Converts a 3d asset into the specified format
Argument | Description |
{format} | Specific format that can be vsfx to convert a 3d Asset to a streaming format for web viewing or properties to extract property meta-data from a 3d Asset |
Argument | Description |
uri | The url of the 3d model doc to get the specific format from |
ext | The extension of the source document if it cannot be determined from the URL |
local | If set to true, expects URI to be a locally uploaded doc |
A JSON document with the following structure:
If enable_auth
is set to true
for the BIM server configuration, the response body will include an auth
token. This token will be necessary to pull the uploaded asset.
Status Code | Description |
202 | If job was accepted |
Request result for job
Request Headers
Argument | Description |
{job-id} | the job id of the result doc |
Status Code | Description |
200 | Job is completed, returning result |
102 | Processing, the job is still executing. Will eventually return one of the above status codes |
404 | Not found, no job was found for requested result |
408 | Requested job has failed since the execution took longer than the job timeout and no result exists. Should keep retrying for the result if you get a 408. Set by request_timeout server timeout, defaults to 10s. |
460 | Requested job has failed during execution and no result exists |
461 | Requested job has failed since the execution took longer than the job timeout and no result exists |
Uploads a file for usage with other jobs
Expects multipart form data with Filename containing filename and data within file
A JSON document with the following structure:
Checks if a uploaded file exists
src: local://d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.ifc
Argument | Description |
src | Expects src header containing the key of the local upload ie local://12345sd.ifc |
Status Code | Description |
200 | File was found |
404 | File was not found |
Tests if the server queue is functioning
A JSON document with the following structure:
Checks server health
A JSON document with the following structure:
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