Version 10.12.0 Changelog (2024-09-04)

WebViewer Core



  • Added the shouldUseMinimumDownloads option for loadDocument and createDocument to only download data for the current and nearby pages of a linearized PDF.
  • Added support for linearized PDF files larger than 2GB.

Form Builder

  • Added a deprecation warning regarding breaking changes in the upcoming major release.

Office Editor

  • Improved track change performance.



  • Fixed an issue where document actions were not properly updated when pages were updated.
  • Fixed annotation drawing when using DocumentViewer inside scrollable content without the UI.


  • Fixed an issue with rotated ellipses where the appearance position might be incorrect on document load.
  • Fixed an issue where parsing malformed custom annotation data would fail and prevent further annotations from being added.
  • Fixed an issue with annotations being drawn slowly on Safari 17.
  • Fixed an issue with rectangular annotations not always displaying the overlay when zoomed out.

Office Editor

  • Fixed an issue where the underline button failed to toggle
  • Fixed an issue where selection handles on selected images were not visible.
  • Fixed an issue where the track change popup didn't work in the web component.
  • Fixed an issue where some track changes were incorrectly displaying resizing controls.


  • Fixed a security issue related to embedded JavaScript.
  • Fixed an issue where files with embedded JS fields with whitespace-only values were being calculated incorrectly.

Content Edit

  • Fixed an issue where there was no option to ignore existing content styling when using the updateDocumentContent API.
  • Fixed an issue where in Content Edit mode some text was not editable.
  • Fixed an issue where ending content edit mode by switching to other tools did not remove the text editor element.

WebViewer Server

  • Fixed an issue where an error was thrown after calling the exportAnnotations API and interacting with measurement annotations.

WebViewer UI



  • Added new design for the Document Crop popup on mobile devices.

Customize UI

  • Added a new Collapsible Section component that follows WCAG guidelines for an accordion to improve accessibility and screen reader compatibility.


  • Added hovering functionality over the tooltips in the UI.
  • Added a new hotkey to close tooltips.
  • Added aria-expand tags where appropriate.


  • Fixed an issue where embedded printing with comments and without annotations would not work.


  • Fixed an issue that annotation content overlay was offset with web component.



  • Fixed an issue where loading a corrupted or encrypted document in multitab would cause a crash when using the WebComponent.
  • Fixed an issue with the watermark's opacity changing on the canvas after downloading the PDF.
  • Fixed an issue where a user could not multi-select the insert and replace text annotations in the notes panel.
  • Fixed an issue where modals remained open after calling loadDocument.
  • Fixed an issue where a new custom color wrongly triggered the annotationChanged event.
  • Removed unit in Dimensions inputs for better accessibility.

Customize UI

  • Improved performance of the RibbonItem and RibbonGroup elements in the Modular UI.

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