfolioDialogFragmentListener
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface


public static final int ANIMATE_DURATION_HIDE

Constant Value: 250 (0x000000fa)

public static final int ANIMATE_DURATION_SHOW

Constant Value: 250 (0x000000fa)


Constant Value: "bundle_tab_annotation_manager_edit_mode"


Constant Value: "bundle_tab_annotation_manager_undo_mode"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_CONFIG

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_config"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_CONTENT_LAYOUT

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_content_layout"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_CUSTOM_HEADERS

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_custom_headers"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_FILE_EXTENSION

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_file_extension"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_INITIAL_PAGE

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_initial_page"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_ITEM_SOURCE

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_item_source"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_PASSWORD

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_password"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_PDFVIEWCTRL_ID

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_pdfviewctrl_id"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_TAG

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_tag"

public static final String BUNDLE_TAB_TITLE

Constant Value: "bundle_tab_title"

Public Constructors

public PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment ()

Public Methods

public void addPageStackListener (PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener listener)

listener The listener

public void addPasswordProtectedDocumentListener (PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener listener)

listener The listener to add to this viewer

public void addQuickMenuListener (ToolManager.QuickMenuListener listener)

listener The listener

public void animatePageIndicator (boolean show)

public void annotationsCouldNotBeAdded (String errorMessage)

The overloaded implementation of annotationsCouldNotBeAdded(String).

errorMessage The error message

public void applyCutout (int top, int bottom)

public void attachFileSelected (PointF targetPoint)

Called when a location has been selected for adding the file attachment.

targetPoint The target location to add the file attachment

public boolean canDocBeSaved ()

Checks whether the document can be saved.

  • True if the document can be saved

public void cancelFindText ()

Cancels finding text.

public void clearPageBackAndForwardStacks ()

Clears the stacks of page backward/forward.

public void closeNavigationList ()

Closes the navigation list if it was opened as side sheet

public void closeRedactionSearchList ()

Closes the redaction search dialog if it was opened as side sheet

public void closeSideSheet (String tag)

Closes the side sheet

tag the dialog fragment tag

public static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle (String tag, String title, String fileExtension, String password, int itemSource, ViewerConfig config)

Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.

tag The tab tag
title The title of tab
fileExtension The extension of the document
password The password of the document
itemSource The source of the document FileInfo
config The configuration of the Fragment ViewerConfig
  • The bundle

public static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle (String tag, String title, String fileExtension, String password, int itemSource, int initialPage, ViewerConfig config)

Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.

tag The tab tag
title The title of tab
fileExtension The extension of the document
password The password of the document
itemSource The source of the document FileInfo
initialPage The page to scroll to when the document is first opened, unused if less than 1
config The configuration of the Fragment ViewerConfig
  • The bundle

public static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle (String tag, String title, String fileExtension, String password, int itemSource)

Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.

tag The tab tag
title The title of tab
fileExtension The extension of the document
password The password of the document
itemSource The source of the document FileInfo
  • The bundle

public static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle (Context context, Uri fileUri, String title, String password, ViewerConfig config)

Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.

context The context
fileUri The uri of the document
title The title of tab
password The password of the document
config The configuration of the Fragment ViewerConfig
  • The bundle

public static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle (Context context, Uri fileUri, String password, ViewerConfig config)

Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.

context The context
fileUri The uri of the document
password The password of the document
config The configuration of the Fragment ViewerConfig
  • The bundle

public static Bundle createBasicPdfViewCtrlTabBundle (Context context, Uri fileUri, String password)

Returns the bundle having information needed to create a tab fragment.

context The context
fileUri The uri of the document
password The password of the document
  • The bundle

public boolean doesSaveDocNeedNewTab ()

public void exitSearchMode ()

Exits the search mode.

public void fileAttachmentSelected (FileAttachment attachment)

Called when a file attachment has been selected.

attachment The file attachment

public void fileCreated (String filePath, ToolManager.AdvancedAnnotationListener.AnnotAction action)

Called when an annotation needs to perform an action with a file created

filePath location of the file associated with annotation
action the specific action associated with the file

public void forceSave ()

Saves the changes to the document forcefully

public void freeTextInlineEditingStarted ()

Called when free text inline editing has started.

public void freehandStylusUsedFirstTime ()

Called when free hand stylus has been used for the firs time.

public int getBookmarkDialogCurrentTab ()

Returns which tab in bookmark dialog is selected.

