Annoatation list

Annoations can be viewed as a list in this UI component

View annotations as list in Xamarin.Android

This tutorial only applies to Xamarin.Android. See Xamarin.iOS equivalent here .

The AnnotationDialogFragment displays a list of all annotations in a document being viewed by a PDFViewCtrl. The list also contains any comments that have been added to the annotations.

Apryse Docs Image

Show annotation dialog

To show an annotation dialog fragment in your activity, create a new instance of AnnotationDialogFragment by calling newInstance() and setting the PDFViewCtrl:


1fun showBookmarksDialog(fragmentManager: FragmentManager, pdfViewCtrl: PDFViewCtrl): BookmarksDialogFragment {
2 var bookmarksDialog = pdftron.PDF.Dialog.BookmarksDialogFragment.NewInstance();
3 bookmarksDialog.SetPdfViewCtrl(pdfViewCtrl);
4 List<DialogFragmentTab> tabs = new List<DialogFragmentTab>();
5 var annotationsTab = new DialogFragmentTab(
6 Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(AnnotationDialogFragment)), BookmarksTabLayout.TagTabAnnotation, null, "Annotations", "Bookmarks Dialog", null);
7 tabs.Add(annotationsTab);
8 bookmarksDialog.SetDialogFragmentTabs(tabs);
9 bookmarksDialog.SetStyle((int)DialogFragmentStyle.NoTitle, Resource.Style.PDFTronAppTheme);
10 bookmarksDialog.Show(fragmentManager, "bookmarks_dialog");
11 return bookmarksDialog;


By calling setAnnotationDialogListener(AnnotationDialogListener), you can set a listener to be notified when an annotation item is clicked, or when document annotations are exported to a PDF doc when users click on the export floating action button.


If the document has write access, users can delete existing annotations by long-pressing on the annotation. To specify whether the document is read-only call setReadOnly(boolean).

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