Starting in 10.2 you will have the option to instantiate WebViewer as a Web Component instead of an Iframe. Not all features may be supported at this time, but we recommend you start testing your application with the Web Component to ensure a smooth transition when we deprecate the iframe constructor in a future release.
To try out the Web Component all you need to do is switch your WebViewer constructor:
1import WebViewer from '@pdftron/webviewer'
4 path: '/public/webviewer',
5 licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY',
6}, document.getElementById('viewer'))
7 ..........
For more information on Web Components and their advantages over Iframes please refer to this guide.
WebViewer Core
Added support for undo/redo and content auto-size in Edit Text mode. New APIs for undo/redo are accessible from DocumentViewer by documentViewer.getContentEditHistoryManager().undo() and documentViewer.getContentEditHistoryManager().redo()
Added new API setTextAttributes to Core.ContentEdit namespace to apply font styles to new text programatically
Added support for applying font family, font size and text alignment change to subset of text within a paragraph in Edit Text mode
Added the officeOptions.formatOptions.hideTotalNumberOfPages option to the loadDocument API to hide the total page number text from the office document's page number label
Added extendLength property on DistanceMeasurementCreateTool.setLeaderLineDefaultOptions
Added the ability to send AutoCAD options to WebViewer Server via WebViewer
Changed documentViewer.snapToNearest, documentViewer.textSearchInit, and document.updateRasterizerOptions to take an array of mode values instead of providing a bitwise mode result
Fixed obfuscation issue for loading documents in office editor mode
Fixed issue where multi-select list widgets would select all elements similar to the selection
Fixed issue where loading a document with the snapping feature enabled sometimes resulted in a memory crash
Fixed issue where the content editing permission error is not displayed correctly in the developer console
Fixed issue where documents wouldn't load in an incognito window when the WebViewer path was set to another origin
Fixed issue with hidden text in Word files not being rendered
Fixed issue where links in documents starting with "www." were not being opened
Fixed custom redaction search pattern not setting the correct type property
Fixed issue where a hide action in the document could cause field values not to load when using the document XFDF retriever
Fixed issue where link annotations could be flagged as modified even when they weren't
Fixed text widget autosize cutting off text
Fixed a rendering slowdown when loading signature trust lists
Fixed issue where a trial key warning would be shown when loading an XOD file
Fixed issue with TextWidgetAnnotation when MULTILINE and DO_NOT_SCROLL flags are enabled, where a scrollbar still appears
Prevented the creation of fields with a blank name when using the form builder
Fixed issue with the pasteCopiedAnnotations API pasting the annotation outside the page boundaries
Fixed issue where the RubberStampCreateTool.STAMPS_UPDATED event only fired for one stamp
Fixed issue where it was not possible to add comments properly if the Notes Panel input cursor was off-screen
Fixed issue where signature widgets would appear unsigned after being downloaded or imported, even though they were signed with signature annotations
Fixed issue where Document#getFilename() would return an empty string for loading a non-PDF file with 'loadAsPDF: true'
Fixed issue where custom styles on the viewer elements were breaking the annotations drawing and content selection offset
Fixed issue with replies not moving with the annotation
Fixed issue where Text Editing removes new lines added
Fixed issue where text styles were lost when font family is changed
Fixed issue where Text Editing was not working with self-served fonts
Fixed issue where paragraph alignment changes were lost when font color is changed
Fixed issue where entering and exiting edit mode for a content box changes text reflow
Fixed issue where image rotations were not saved in downloaded documents
WebViewer UI
Improved Edit Text to offer What You See Is What You Get editing experience. Preview of content while editing will show the actual font styles and spacing that will be applied
Improved Edit text to auto-resize content box's height based on the set width as the content grows or shrinks
Added content edit undo redo buttons on the right panel in Edit Text mode
Added a data-element attribute to the Document Crop Popup. Additional performance improvements and significant decrease in the size of webviewer-ui.min.js
Added a new API to disable the warning when closing a tab
Added a tooltip to the more options button underneath thumbnails
Added a new API instance.UI.NotesPanel.disableMultiselect() to disable the multi-select feature in the notes panel
Improved UI for Settings Modal on mobile devices
Fixed issue where redaction annotations were not being added correctly when using the page redaction modal and specifying more than 10 pages
Fixed issue with word wrap for new comments in the note panel
Fixed a regression causing Form Field Indicators to appear on top of UI elements such as headers and modals
Fixed issue that copy and paste doesn't work after highlighting the zoom value
Fixed issue that adding a link in LinkModal doesn't work when the right-clicked annotation popup is enabled
Fixed issue that the Save File button in SaveModal has no hover animation
Fixed issue where pre-setting the tool mode to stampTool will have untranslated stamp text
Fixed a rendering slowdown when loading signature trust lists
Prevented the creation of fields with a blank name when using the form builder
Removed the css-vars-ponyfill package
Fixed issue that comment status is not shown when collapsed
Fixed issue where it was not possible to add comments properly if the Notes Panel input cursor was off-screen
Fixed issue with clicking grouped annotations enabling multi-select
Fixed a bug with adding a new tab with the UI in MultiTab
Fixed issue where the style and color sections were not properly opening and collapsing
Fixed SYNC_UNMATCHED scroll syncing for MulitViewerMode when page counts are radically different on both sides
Fixed issue where there was still color on DWG grayscale documents
Fixed offset of the copied annotations pasted to other pages
Fixed issue where using keyboard actions to undo/redo caused text content to turn into xml code