  • The index of tab

public getBookmarks ()

Returns the live data containing bookmarks in the document.

public BookmarksDialogFragment getBookmarksNavigationList ()

public FileInfo getCurrentFileInfo ()

Returns the current file info.


public long getCurrentFileSize ()

public PageBackButtonInfo getCurrentPageInfo ()

Returns the current page info.

  • The current page info

public File getExportDirectory ()

public ExternalFileInfo getExportUriDirectory ()

public File getFile ()

Returns the file.

  • the file

public String getFileName (boolean needsCopy, String suffix)

public String getFilePath ()

Returns the path of the document

  • the path of the document

public boolean getHasWarnedAboutCanNotEditDuringConversion ()

Checks whether a warning about can not edit during conversion has been shown.

  • True if the warning has been shown

public PDFViewCtrl getPDFViewCtrl ()

Returns the PDFViewCtrl associated with this tab.

  • The PDFViewCtrl

public getPageChange ()

Returns the live data containing the current page state.

public PDFDoc getPdfDoc ()

Returns the PDF document

  • The PDF document associated with this tab

public ReflowControl getReflowControl ()

Returns the ReflowControl associated with this tab.

public int getReflowTextSize ()

Returns the reflow text size.

  • The reflow text size.

public int getTabErrorCode ()

Returns the error code, if any.

See PdfDocManager

  • The error code

public int getTabSource ()

Returns the item source of the tab.

  • the item source of the tab

public String getTabTag ()

Returns the tab tag.

  • the tab tag

public String getTabTitle ()

Returns the filename of the tab

  • filename without extension

public String getTabTitleWithExtension ()

Returns the filename of the tab

  • filename with extension

public ToolManager getToolManager ()

Returns ToolManager associated with this tab.

  • The ToolManager

public Uri getUriFile ()

Returns the URI file

  • the URI file

public void gotoNextSearch ()

Goes to the next text in search.

public void gotoPreviousSearch ()

Goes to the previous text in search.

public boolean handleKeyShortcut (int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Handles CTRL-based key when triggered.

keyCode The key code
event The key event
  • True if the key is handled

public boolean handleKeyUp (int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Handles key when pressed up.

keyCode The key code
event The key event
  • True if the key is handled

public void handleOnlineShare ()

Handles sharing.

public void handlePrintAnnotationSummary ()

public void handleSaveAsCopy ()

public void handleSaveCroppedCopy ()

public void handleSaveFlattenedCopy ()

public void handleSaveOptimizedCopy (OptimizeParams params)

public void handleSavePasswordCopy ()

public boolean handleSpecialFile ()

Handles if the file is special case.

  • True if the file is special case.

public void handleViewFileAttachments ()

public void handleViewSelectedFileAttachment (File localFolder, ExternalFileInfo extFolder)

public void handleViewSelectedFileAttachment (File localFolder, ExternalFileInfo extFolder, Uri destFileUri)

public boolean hasUserCropBox ()

public void hideBackAndForwardButtons ()

Hides backward/forward buttons.

public void hidePageNumberIndicator ()

public void highlightFullTextSearchResult (TextSearchResult result)

Highlights the results of full text search.

result The TextSearchResult

public void highlightSearchResults ()

Starts the TextHighlighter tool.

public void imageSignatureSelected (PointF targetPoint, int targetPage, Long widget)

Called when a location or widget has been selected for adding the image signature Only one of the param should be valid

targetPoint the target location in page point
targetPage the target page
widget the target widget

public void imageStamperSelected (PointF targetPoint)

Called when a location has been selected for adding the image stamp.

targetPoint The target location to add the image stamp

public abstract boolean isAnnotationMode ()

public boolean isContinuousPageMode ()

Checks if the tab is in continuous page mode.

  • True if the tab is in continuous page mode

public boolean isConvertibleFormat ()

public boolean isDocModifiedAfterOpening ()

Checks whether the document modified after opening.

