Convert HTML to PDF on Server/Desktop

HTML2PDF Module is an optional add-on utility which can be used with Apryse SDK to convert an HTML file to a PDF document without any external third party dependencies. Samples offered in Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, C++, Objective C, Go, VB; for Mac, Linux and Windows.

To use this code, you'll need to

  1. Download and get started with Server SDK
  2. Install the HTML2PDF Module

Requires the HTML2PDF module add-on.

1// Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc();
3HTML2PDF converter = new HTML2PDF();
5// add from HTML String data
8// add from a web page location
11// apply conversion

Convert HTML to PDF - Full Sample Code
Full sample code for directly converting HTML pages to PDF by using 'pdftron.PDF.HTML2PDF'. The HTML2PDF converter supports HTML conversion from a string or URL and offers many options to control page size and formatting. Samples available in Python, C# (.Net), C++, Go, Java, Node.js (JavaScript), PHP, Ruby, VB.

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