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Android / Guides / Show/hide annotations

Show and hide existing annotations in Android

By default, PDFViewCtrl shows all annotations on PDF document. If you want to hide a particular annotation on PDFViewCtrl, or hide all annotations on PDFViewCtrl, you can hide annotations as follows:

Show and hide one annotation

To show a hidden annotation in PDFViewCtrl, call showAnnotation(Annot):

public static void showAnnotation(PDFViewCtrl pdfViewCtrl, Annot annot, int annotPageNum) {
  pdfViewCtrl.update(annot, annotPageNum);

To hide an annotation in PDFViewCtrl, call hideAnnotation(Annot).

public static void hideAnnotation(PDFViewCtrl pdfViewCtrl, Annot annot, int annotPageNum) {
  pdfViewCtrl.update(annot, annotPageNum);
After hide and show an annotation in PDFViewCtrl, You must call update to redraw the area covered with the given annotation.

Show and hide all annotations

Alternatively, you can show/hide all annotations in PDFViewCtrl by calling setDrawAnnotations(boolean). This method toggles the visibility of annotations and form fields.

For example, disabling all annotations and form fields from rendering:

try {
} catch (PDFNetException e) {
After toggling annotation and form fields visibility in PDFViewCtrl, You must call update to redraw the pdf content.

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