  • true if the document is modified after opening; false otherwise

public boolean isDocumentReady ()

Checks if the document is ready.

  • True if the document is ready

public boolean isExportDirectoryContentUri ()

public boolean isNavigationListShowing ()

Gets whether the navigation side sheet is visible

  • true if the navigation side sheet is visible, false otherwise

public boolean isNonContinuousVerticalPageMode ()

public boolean isNotPdf ()

Checks whether the document is not PDF.

  • True if the document is not PDF

public boolean isNotPdfUri ()

public boolean isOpenFileFailed ()

Checks if opening file failed.

  • True if opening file failed

public boolean isPasswordProtected ()

  • True if the document is password protected.

public boolean isReflowMode ()

Checks if the tab is in reflow mode.

  • True if the tab is in reflow mode

public boolean isRtlMode ()

Checks whether right-to-left mode is enabled

  • True if right-to-left mode is enabled.

public boolean isSearchMode ()

Checks whether it is in search mode.

  • true if in search mode; false otherwise

public boolean isSinglePageMode ()

Checks if the tab is in single page mode.

  • True if the tab is in single page mode

public boolean isTabReadOnly ()

Checks if the tab is ready only.

  • True if the tab is read only

public boolean isWebViewConvertibleFormat ()

public void localFileWriteAccessCheck ()

Handles if local file doesn't have write access.

public boolean newFileSelectedFromTool (String filePath, int pageNumber)

public void onActionGoBack ()

public void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)

Handles the activity result

public void onAddNewPage (Page page)

public void onAddNewPages (Page[] pages)

public void onAddProgressIndicator ()

Handles when a blank page without content is added to the document as a placeholder.

public void onAllAnnotationsRemoved ()

The overloaded implementation of onAllAnnotationsRemoved().

public void onAnnotationAction ()

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationAction().

public void onAnnotationSelected (Annot annot, int pageNum)

Called when an annotation has been selected.

annot The selected annotation
pageNum The page number where the annotation is on

public void onAnnotationUnselected ()

Called when an annotation has been unselected.

public void onAnnotationsAdded (Map<Annot, Integer> annots)

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsAdded(Map).

annots The list of annotations (a pair of annotation and the page number where the annotation is on)

public void onAnnotationsModified (Map<Annot, Integer> annots, Bundle extra)

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsModified(Map, Bundle)

annots The list of annotations (a pair of annotation and the page number where the annotation is on)

public void onAnnotationsPreModify (Map<Annot, Integer> annots)

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsPreModify(Map).

annots The list of annotations (a pair of annotation and the page number where the annotation is on)

public void onAnnotationsPreRemove (Map<Annot, Integer> annots)

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsPreRemove(Map).

annots The list of annotations (a pair of annotation and the page number where the annotation is on)

public void onAnnotationsRemoved (Map<Annot, Integer> annots)

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsRemoved(Map).

annots The list of annotations (a pair of annotation and the page number where the annotation is on)

public void onAnnotationsRemovedOnPage (int pageNum)

The overloaded implementation of onAnnotationsRemovedOnPage(int).

pageNum The page number where the annotations are on

public void onBookmarkModified (List<UserBookmarkItem> bookmarkItems)

Called when PDF bookmarks have been modified.

bookmarkItems the new bookmarks after modification

public void onChangePointerIcon (PointerIcon pointerIcon)

The overloaded implementation of onChangePointerIcon(PointerIcon).

pointerIcon The pointer icon

public void onConfigurationChanged (Configuration newConfig)

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onConfigurationChanged(Configuration).

public void onConversionEvent (PDFViewCtrl.ConversionState state, int totalPagesConverted)

Handles an update during document conversion.

state - the state of update.
totalPagesConverted The total number of pages converted so far. Only relevant for the @link #CONVERSION_PROGRESS state. Note that pages can be processed in batches, and so the number might not

public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onCreate(Bundle).

public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle).

public void onDeleteCurrentPage ()

public void onDestroy ()

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onDestroy().

public void onDestroyView ()

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onDestroyView().

public void onDocPagesModified ()

Handles when document pages are modified.

public void onDocumentLoaded ()

Handles terminating document load.

public boolean onDoubleTap (MotionEvent e)

The overloaded implementation of onDoubleTap(MotionEvent).

public boolean onDown (MotionEvent e)

public void onDownloadEvent (PDFViewCtrl.DownloadState state, int page_num, int page_downloaded, int page_count, String message)

Handles an update during download.

state the state of the update.
page_num the number of the page that was just downloaded. Meaningful if type is PAGE.
page_downloaded the total number of pages that have been downloaded
page_count the page count of the associated document
message error message in case the download has failed

public boolean onEnterFullscreenMode ()

Called before the containing host fragment enters fullscreen mode (system status bar and navigation bar will be hidden).

