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iOS / Guides / Package samples

Sample project for iOS PDF library

Apryse for iOS ships with several samples projects, each containing examples that you could use in your project. The samples are included in the download package under the Samples folder. You can run any of the sample projects using Xcode.

Phone Showcase

Tablet Showcase

The SDK Showcase app is presented as a list of samples with complementary information cards allowing for descriptions and simple interactions with the Apryse SDK. Each card also includes links to associated documentation and code samples so users can quickly access features for their own use.

Key samples:

Complete Reader app

This sample app uses the open source Tools library to implement a full featured PDF reader and annotation app. It includes a file browser with the ability to search and manage files, as well as a recently opened file list.



This sample app shows the use of PDFViewCtrl, the UIView that is used to present a PDF document to the user. This project uses the Tools framework, which allows PDFViewCtrl to annotate documents, select text, follow hyperlinks and fill forms. To annotate a document, long press anywhere on the document that does not contain text.

Miscellaneous Samples

This app showcases the functionality of the Apryse SDK and includes the samples found on the sample code page. You can inspect its source code to learn how to use some of the main classes and features of the SDK, or just run the sample and view the results.

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