The long-press popup menu and PTAnnotationToolbar
show a default set of annotation creation tools. Editing of existing annotations is enabled for all annotation types by default. Other actions that are not tied to annotation creation, like text selection, form filling, and link following, are enabled by default.
Annotation creation and editing can be disabled on the PTToolManager
using the PTAnnotationOptions
property for a particular annotation type, such as textAnnotationOptions
It is also possible to disable annotation creation and editing based on the PTExtendedAnnotType
enum by accessing the PTAnnotationOptions
for that type using the annotationOptionsForAnnotType:
The PTExtendedAnnotType
enum extends the basic PTAnnotType
to further distinguish annotations based on their properties (line and arrow, polygon and cloudy, etc.). The extendedAnnotType
property can be used to get the type of a PTAnnot
Functionality that is not directly tied to annotations,like text selection, form filling, link following, and ink erasing, can be disabled on the PTToolManager
via convenience properties:
The code above disables link following for link annotations and text links detected by the PTPDFViewCtrl
(the setUrlExtraction:
method must be called on the PDFViewCtrl to enable text link detection).
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