  • true if fullscreen mode can be entered, false otherwise.

public boolean onExitFullscreenMode ()

Called before the containing host fragment exits fullscreen mode (system status bar and/or navigation bar will be shown).

  • true if fullscreen mode can be exited, false otherwise.

public void onExportAnnotations (PDFDoc outputDoc)

Called when document annotations have been exported.

outputDoc The PDFDoc containing the exported annotations

public void onFullSaveRequired ()

public void onGenericMotionEvent (MotionEvent event)

Handles generic motion events.

event The generic motion event being processed.

public void onHiddenChanged (boolean hidden)

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onHiddenChanged(boolean).

public abstract boolean onHideToolbars ()

Called when the androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar toolbar of the containing host fragment will be hidden.

  • true if the toolbar can be hidden, false otherwise.

public boolean onInterceptAnnotationHandling (Annot annot, Bundle extra, ToolManager.ToolMode toolMode)

Intercept tool's response to user actions (such as clicking on links, clicking on form widget, or about to change annotation properties etc.) If handled, tool will stop default logic.

annot annotation
extra extra information
toolMode tool mode that handles annotation
  • true then intercept the subclass function, false otherwise

public boolean onInterceptDialog (AlertDialog dialog)

Intercept handling of dialog

dialog the dialog about to show up
  • true if intercept the subclass function, false otherwise

public boolean onKeyUp (int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Propagates onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) to the tools.

public boolean onLongPress (MotionEvent e)

The overloaded implementation of onLongPress(MotionEvent).

public void onLowMemory ()

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onLowMemory().

public boolean onMove (MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float x_dist, float y_dist)

The overloaded implementation of onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float).

public void onPageChange (int old_page, int cur_page, PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeState state)

Handles changes the page number.

old_page the old page number
cur_page the current (new) page number
state in non-continuous page presentation modes and when the built-in page sliding is in process, this flag is used to indicate the state of page change.

public void onPageLabelsChanged ()

Called when page labels have been changed

public void onPageMoved (int from, int to)

The overloaded implementation of onPageMoved(int, int).

from The page number on which the page moved from
to The page number on which the page moved to

public void onPagesAdded (List<Integer> pageList)

The overloaded implementation of onPagesAdded(List).

pageList The list of pages added to the document

public void onPagesCropped ()

The overloaded implementation of onPagesCropped().

public void onPagesDeleted (List<Integer> pageList)

The overloaded implementation of onPagesDeleted(List).

pageList The list of pages deleted from the document

public void onPagesMoved (List<Integer> pagesMoved, int to, int currentPage)

Called when pages have been moved.

pagesMoved The page numbers which the pages moved from
to The page number on which the page moved to
currentPage The current page the viewer is on

public void onPagesRotated (List<Integer> pageList)

The overloaded implementation of onPagesRotated(List).

pageList The list of rotated pages

public void onPause ()

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onPause().

public void onPdfTextChanged ()

public void onPortfolioDialogFragmentFileClicked (int fileType, PortfolioDialogFragment dialog, String fileName)

public void onPositionProgressIndicatorPage (Rect position)

Handles when the position of the blank page without content moves.

position position

public void onProgressIndicatorPageVisibilityChanged (boolean isVisible)

Handles when the blank page without content enters or leaves the screen.

isVisible whether visible or not

public boolean onQuickMenuClicked (QuickMenuItem menuItem)

The overloaded implementation of onQuickMenuClicked(QuickMenuItem).

menuItem The quick menu item
  • True if handled

public void onQuickMenuDismissed ()

