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UWP / Changelog / v9-1-2-78727

Version Changelog (December 14th, 2021)


Release Date: December 14th, 2021


  • [tools] Updated WinUI 2.7 which gives a Windows 11 UX
  • [tools] Ink annotation will now be saved when Ink toolbar is closed
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Improved overall loading performance
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Improved responsiveness on touch device
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Added new shortcut to read aloud during text selection using Ctrl + R
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Updated all dialogs to use ContentDialog instead of MessageDialog
  • [tools] [control] ThumbnailsView: Improved command bar UX by removing necessity of expading it to see button labels

Bug Fixes

  • [tools] Fixes to address the possibility of runtime deadlocks
  • [tools] Minor localization improvements
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fixed exception that could be raised when re-loading a page that has the ViewerControl
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fixed flatten annotation action not firing document modified event
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fixed overlapping of Flyout menus that could be opened at the same time (ViewModel, Viewer Secondary optins, Actions, etc)
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fixed Add tab button not showing up in certain times
  • [tools] [control] CreateDocControl: Fixed caching of the previous session by clearing fields to the default values
  • [tools] [control] ContextMenu: Fixes for better handling the Show/Hide of the ContextMenu with different annotation tools
  • [tools] [control] ContextMenu: Improved it's positioning on Show
  • [tools] [control] Sound Annotation: Fixed playing audio recordings made in different viewers by properly wrapping to WAV format
  • [tools] [control] Sound Annotation: better handling of the PDF page where audio annot has been requested to be inserted
  • [tools] [control] Sound Annotation: Added Sound annotation to the Annotation List / side panel with audio duration in seconds

New APIs - Tools Package SDK

New Methods

  • ViewerControl.CancelAnyOpenedContentDialog()
  • static Windows.Foundation.AsyncStatus DialogHelper.GetDialogStatus()
  • TabControlViewModel.CloseTabAsync()
  • void ContextMenuControlViewModel.SetDimensions(double, double)
  • static async Task<StorageFile> DocumentManager.SaveAudioWaveToDiskAsync(byte[])
  • async Task TextSelect.HandleTextToSpeechAsync()

New Properties

  • bool ViewerControl.HandleSystemBackButton
  • bool ViewerControl.HandleViewerBackButton
  • bool ViewerControl.IsExternalSaveEnabled
  • bool ViewerControl.IsAnyContentDialogOpened
  • bool ViewerControl.ShowTabFileInfo
  • bool ViewerViewModel.HandleSystemBackButton
  • bool ViewerViewModel.HandleViewerBackButton
  • bool ViewerViewModel.IsExternalSaveEnabled
  • bool ViewerViewModel.ShowTabFileInfo
  • bool TabControlViewModel.ShowTabFileInfo
  • bool CreateDocControlViewModel.IsCreateButtonEnabled

New Events

  • ViewerControl.SaveRequested
  • ViewerControl.SaveAsRequested
  • ViewerControl.DocumentCreationFailed
  • ViewerControl.NewDocumentCreated
  • ViewerControl.ImageLoaded
  • ViewerControl.ImageLoadingFailed
  • ViewerControl.GoBackRequested
  • ViewerViewModel.OnSoundAnnotRequested
  • ViewerViewModel.DocumentCreationFailed
  • ViewerViewModel.NewDocumentCreated
  • ViewerViewModel.ImageLoaded
  • ViewerViewModel.ImageLoadingFailed
  • ViewerViewModel.SaveRequested
  • ViewerViewModel.SaveAsRequested
  • CreateDocControl.DocumentCreationFailed
  • CreateDocControl.NewDocumentCreated
  • CreateDocControl.DocumentCreationCancelled
  • CreateDocControl.ImageLoaded
  • CreateDocControl.ImageLoadingFailed
  • CreateDocControlViewModel.DocumentCreationCancelled
  • CreateDocControlViewModel.ImageLoaded
  • CreateDocControlViewModel.ImageLoadingFailed
  • PdfViewCtrlTabInfo.TabClosed

New Enum WaveFormatEncoding

  • Unknown
  • Pcm
  • Adpcm
  • IeeeFloat
  • Vselp
  • IbmCvsd
  • ALaw
  • MuLaw
  • Dts
  • Drm
  • WmaVoice9
  • OkiAdpcm
  • DviAdpcm
  • ImaAdpcm
  • MediaspaceAdpcm
  • SierraAdpcm
  • G723Adpcm
  • DigiStd
  • DigiFix
  • DialogicOkiAdpcm
  • MediaVisionAdpcm
  • CUCodec
  • YamahaAdpcm
  • SonarC
  • DspGroupTrueSpeech
  • EchoSpeechCorporation1
  • AudioFileAf36
  • Aptx
  • AudioFileAf10
  • Prosody1612
  • Lrc
  • DolbyAc2
  • Gsm610
  • MsnAudio
  • AntexAdpcme
  • ControlResVqlpc
  • DigiReal
  • DigiAdpcm
  • ControlResCr10
  • Extensible

New Class WaveFormat

  • New Constructors
    • WaveFormat()
    • WaveFormat(int, int)
    • WaveFormat(int, int, int)
    • WaveFormat(BinaryReader)
  • New Properties
    • WaveFormatEncoding Encoding
    • int Channels
    • int SampleRate
    • int AverageBytesPerSecond
    • virtual int BlockAlign
    • int BitsPerSample
    • int ExtraSize
  • New Methods
    • int ConvertLatencyToByteSize(int)
    • static WaveFormat CreateCustomFormat(WaveFormatEncoding, int, int, int, int, int)
    • static WaveFormat CreateALawFormat(int, int)
    • static WaveFormat CreateMuLawFormat(int, int)
    • static WaveFormat CreateIeeeFloatWaveFormat(int, int)
    • static WaveFormat FromFormatChunk(BinaryReader, int)
    • virtual void Serialize(BinaryWriter)

New Interface IWaveProvider

  • New Properties
    • WaveFormat WaveFormat
  • New Methods
    • int Read(byte[], int, int)

New abstract Class WaveStream

  • New Properties
    • abstract WaveFormat WaveFormat
    • virtual int BlockAlign
    • virtual TimeSpan CurrentTime
    • virtual TimeSpan TotalTime
  • New Methods
    • void Skip(int)
    • virtual bool HasData(int)

New Class RawSourceWaveStream

  • New Constructors
    • RawSourceWaveStream(Stream, WaveFormat)
    • RawSourceWaveStream(byte[], int, int, WaveFormat)

New Class WaveFileWriterRT

  • New Constructors
    • public WaveFileWriterRT(Stream, WaveFormat)
  • New Properties
    • string Filename
    • WaveFormat WaveFormat
  • New Methods
    • static async Task<StorageFile> CreateWaveFileAsync(StorageFile, IWaveProvider)
    • void WriteSample(float)
    • void WriteSamples(float[], int, int)
    • void WriteSamples(short[], int, int)

New Class WaveFormatExtraData

  • New Constructors
    • WaveFormatExtraData(BinaryReader)
  • New Properties
    • byte[] ExtraData

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