Convert PDF to multiple file types on Server/Desktop

To convert PDF documents to different format types.

Internet connection is not required for conversion.

Convert PDF to DOCX, DOC, HTML, SVG, TIF, PNG, JPEG, XPS, EPUB, TXT, and many other formats.

1PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(filename);
3// Convert PDF document to SVG
4Convert.ToSvg(doc, output_filename + ".svg");
6// Convert PDF document to XPS
7Convert.ToXps(filename, output_filename + ".xps");
9// Convert PDF document to multipage TIFF
10Convert.TiffOutputOptions tiff_options = new Convert.TiffOutputOptions();
14Convert.ToTiff(filename, output_filename + ".tiff", tiff_options);
16// Convert PDF to XOD
17Convert.ToXod(filename, output_filename + ".xod");
19// Convert PDF to HTML
20Convert.ToHtml(filename, output_filename + ".html");
22PDFDraw draw = new PDFDraw();
23Page pg = doc.GetPage(1);
25// Convert the first PDF page to PNG
26draw.Export(pg, output_filename + ".png");
28// Convert the first PDF page to JPEG
29draw.Export(pg, output_filename + ".jpg", "JPEG");

PDF Converter (SVG, XPS, TIFF, JPG, RTF, TXT, More)
Full sample code which shows how to use PDFNet Convert for direct, high-quality conversion between PDF, XPS, EMF, SVG, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and other image formats. Samples available in Python, C# (.Net), C++, Go, Java, Node.js (JavaScript), PHP, Ruby, VB

About converting from PDF

The Apryse SDK also supports converting from PDF to other formats like EMF, EPUB, XOD, HTML and XPS.

In addition to the document formats, exporting to image formats like TIFF, SVG, PNG and JPEG are supported too.

Semantic structure information like tables, headers, footers, paragraphs are not part of the PDF specification and do not exist in PDFs. To extract this type of data, any type of conversion or extraction tool will need to have a good document understanding to differentiate between tables or paragraphs. As part of our efforts at Apryse to provide cutting edge document tools, we have created Apryse IDP with Intelligent Data Extraction - APIs for extracting structured data to JSON

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