The overloaded implementation of onQuickMenuDismissed().

public void onQuickMenuShown ()

The overloaded implementation of onQuickMenuShown().

public void onReflowSingleTapUp (MotionEvent event)

The overloaded implementation of onReflowSingleTapUp(MotionEvent).

event The motion event

public void onRemoveContentPendingIndicator ()

Handles when the content on the page the user was previously trying to access is accessible.

public void onRemoveProgressIndicator ()

Handles when a blank page without content is removed from the document.

public void onRenderingFinished ()

Handles when PDFViewCtrl finishes rendering.

public void onRenderingStarted ()

Handles when PDFViewCtrl starts rendering.

public void onResume ()

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onResume().

public void onSaveFileAttachmentSelected (FileAttachment fileAttachment, Intent intent)

public void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)

public boolean onScale (float x, float y)

The overloaded implementation of onScale(float, float).

public boolean onScaleBegin (float x, float y)

The overloaded implementation of onScaleBegin(float, float).

public boolean onScaleEnd (float x, float y)

The overloaded implementation of onScaleEnd(float, float).

public void onScrollChanged (int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)

The overloaded implementation of onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int).

public void onShowContentPendingIndicator ()

Handles when it user is trying to access the next page of the PDFViewCtrl but there is no room for the visual progress indicator in the viewer. For example in single page mode.

public boolean onShowQuickMenu (QuickMenu quickMenu, Annot annot)

Called when quick menu is about to show.

quickMenu the quick menu that is about to show
annot the selected annot, null if no annot is selected
  • true if quick menu should not show

public boolean onShowToolbar ()

Called when the androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar toolbar of the containing host fragment will be shown.

  • true if the toolbar can be shown, false otherwise.

public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed (MotionEvent e)

The overloaded implementation of onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent).

public void onStop ()

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onStop().

public void onThumbnailsViewDialogDismiss (int pageNum, boolean docPagesModified)

Handles when thumbnails view dialog is dismissed.

pageNum The selected page number
docPagesModified True if the document pages are modified.

public boolean onUp (MotionEvent e, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode priorEventMode)

The overloaded implementation of onUp(MotionEvent, PDFViewCtrl.PriorEventMode).

public void onViewCreated (View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)

The overloaded implementation of Fragment#onViewCreated(View, Bundle).

public void openNavigationList (BookmarksDialogFragment bookmarksDialogFragment, int marginTop, int marginBottom)

public void openNavigationList (BookmarksDialogFragment bookmarksDialogFragment)

Opens the navigation list as a side sheet

public void openRedactionSearchList (SearchRedactionDialogFragment searchRedactionDialogFragment)

Opens the redaction search dialog as a side sheet

public void openRedactionSearchList (SearchRedactionDialogFragment searchRedactionDialogFragment, int marginTop, int marginBottom)

public void openSideSheet (DialogFragment dialogFragment, String tag, int marginTop, int marginBottom)

Opens a dialog fragment as side sheet

public void queryTextSubmit (String text)

Submits the query text.

text The query text

public void redo ()

Redo the last undo operation.

public void refreshPageCount ()

Refreshes the number of pages.

public void removeFromRecentList ()

Removes the current file from the recent list.

public void removePageStackListener (PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PageStackListener listener)

listener The listener

public void removePasswordProtectedDocumentListener (PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.PasswordProtectedListener listener)

listener The listener that needs to be removed

public void removeQuickMenuListener (ToolManager.QuickMenuListener listener)

listener The listener

public void resetAutoSavingTimer ()

public void resetFullTextResults ()

Resets full text results.

public void save (boolean close, boolean forceSave, boolean skipSpecialFileCheck, boolean upload)

Saves the changes to the document.

close True if the document should be closed
forceSave True if save should be done forcefully
skipSpecialFileCheck True if special file check should be skipped
upload True if the document should be uploaded

public void save (boolean close, boolean forceSave, boolean skipSpecialFileCheck)

Saves the changes to the document.

close True if the document should be closed
forceSave True if save should be done forcefully
skipSpecialFileCheck True if special file check should be skipped

public void saveExternalFile (boolean close, boolean forceSave)

Saves external document file.

