React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: May 29, 2019
and PdfViewCtrlTabFragment
or DocumentActivity
may crash if its XML is overridden from application with elements removednew class: ViewerBuilder
new method: Fragment build(Context)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingCacheFolder(boolean)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingConfig(ViewerConfig)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingCustomToolbar(int[])
new method: ViewerBuilder usingFileType(int)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingNavIcon(int)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingQuitAppMode(boolean)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingTabClass(Class<? extends PdfViewCtrlTabFragment>)
new method: ViewerBuilder usingTabTitle(String)
new static method: ViewerBuilder withFile(File)
new static method: ViewerBuilder withFile(File, String)
new static method: ViewerBuilder withUri(Uri)
new static method: ViewerBuilder withUri(Uri, String)
new method: ViewerConfig.Builder annotationsListEditingEnabled(boolean)
new method: ViewerConfig.Builder thumbnailViewEditingEnabled(boolean)
new method: ViewerConfig.Builder userBookmarksListEditingEnabled(boolean)
new static final field: int HORIZONTAL
new static final field: int VERTICAL
new method: int getOrientation()
new method: void setOrientation(int)
new class: CalibrateDialog
new class: CalibrateResult
new class: CalibrateViewModel
modified class: TextInputViewModel
From | To |
public class TextInputViewModel extends ViewModel | public class TextInputViewModel extends SimpleDialogViewModel |
new static method: Bitmap getStampAppearance(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)
new static method: int getStampDegree(Annot)
new static method: int getStampDegreeOld(Annot)
new static method: void putStampDegree(Annot, int)
new static method: RulerItem calibrate(Annot, RulerItem, float)
new static method: double getLineLength(double, double, double, double)
new method: void setOrientation(int)
new static method: double angleBetweenTwoPointsWithPivot(double, double, double, double, double, double)
new static method: Single<File> duplicateInFolder(ContentResolver, Uri, String, File)
new static method: boolean isNonPDFByMimeType(String)
new abstract class: SimpleDialogViewModel<T>
new constructor: SimpleDialogViewModel()
new method: void complete()
new method: void observeChanges(LifecycleOwner, Observer<T>)
new method: void observeOnComplete(LifecycleOwner, Observer<Event<T>>)
new method: void set(T)
new class: RotateHandleView
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