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Web / Guides / Rotate pages
------ | ------------- E_0 | 0 E_90 | 1 E_180 | 2 E_270 | 3
UI rotation functions can be found on the DocumentViewer
object. These rotation functions modify what is being displayed in WebViewer, not the actual PDF data.
There is only one function for manipulating rotation in the actual PDF data and it's found on the Document
An example of rotations being used can be seen below
.then(instance => {
const docViewer = instance.Core.documentViewer;
const rotation = instance.Core.Core.PageRotation;
docViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', async () => {
const doc = docViewer.getDocument();
const page1 = 1, page2 = 2, page3 = 3;
// ---- Rotating pages in WebViewer ----------------
docViewer.getRotation(page1); // returns 1 i.e. PageRotation.E_90
docViewer.getCompleteRotation(page1); // returns 1 i.e. PageRotation.E_90
// At this point, page 1 is rotated in WebViewer while page 2 and 3 are not rotated.
// However if the user downloads the PDF, all pages are NOT rotated.
// This is because the pages are rotated in the UI but the file data hasn't been changed.
// ---- Rotating pages in the PDF file data ---------------
await doc.rotatePages([page1], rotation.E_90);
// At this point the first page is rotated 180 degrees relative to
// its orientation originally but if the file is downloaded page 1
// will only be rotated 90 degrees. This is because it has a 90 degree
// temporary rotation and a 90 degree built in document rotation
// 1 i.e. PageRotation.E_90
// 2 i.e. PageRotation.E_180, getCompleteRotation returns the total rotation of the page
// 90 degrees temporary rotation + 90 degrees permanent rotation
// permanently rotate 180 degrees more
await doc.rotatePages([page1], rotation.E_180);
// still return 1 i.e. PageRotation.E_90, the temporary rotation hasn't changed
// now returns 0 i.e. PageRotation.E_0, 90 degrees temporary rotation + 270 degrees permanent rotation
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