close True if the document should be closed
forceSave True if save should be forcefully

public void saveLocalFile (boolean close, boolean forceSave)

Saves local document file.

close True if the document should be closed
forceSave True if save should be forcefully

public void setBookmarkDialogCurrentTab (int index)

Sets the which tab in bookmarks dialog should be selected.

index The index of tab

public void setCanAddToTabInfo (boolean enabled)

Sets if the file an be added to tab info.

enabled True if enabled

public void setColorModeChanged ()

Specifies that color mode has been changed.

public void setCurrentPageHelper (int nextPageNum, boolean setPDFViewCtrl)

Helper to set the current page.

nextPageNum The next page number
setPDFViewCtrl True if PDFViewCtrl should be set too

public static void setDebug (boolean debug)

public void setHasWarnedAboutCanNotEditDuringConversion ()

Specifies that the warning about can not edit during conversion has been shown.

public void setReflowMode (boolean isReflowMode)

Sets the reflow mode.

isReflowMode True if reflow mode is enabled

public void setRtlMode (boolean isRtlMode)

Sets right-to-left mode

isRtlMode True if right-to-left mode is enabled

public void setSavedAndClosedShown ()

Confirms that document saved toast has been shown.

public void setSavingEnabled (boolean enabled)

Set enable or disable auto-saving annotations.

enabled True to enable auto-saving is enabled (default value is True), false otherwise

public void setSearchMatchCase (boolean matchCase)

Sets the search rule for match case.

matchCase True if match case is enabled

public void setSearchMode (boolean enabled)

Sets search mode

enabled true if search mode is enabled; false otherwise.

public void setSearchNavButtonsVisible (boolean visible)

Sets the visibility of search navigation buttons.

visible True if visible

public void setSearchQuery (String text)

Specifies the search query.

text The search query

public void setSearchSettings (boolean matchCase, boolean wholeWord)

Sets the search rules for match case and whole word.

matchCase True if match case is enabled
wholeWord True if whole word is enabled

public void setSearchWholeWord (boolean wholeWord)

Sets the search rule for whole word.

wholeWord True if whole word is enabled

public void setStateEnabled (boolean enabled)

set enable or disable saving state of document from outside

enabled True to enable auto-saving is enabled (default value is True), false otherwise

public void setTabListener (PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment.TabListener listener)

listener The listener

public abstract void setThumbSliderVisible (boolean visible, boolean animateThumbSlider)

Sets the visibility of thumbnail slider.

visible True if the thumbnail slider should be visible
animateThumbSlider True if the visibility should be changed with animation

public void showBackAndForwardButtons ()

Shows backward/forward buttons.

public void showReadOnlyAlert (DialogFragment dialogToDismiss)

public void stopAutoSavingTimer ()

public boolean toggleReflow ()

Toggles the reflow mode.

  • True if the reflow mode will be enabled after toggling

public boolean toggleRtlMode ()

Toggles right-to-left mode.

  • True if right-to-left mode is on after toggling

public void toolChanged (ToolManager.Tool newTool, ToolManager.Tool oldTool)

Event called when the tool changes.

newTool the new tool
oldTool the old tool

public void undo ()

Undo the last modification.

public void updateColorMode ()

Updates the color mode.

public void updateCurrentPageInfo ()

Updates the current page info.

public void updateNavigationListLayout (int marginTop, int marginBottom, boolean animated)

public void updatePrintAnnotationsMode (boolean enabled)

Updates annotation mode in print.

enabled True if the annotation mode is checked

public void updatePrintDocumentMode (boolean enabled)

Updates documentation mode in print.

enabled True if the documentation mode is checked

public void updatePrintSummaryMode (boolean enabled)

Updates summery mode in print.

enabled True if the summery mode is checked

public void updateRecentList ()

Updates the recent list.

public void updateViewMode (PDFViewCtrl.PagePresentationMode pagePresentationMode)

Updates the view mode.

pagePresentationMode The page presentation mode

public void userCropDialogDismiss ()

Dismisses the user crop dialog.

public void zoomInOutReflow (boolean flagZoomIn)

Zooms in/out reflow mode.

flagZoomIn True if zoom in; False if zoom out