Serialization also known as saving provides the ability to write content back to a storage medium.
Apryse SDK benefits include:
Incremental save (for fast save and document persistence) Linearization (Fast Web View) Supports compressed object streams Unused object removal. This option can help you create smaller files Serialize a document to memory, stream, or a file on disk To save a PDF document.
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc (filename);
3 // save the document to the filesystem
4 doc. Save (output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
6 // optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 byte [] buf = doc. Save (SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
1 PDFDoc doc ( filename );
3 // save the document to the filesystem
4 doc. Save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_linearized, NULL );
6 // optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 const char* buf = 0 ;
8 size_t buf_sz;
9 doc. Save (buf, buf_sz, SDFDoc :: e_linearized, NULL );
1 doc := NewPDFDoc (filename)
3 // save the document to the filesystem
4 doc. Save (output_filename, uint (SDFDocE_linearized))
6 // optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 buffer := (doc. Save ( uint (SDFDocE_linearized))).(VectorUnChar)
1 PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc (filename);
3 // save the document to the filesystem
4 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveMode.LINEARIZED, null );
6 // optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 byte [] buf = doc. save (SDFDoc.SaveMode.LINEARIZED, null );
1 async function main () {
2 const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc. createFromURL (filename);
4 // save the document to a memory buffer
5 const buf = await doc. saveMemoryBuffer (PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
7 //optionally save the blob to a file or upload to a server
8 const blob = new Blob ([buf], { type : ' application/pdf ' });
9 }
10 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main);
1 PTPDFDoc * doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc ] initWithFilePath : filename];
3 // save the document to the filesystem
4 [doc SaveToFile : output_filename flags : e_ptlinearized];
6 // optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 NSData * buf = [doc SaveToBuf : e_ptlinearized];
1 $doc = new PDFDoc ($filename);
3 // save the document to the filesystem
4 $doc -> Save ($output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_linearized );
6 // optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 $buffer = $doc -> Save ( SDFDoc :: e_linearized );
1 doc = PDFDoc(filename)
3 # save the document to the filesystem
4 doc.Save(output_filename, SDFDoc.e_linearized)
6 # optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 buffer = doc.Save(SDFDoc.e_linearized)
1 doc = PDFDoc . new (filename)
3 # save the document to the filesystem
4 doc. Save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: E_linearized )
6 # optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 buffer = doc. Save ( SDFDoc :: E_linearized )
1 Dim doc as PDFDoc = New PDFDoc (filename)
3 ' save the document to the filesystem
4 doc. Save (output_filename, SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)
6 ' optionally save the document to a memory buffer
7 Dim buffer As Byte = doc. Save (SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)
Read & write a PDF file from/to memory buffer Full source code which illustrates how to read/write a PDF document from/to memory buffer. This is useful for applications that work with dynamic PDF documents that don't need to be saved/read from a disk.
PDF document can be serialized (or saved) to a file on a disk, to a memory buffer, or to an arbitrary data stream such as MemoryFilter
or a custom filter
To save a PDF document to a file on disk, invoke its Save()
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 doc. Save (output_filename, PDFDoc.e_linearized);
1 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_linearized, NULL );
1 doc. Save (output_filename, uint (SDFDocE_linearized));
1 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.LINEARIZED, null );
1 async function main () {
2 const buf = await doc. saveMemoryBuffer (PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
4 //optionally save the blob to a file or upload to a server
5 const blob = new Blob ([buf], { type : ' application/pdf ' });
6 }
7 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main);
1 [doc SaveToFile : output_filename flags : e_ptlinearized];
1 $doc -> Save ($output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_linearized );
1 doc.Save(output_filename, SDFDoc.e_linearized)
1 doc. Save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: E_linearized )
1 doc. Save (output_filename, SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)
The second argument is a bitwise disjunction of flags used as options during serialization.
Apryse SDK allows a document to be saved incrementally (see section 2.2.7 "Incremental Update" in the PDF Reference Manual). Because applications may allow users to modify PDF documents, users should not have to wait for the entire file (which can contain hundreds of pages) to be rewritten each time modifications to the document are saved. Apryse SDK allows modifications to be appended to a file, leaving the original data intact. The addendum appended when a file is incrementally updated contains only those objects that were actually added or modified. Incremental update allows an application to save modifications to a PDF document in an amount of time proportional to the size of the modification rather than the size of the file. In addition, because the original contents of the document are still present in the file, it is possible to undo saved changes by deleting one or more file updates.
Changes can be appended to an existing document using e_incremental
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 doc. Save (output_filename, PDFDoc.e_incremental);
1 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_incremental, NULL );
1 doc. Save (output_filename, uint (SDFDocE_incremental));
1 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.INCREMENTAL, null );
1 async function main () {
2 const buf = await doc. saveMemoryBuffer (PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_incremental);
4 //optionally save the blob to a file or upload to a server
5 const blob = new Blob ([buf], { type : ' application/pdf ' });
6 }
7 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main);
1 [doc SaveToFile : output_filename flags : e_ptincremental];
1 $doc -> Save ($output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_incremental );
1 doc.Save(output_filename, SDFDoc.e_incremental)
1 doc. Save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: E_incremental )
1 doc. Save (output_filename, SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_incremental)
Note that the file output name matches the input name.
Over time, PDF documents may accumulate unused objects like old updates, modifications, unused fonts, images, and so on. To trim down the file size by removing these unused objects, use the e_remove_unused
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 doc. Save (output_filename, PDFDoc.e_remove_unused);
1 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_remove_unused, NULL );
1 doc. Save (output_filename, uint (SDFDocE_remove_unused));
1 doc. save (output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.REMOVE_UNUSED, null );
1 async function main () {
2 const buf = await doc. saveMemoryBuffer (PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_remove_unused);
4 //optionally save the blob to a file or upload to a server
5 const blob = new Blob ([buf], { type : ' application/pdf ' });
6 }
7 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main);
1 [doc SaveToFile : output_filename flags : e_ptremove_unused];
1 $doc -> Save ($output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_remove_unused );
1 doc.Save(output_filename, SDFDoc.e_remove_unused)
1 doc. Save (output_filename, SDFDoc :: E_remove_unused )
1 doc. Save (output_filename, SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_remove_unused)
A PDF document can also be serialized into a memory buffer as follows:
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 byte [] buf = doc. Save (PDFDoc.e_linearized);
1 const char* buf = 0 ;
2 size_t buf_sz;
3 doc. Save (buf, buf_sz, Doc :: e_linearized, NULL );
1 buffer := (doc. Save ( uint (SDFDocE_linearized))).(VectorUnChar)
1 byte [] buf = doc. save (SDFDoc.SaveMode.LINEARIZED, null );
1 async function main () {
2 const buf = await doc. saveMemoryBuffer (PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
3 }
4 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main);
1 NSData * buf = [doc SaveToBuf : e_ptlinearized];
1 $buffer = $doc -> Save ( SDFDoc :: e_linearized );
1 buffer = doc.Save(SDFDoc.e_linearized)
1 buffer = doc. Save ( SDFDoc :: E_linearized )
1 Dim buffer As Byte = doc. Save (SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)