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Sharepoint / Guides / Signing Flow with PowerApps

Integrating WebViewer, SharePoint Online, and PowerApps to create a Digital Signature Workflow

Welcome to Apryse. This guide will help you integrate a free trial of WebViewer into SharePoint Online as a web part. It will help you clone the SharePoint sample repository and show you how to integrate WebViewer as a web part. Your free trial includes unlimited trial usage and support from solution engineers.


  • This guide expects you to have completed the SharePoint webpart integration guide found here.
  • Node v14.17.0 and NPM
  • WebViewer:

Apryse collects some data regarding your usage of the SDK for product improvement.

If you wish to continue without data collection, contact us and we will email you a no-tracking trial key for you to get started.

For step-by-step help on setting up a SharePoint development environment, see one of the following:

Trial license key required.
The trial of Apryse SDK requires a trial key. A commercial license key is required for use in a production environment. Please fill out our licensing form if you do not have a valid license key.
Keep your license keys confidential.
License keys are uniquely generated. Please make sure that it is not publicly available (e.g. in your public GitHub).

SharePoint Webpart Environment Update

Inside the webpart, inside the environment config, you will need to update this information related to your environment.

  1. Update TENANT_ID ( where the xxxx is the TENANT_ID)
  2. Update the SiteName to the Site of your Webpart location
  3. Update Webviewer Sharepoint library folder location in your SharePoint env.
  4. Update CRM_URL to the base URL of your CRM setup (

Dataverse Integrations

We will be using Dataverse to store information regarding the Signature Signing process.

  1. Navigate to PowerApps here
  2. Select Tables (If not found, dropdown for Additional options on the left Navigation bar)

PowerApps Create Table

  1. Create a new table and name it Signature Requests
  2. Create the table with the following new Columns:

Column: File to Sign

  • Data type: File
  • Required: Business required

Column: Requestor

  • Data type: Single line of text
  • Format: Email
  • Required: Business required

Column: RequestUser

  • Data type: Lookup
  • Required: Business required
  • Related table: AAD User

Rename column ID to SignatureRequestID

PowerApps Integration

We will be creating a Model-driven App in PowerApps to create our Signature Workflow.

  1. Navigate to PowerApps here
  2. Select Create a Model-driven App from existing data

PowerApps Create Model Driven App

  1. When selecting existing data, select the Dataverse table we just created
  2. Navigate back to Dataverse to the Signature Request table
  3. Select the Forms option to modify the Main form
  4. Adjust the form so the fields are displayed in order:
    • Title
    • Owner
    • File to Sign
    • Requestor
    • Request User

PowerAutomate Integration

We will be using PowerAutomate to generate email notifications to notify users when a request is made or updated.

  1. Navigate to PowerAutomate here
  2. Navigate to My Flows
  3. Create a new Cloud Flow

PowerAutomate Create Dataverse Cloud Flow

  1. Set the following settings in the new Cloud Flow:

Email Notification

  • Connections: Microsoft Dataverse, Office 365 Outlook
  1. Flow: When a row is added, modified or deleted
  • Change type: Added, Table name: Signature Requests, Scope: Organization
  1. Flow: Send an email (V2)
  • To: Requestor, Subject: A signature request has been sent to you, Body:

Please sign the document here https://<TenantID><SiteName>/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx?uniqueID=@{triggerOutputs()?['body/<TableID>_signaturerequestid']}.

Note: replace TenantID, SiteName, and TableID as necessary

Email Notification (Document Modified)

  • Connections: Microsoft Dataverse, Office 365 Outlook
  1. Flow: When a row is added, modified or deleted
  • Change type: Modified, Table name: Signature Requests, Scope: Organization
  1. Flow: Send an email (V2)
  • To: Requestor, Subject: Document was modified
Document was modified here https://<TenantID><SiteName>/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx?uniqueID=@{triggerOutputs()?['body/<TableID>_signaturerequestid']}.


The App can be shared from PowerApps with a share-able hyperlink. The hyperlink can be embedded into SharePoint as well if needed.

Addtional Information

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