Version Changelog (January 31st, 2020)

  • Version:
  • Release Date: January 31st, 2020
  • Built with Xcode 11.3.1 (11C504)


  • PDFs can be merged with the PTAddPagesViewController, which allows adding pages to a document from another document, image, or set of blank page templates.
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  • Annotations can now be copied and pasted within the same document as well as across documents. Annotation copy/paste can be accessed from the annotation selection menu or programmatically with the PTAnnotationPasteboard class.
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  • The PTDocumentViewController now has an "Export" item in its More-menu that allows exporting a PDF as a copy, a file size optimized copy, or a flattened copy. This item can be controlled with the exportButtonHidden property.
  • A double-tap and drag to zoom gesture (like in Apple/Google Maps) was added. This is in addition to the existing double-tap zoom gesture.
  • Annotations can be flattened into the PDF from the annotation selection menu, making them un-editable.
  • Image stamp annotations can now be created from the device camera or existing image files, in addition to photos in the user's Photo Library.
  • It is now possible to crop image stamp annotations with the new PTImageCropTool.The crop feature can be disabled with the PTImageStampAnnotationOptions.isCropEnabled property, accessible from the PTToolManager class's imageStampAnnotationsOptions property.
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