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UWP / Changelog / v9-2-0-79335

Version Changelog (February 14th, 2022)


Release Date: February 14th, 2022

New features

Enhanced Reading Mode that adds support to reflow images

Reflow images

Reading Mode now allows annotate text (Highlight, Underline, and Strikeout)

Annotate in Reflow

Page text selection - added ability to select the entire page text in 1 click

Page text selection


  • [tools] Pen/Style: added support to move selected annotations
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: save dialog will be prompt when un-modified documents in tabs are request to be closed
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: added ability to create custom PDF documents from code using ViewerControl.CreateNewDocumentAsync()
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: keyboard shortcut: document pages can now be scrolled using arrow keys without selecting the document
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + O will open browse document
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: added export options under seoncdary menu of command bar

Bug Fixes

  • [tools] Fixed exception throw on Page.AnnotRemove() when deleting annotations created as a direct object
  • [tools] Multi-select and lasso tools: fixed exception throw when trying to select annotation created as a direct object
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fixed exception caused by not properly disposing/unsubscribing keydown events after the ViewerControl was disposed
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: fixed property not showing/hiding add tab/document button option in the tab control
  • [tools] [control] Signature Dialog: fixed default button overlaping other UI elements

New APIs - Tools Package SDK

New Methods

  • async Task ViewerControl.CreateNewDocumentAsync(CreateDocumentOptions)
  • void TabControlViewModel.SaveCurrentTabState()
  • void PdfViewCtrlTabInfo.RaiseTabClosedEvent()
  • void PdfViewCtrlTabInfo.PdfViewCtrlTabInfo(bool)
  • void ReflowView.Dispose()
  • void ReflowViewModel.Dispose()
  • async Task ReflowViewModel.RequestPageAsync(int, bool)
  • static string UtilityFunctions.ConvertRgbToHex(SettingsColor, bool)
  • static SolidColorBrush ConvertHexToSolidColor(string)
  • static SettingsColor ConvertHexToSettingsColor(string)
  • static PDFDoc PDFDocCreator.Create(CreateDocumentOptions)
  • static void PDFDocCreator.GetPaperDimensionsFromSize(PaperSizes, double, double)
  • bool Tool.SelectPageText()
  • bool TextSelect.SelectPageText()

New Properties

  • bool ViewerControl.IsSoundAnnotEnabled
  • bool ViewerControl.ShowExport
  • async Task ViewerControl.CreateNewDocumentAsync(CreateDocumentOptions)
  • bool ViewerViewModel.IsExportVisible
  • bool ViewerViewModel.IsSoundAnnotEnabled
  • async Task ViewerViewModel.CreateNewDocumentAsync(CreateDocumentOptions)
  • ToolManager ReflowView.ToolManager
  • bool ReflowView.IncludeImages
  • bool ReflowView.IsEditingEnabled
  • bool ReflowView.ShowChangePageButtons
  • bool ReflowView.SetHideBackgroundImages
  • bool ReflowView.SetHideImagesUnderText
  • bool ReflowView.SetDoNotReflowTextOverImages
  • bool ReflowViewModel.IncludeImages
  • bool ReflowViewModel.IsEditingEnabled
  • bool ReflowViewModel.ShowChangePageButtons
  • bool ReflowViewModel.SetHideBackgroundImages
  • bool ReflowViewModel.SetHideImagesUnderText
  • bool ReflowViewModel.SetDoNotReflowTextOverImages
  • string ReflowViewModel.AddAnnot(string)
  • string ReflowViewModel.EditAnnot(string)
  • string ReflowViewModel.DeleteAnnot(string)
  • string ReflowViewModel.GetAnnotations()
  • bool AnnotationPropertyDialog.HasThickness
  • bool ToolManager.IsSoundAnnotEnabled
  • static Dictionary<PaperSizes, Tuple<double, double>> PDFDocCreator.PaperSizeMap

New Events

  • ReflowViewModel.ReflowContentUpdated

  • ReflowViewModel.PageChangeRequested

  • ReflowView.DocumentChanged

  • delegate void ReflowView.DocumentChangedDelegate

New Commands

  • ICommand ReflowViewModel.CMDNextPage
  • ICommand ReflowViewModel.CMDPreviousPage

New Class DebugLogHelper

  • New Methods
  • static void CallSarted(string, int)
  • static void CallEnded(string, int)

New Class FlipViewCustom

  • New Constructors
  • FlipViewCustom()
  • New Properties
  • static DependencyProperty ShowFlipViewButtonsProperty
  • bool ShowFlipViewButtons

New Class CreateDocumentOptions

  • New Constructors
  • CreateDocumentOptions()
  • New Properties
  • string Name
  • PaperType PaperType
  • PaperSizes PaperSize
  • int Pages
  • bool IsLandscape

New Class AnnotUtils

  • New Methods
  • static Rect GetAnnotScreenPosition(PDFViewCtrl, IAnnot, int)
  • static IAnnot SafeDeleteAnnotAndUpdate(PDFViewCtrl, Page, IAnnot, int)
  • static IAnnot SafeDeleteAnnot(PDFDoc, Page, IAnnot)

New resources

  • Resources/Reflow.js

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