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Android / Changelog / v6.10.6

Version 6.10.6 Changelog (July 2, 2019)


Release Date: July 2, 2019

New features

  • Adds pressure sensitive inking for signature


  • Fixed issue where stamp annotation gets unexpected modified when selected
  • Fixed issue where stamp rotation is possible when there is no proper annotation permission
  • Fixed issue where note dialog allows modification when there is no proper annotation permission
  • Fixed issue where reply dialog does not open for FreeText annotation right after it is created
  • Fixed issue where comment icon is not placed in the correct location for FreeText annotation
  • Fixed issue where loading non-PDF files from HTTP/HTTPS does not use cache location from ViewerConfig
  • Fixed potential ANR when streaming remote files with large number of pages
  • Fixed potential crash in reading (reflow) mode when rapidly zooming


PDFViewCtrlTools package


new constructor: SignatureFragmentAdapter(FragmentManager, String, String, Toolbar, Toolbar, int, float, boolean, boolean, int, OnCreateSignatureListener, OnSavedSignatureListener, boolean)


new method: ToolManagerBuilder setUsePressureSensitiveSignatures(boolean)


new method: Builder autoHideToolbarEnabled(boolean)

new method: Builder maximumTabCount(int)


new method: Builder setShowPressureSensitivePreview(boolean)


new method: void onPageBottom(WebView)

new method: void onPageTop(WebView)

new method: boolean onReflowWebViewScale(WebView, ScaleGestureDetector)

new method: boolean onReflowWebViewScaleBegin(WebView, ScaleGestureDetector)

new method: void onReflowWebViewScaleEnd(WebView, ScaleGestureDetector)

new method: void onReflowWebViewSingleTapUp(WebView, MotionEvent)

removed method: void onPageBottom()

removed method: void onPageTop()

removed method: boolean onReflowWebViewScale(ScaleGestureDetector)

removed method: boolean onReflowWebViewScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector)

removed method: void onReflowWebViewScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector)

removed method: void onReflowWebViewSingleTapUp(MotionEvent)


new final class: SearchResultStatus

new method: int getValue()

new static method: SearchResultStatus valueOf(String)

new static method: SearchResultStatus[] values()


new static method: CreateSignatureFragment newInstance(int, float, boolean, boolean)


new static method: SignatureDialogFragment newInstance(PointF, int, Long, int, float, boolean, boolean, int, boolean)


new constructor: DialogAnnotNote(PDFViewCtrl, String, boolean)


new constructor: DialogStickyNote(PDFViewCtrl, String, boolean, String, int, float, boolean)


new method: boolean isUsingPressureSensitiveSignatures()

new method: void setUsePressureSensitiveSignatures(boolean)


new static method: ArrayList<Annot> getAnnotationsInGroup(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)

new static method: String getIRTAsString(Annot)

new static method: boolean hasReplyTypeGroup(Annot)


new method: void setShowPressurePreview(boolean)


new method: void onPageBottom(WebView)

new method: void onPageTop(WebView)

new method: boolean onReflowWebViewScale(WebView, ScaleGestureDetector)

new method: boolean onReflowWebViewScaleBegin(WebView, ScaleGestureDetector)

new method: void onReflowWebViewScaleEnd(WebView, ScaleGestureDetector)

new method: void onReflowWebViewSingleTapUp(WebView, MotionEvent)

removed method: void onPageBottom()

removed method: void onPageTop()

removed method: boolean onReflowWebViewScale(ScaleGestureDetector)

removed method: boolean onReflowWebViewScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector)

removed method: void onReflowWebViewScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector)

removed method: void onReflowWebViewSingleTapUp(MotionEvent)


new method: Single<Page> createSignature(Context, String, String)

new method: Page createVariableThicknessSignature(String, RectF, List<double[]>, int, float)


new static method: File copyAssetsToTempFolder(Context, String, boolean)


new class: VariableWidthSignatureView

new constructor: VariableWidthSignatureView(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: VariableWidthSignatureView(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: void addListener(InkListener)

new method: void clear()

new method: RectF getBoundingBox()

new method: List<double[]> getStrokes()

new method: boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)

new method: void removeListener(InkListener)

new method: void setColor(int)

new method: void setPressureSensitivity(boolean)

new method: void setStrokeWidth(float)


new interface: InkListener

new method: void onInkStarted()

pdftron-collab package


new class: CustomServiceUtils

new constructor: CustomServiceUtils()

new static method: void addAnnotation(CollabDatabase, AnnotationEntity)

new static method: void addAnnotations(CollabDatabase, HashMap<String, AnnotationEntity>)

new static method: void addDocument(CollabDatabase, DocumentEntity)

new static method: void addDocument(CollabDatabase, String)

new static method: void addUser(CollabDatabase, String, String)

new static method: void cleanup(CollabDatabase)

new static method: void deleteAnnotation(CollabDatabase, String)

new static method: void modifyAnnotation(CollabDatabase, AnnotationEntity)

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