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iOS / Guides / Scroll direction

Scroll direction in iOS viewer

When scrolling through pages of a document in PDFViewCtrl, the scrolling direction can be changed by setting the page layout mode .

Vertical scrolling

Vertical scrolling mode (also known as continuous mode) can be enabled by setting the page presentation mode to either e_trn_single_continuous, e_trn_facing_continuous, or e_trn_facing_continuous_cover.

Here's what setting the page presentation mode to vertical scrolling looks like:

Vertical scrolling

Horizontal scrolling

Horizontal scrolling mode (also known as non-continuous mode) can be enabled by setting the page presentation mode to either e_trn_single_page, e_trn_facing, or e_trn_facing_cover.

Here's what setting the page presentation mode to horizontal scrolling looks like:

Horizontal scrolling

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