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UWP / Changelog / v9-2-2-79504

Version Changelog (May 9th, 2022)


Release Date: May 9th, 2022

New features

  • [tools] Rich text support when creating FreeText annotation
Rich Text support
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Unlock full zoom level with options to adjust min and max zoom
Full zoom control


  • [tools] Annotation Style: Changing style of annotations are done immediatly while style dialog is opened
  • [tools] Link Annotation: Improved link annotation by removing unecessary zooming during GoTo page link
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Improved image to PDF conversion when using ViewerControl.ActivateWithFileAsync() to ensure the conversion result matches the image size (height and width)
  • [utilities] PDF creation: Added supporting API to easily create PDF from image
  • [depedency] Updated Microsoft.UI.Xaml (WinUI 2 library) to version 2.7.1

Bug Fixes

  • [tools] Ink/FreeHand: Fixed exception when setting ToolManager.INK_TIME_BEFORE_INK_SAVES_ANNOTATION_IN_MILLISECONDS to 0 ms
  • [tools] Ink/FreeHand: Fix for ink / freehand annot disappearing during zooming right after annotation is created. Mainly noticible when using a stylus pen
  • [tools] Ink/FreeHand: Fix to ignore double tap (pinching) to avoid strokes to be deleted in the annotation canvas when using Multi-stroke option
  • [tools] FreeText: Fix to prevent keyboard shortcut actions to be triggered when creating or editing FreeText annotation content
  • [tools] Keyboard shotcut: Fix for preventing cutting (ctrl + x) the FreeText annotation when editing it's text
  • [tools] [control] Annotation Toolbar: Fix to consider the thickness of 0.5 when changing Ink tool style, which would happen when using other a locazation language other than English (i.e. German, Chinese, French, etc)
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fix for null exception that could occur when using SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().AppViewBackButtonVisibility as the back button for page navigation
  • [tools] [control] ViewerControl: Fix for null exception when using SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().AppViewBackButtonVisibility to navigate away having the Ink annotation toolbar opened

New APIs - Tools Package SDK

New Methods

  • void ContextMenuControl.RemoveButtonFromCollection(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Button)
  • static string GetRichFreeText(pdftron.PDF.Annots.FreeText)
  • static bool IsRichFreeText(pdftron.PDF.Annots.FreeText)
  • static async Task<PDFDoc> PDFDocCreator.CreateFromImageAsync(StorageFile)
  • void AutoSaveHelper.Dispose()
  • void AnnotationPropertyDialog.Dispose()
  • void AnnotationPropertiesPresetsColorGridViewModel.SetShowAddRemoveButtons(bool)

New Properties

  • bool AnnotEdit.IsEditingText

  • ToolType ToolManager.CurrentToolType

  • bool ToolManager.IsRichTextEnabled

  • bool ViewerControl.IsRichTextEnabled

  • double ViewerControl.MaxZoomLevel

  • double ViewerControl.MinZoomLevel

  • double ViewerControl.DefaultZoomLevel

  • double ViewerViewModel.MaxZoomLevel

  • double ViewerViewModel.MinZoomLevel

  • double ViewerViewModel.DefaultZoomLevel

  • bool ViewerSettings.IsRichTextEnabled

  • double ViewerSettings.MaxZoomLevel

  • double ViewerSettings.MinZoomLevel

  • static List<string> ViewerSettings.ImagesTypesForConversion

  • FileOpeningCanceler DocumentOpener.OpeningCanceler

  • ToolType AnnotationPropertyDialog.AssociatedTool

  • string AnnotationPropertyDialog.ItemTag

  • AnnotationPropertyDialog AnnotationPropertiesDisplay.Dialog

  • bool AnnotationPropertiesPresetsColorGridViewModel.ShowAddRemoveButtons

New Events

  • StyleChangeRequestedHandler AnnotationPropertiesViewModel.StyleChangeRequested
  • AnnotationPropertiesViewModel.StyleChangeRequestedHandler AnnotationPropertyDialog.StyleChangeRequested
  • AnnotationPropertiesViewModel.StyleChangeRequestedHandler AnnotationPropertiesDisplay.StyleChangeRequested

New Delegates

  • delegate AnnotationPropertiesViewModel.StyleChangeRequestedHandler(AnnotStyleType, object)

New Enum values

  • FileOpeningType.ImageConversion

New static Class HTMLTags New static Class CSSTypes New static Class RTFCommands New static Class ConvertRTFAndHTML

  • New Methods
  • string ConvertRTFToHTML(string)
  • string ConvertHTMLToRTF(string)

New Class FileOpeningCanceler

  • New properties
  • bool Cancel;
  • StorageFile File;

New Class HTMLUtilities

  • string GetHexColorFromStyle(string)
  • string GetInlineStyle(string)
  • string ReplacePrimaryColor(string, Color)

New Class pdftron.PDF.Tools.Controls.AnnotationPropertiesSubControls.EditRichTextControl

New Class pdftron.PDF.Tools.Controls.AnnotationPropertiesSubControls.FormatTextControl

New Class pdftron.PDF.Tools.Utilities.FormatRichText

  • New Methods
  • static void BoldSelectedText(ITextSelection)
  • static void ItalicSelectedText(ITextSelection)
  • static void UnderlineSelectedText(ITextSelection)
  • static void StrikethroughSelectedText(ITextSelection)
  • static void ColorSelectedText(ITextSelection, Color)
  • static bool IsEditTextBoxNull(RichEditBox)
  • static bool IsSelectionNullOrEmpty(ITextSelection)

New Enum pdftron.PDF.Tools.Controls.ViewModels.AnnotStyleType

  • MainColor
  • FillColor
  • Thickness
  • Opacity
  • FontSize
  • FontName
  • Icon
  • FontFormat

New Converter pdftron.PDF.Tools.Converters.RichTextIconNameConverter

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