Version 10.6.0 Changelog (2023-12-06)

WebViewer Core


  • Added drag and drop text feature to the Office Editor.
  • Added drag and drop images feature to the Office Editor.
  • Added more supported Office file types to open in WebViewer. For client-side usage, we've added support for: docm, dotx, dotm, dot, pptm, pps, and pot. For client-side usage in combination with WebViewer Server (WVS), we've included the previous listed types and additionally added support for ppsx, ppsm, potx, potm, and xlsb.
  • Added the functions isFullSignature and isInitials to the signature annotation to check their types.
  • Added the ability to copy a list in the Office Editor and keep the list formatting when pasting it to another editor.
  • Added the getMeasurementTextWithScaleAndUnits API that allows users to pull the measurement information with the appropriate scale and unit.


  • Fixed an issue where in the Office Editor, if typing with an image selected, the content was added after the image and the image box position was off.
  • Fixed an issue where FreeText annotations' color was displaying incorrectly from the DefaultAppearance
  • Fixed an issue where the measurement captions were being missed in real-time collab.
  • Fixed an issue where the WebViewer page scroll jumped to the top when height style was applied to the root DOM element.
  • Fixed an issue where the URLs were not being detected correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to add an image if text was selected in the Office Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the pageSizes property of the loadDocument API was not kept when downloading the document.
  • Fixed an issue where the annotation was being deleted when pressing the backspace/delete button in the Notes Panel comments if in the Web Component mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the text in free text annotation was getting cut after exporting and importing.
  • Fixed an issue where after adding an image to a blank Office document the cursor did not exist.
  • Fixed an issue where the images were being duplicated after dragging them outside the page container.
  • Fixed an issue where the setAutoSizeType API was causing misalignment of Free Text and Callout annotations on rotated pages.
  • Fixed an issue with Widget Annotations duplicating to first page if using PDF Edit mode on a multi-page document.
  • Fixed an issue where valid nested bookmarks with JavaScript actions were not loading correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where loading documents with WebViewer Server and doing a text compare when using a PWS license wasn't working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where imported polygon/rectangle measurement annotations were causing a caption misalignment after copying/pasting or creating a new measurement annotation.
  • Fixed an issue where the File attachment annotation icon's border was not consistent when downloading and opening the file again.

WebViewer UI


  • Added margins option to the setDefaultPrintOptions API to allow setting the default print margins programatically.
  • Added the ability to drag and drop files into portfolio in the creation modal.
  • Moved the Thumbnail Panel multi-select operations to the footer.
  • Improved the usage of VerificationOptions.setRevocationProxyPrefix API to have an option of suppressing the proxy URL server.


  • Fixed an issue where the annotation popup and a warning modal were competing for focus, causing a call stack error.
  • Fixed an issue where the last comment was hidden in the Notes Panel's virtualized list.
  • Fixed an issue of having the Free Text annotations sorted by their stroke color instead of their text color.
  • Fixed an issue with custom tool registration. You must register tools for each document viewer separately.
  • Fixed an issue where the text alignment options were not auto-sizing the textbox for Free Text and Callout annotations.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change the Free text colour while editing it.
  • Fixed an issue where checking the 'Filter document and comments panel' option was not activating the 'Clear all' button.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pan tool was not working properly on mobile when disabling the UI.Feature.PageNavigation.
  • Fixed an issue where drawing FreeHand annotations with Stylus Mode was causing the viewer to scroll slightly.
  • Fixed an issue with downloading attached files from the attachment panel.
  • Fixed an issue where printing the 'current view' while the entire page is visible, it was not having the same quality as printing the 'current page'.
  • Fixed an issue with MultiViewerMode drawing annotations at the incorrect location after container height changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the texts in the Notes Panel were being added backwards in the Web Component mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the user text was incorrectly being displayed on the Scale Modal.

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