To convert an MS Office file to a PDF document without any external third party dependencies.
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc ();
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert. OfficeToPDF (doc, filename, null );
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 PDFDoc doc;
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert :: OfficeToPDF (doc, filename, NULL );
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 doc := NewPDFDoc ()
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 ConvertOfficeToPDF (doc, filename, NewConversionOptions ())
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc ();
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert. officeToPdf (doc, filename, null );
1 const { PDFNet } = require ( ' @pdftron/pdfnet-node ' );
3 async function main () {
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 const buf = await PDFNet.Convert. office2PDFBuffer (filename);
7 // end with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
8 const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc. createFromBuffer (buf);
9 }
11 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main, ' YOUR_LICENSE_KEY ' );
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 PTPDFDoc * doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc ] init ];
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 [PTConvert OfficeToPDF :doc in_filename :filename options : Nil ];
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 $doc = new PDFDoc ();
4 // perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert :: OfficeToPDF ($doc, $filename, NULL );
1 # Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 doc = PDFDoc()
4 # perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert.OfficeToPDF(doc, filename, None )
1 # Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 doc = PDFDoc . new ()
4 # perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert . OfficeToPDF (doc, filename, nil )
1 ' Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 Dim doc As PDFDoc = New PDFDoc
4 ' perform the conversion with no optional parameters
5 Convert . OfficeToPDF (doc, filename, Nothing )
Convert MS Office files to PDF - Full Sample Full sample code which illustrates how to convert MS Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to PDF. Samples available in Python, C# (.Net), C++, Go, Java, Node.js (JavaScript), PHP, Ruby, VB.
The converter will attempt to make use of any fonts installed on the system. Fonts (or alternatives) can also be provided as described below.
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 PDFNet. Initialize ();
3 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 // this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader. SetCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " );
7 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader. EnableDownloads ();
1 PDFNet :: Initialize ();
3 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 // this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader :: SetCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " );
7 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader :: EnableDownloads ();
1 PDFNetInitialize ()
3 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 // this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloaderSetCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " )
7 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloaderEnableDownloads ()
1 PDFNet. initialize ();
3 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 // this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader. setCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " );
7 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader. enableDownloads ();
1 const { PDFNet } = require ( ' @pdftron/pdfnet-node ' );
3 const main = async () => {
4 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
5 // this can also be an https URL
6 WebFontDownloader. setCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " );
8 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
9 WebFontDownloader. enableDownloads ();
10 }
12 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main, ' YOUR_LICENSE_KEY ' ). then ( function (){ PDFNet. shutdown (); });
1 [PTPDFNet Initialize ];
3 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 // this can also be an https URL
5 [PTWebFontDownloader SetCustomWebFontURL : @" file:///home/user/webfonts/ " ];
7 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 [PTWebFontDownloader EnableDownloads ];
1 PDFNet :: Initialize ();
3 // if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 // this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader :: SetCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " );
7 // allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader :: EnableDownloads ();
1 PDFNet.Initialize()
3 # if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 # this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader.SetCustomWebFontURL( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " )
7 # allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader.EnableDownloads()
1 PDFNet . Initialize ()
3 # if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 # this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader . SetCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " )
7 # allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader . EnableDownloads ()
1 PDFNet. Initialize ()
3 ' if fonts.json is at /home/user/webfonts/fonts.json
4 ' this can also be an https URL
5 WebFontDownloader. SetCustomWebFontURL ( " file:///home/user/webfonts/ " )
7 ' allow PDFNet to access the network to download missing fonts when possible.
8 WebFontDownloader. EnableDownloads ()
Self serving substitute fonts faq A more detailed faq guide about creating substitute web fonts set when a font is not embedded in the document or available on the system.
Self serve font package A curated package of fonts with great coverage of widely used font files. Simply extract and pass the path to the API above.
The converter can produce good results with no user-supplied fonts at all, but for the highest conversion quality, fonts can be provided in a .docx resource document. This document must be named pdftron_convert_resources.docx
and can reside in either in the resource directory (use PDFNet.AddResourceSearchPath() to set this value), or at some arbitrary location, specified in the conversion options (set via OfficeToPDFOptions.SetResourceDocPath()). The file should have all the required fonts embedded within it (you can create a file like this by checking the "embed fonts in the file" option from the "Save" preferences within Word )
If no appropriate fonts are found on the system or in a resource .docx, then the converter will need to use it's own fallback font data. On desktop/server, this data is built into the library and will be automatically used. On mobile, the data is not part of the binary, but is included in the SDK package as a separate resource file: pdftron_layout_resources.plugin
. This file can either be placed in the resource directory (set via PDFNet.AddResourceSearchPath()), or in some arbitrary location, specified in the conversion options.
When the conversion routine is able to find a matching font, it will embed that font in the resulting PDF. Otherwise, the converter will attempt to embed one of the PDF base 14 fonts if there is a close enough match, and failing that, will not embed the font at all.
Using pdftron-supplied smart substitution data, the conversion routine can produce PDF documents with fully embedded fonts that are a close match to the originals. To enable this option, either place the file pdftron_smart_substitution.plugin
(included in the SDK download) in the resource directory (set via PDFNet.AddResourceSearchPath()), or specify it's path directly in the conversion options.
C# C++ Go Java JavaScript Obj-C PHP Python Ruby VB
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 using ( PDFDoc pdfdoc = new PDFDoc ())
3 {
4 OfficeToPDFOptions options = new OfficeToPDFOptions ();
5 options. SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (input_path);
6 // create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
7 // perform any conversion logic.
8 // in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
9 // the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
10 DocumentConversion conversion = pdftron.PDF.Convert. StreamingPDFConversion (pdfdoc, input_path + input_filename, options);
12 // actually perform the conversion
13 // this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
14 // return an error status instead
15 if (conversion. TryConvert () == DocumentConversionResult.e_document_conversion_success)
16 {
17 // save the result
18 pdfdoc. Save (output_path + output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
19 }
20 }
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 PDFDoc pdfdoc;
3 OfficeToPDFOptions options;
5 // set up smart font substitutions to improve conversion results
6 // in situations where the original fonts are not available
7 options. SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (input_path);
9 // create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
10 // perform any conversion logic.
11 // in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
12 // the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
13 DocumentConversion conversion = Convert :: StreamingPDFConversion (pdfdoc, input_path + input_filename, & options);
15 // actually perform the conversion
16 // this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
17 // return an error status instead
18 while (conversion. GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion :: eIncomplete)
19 {
20 conversion. ConvertNextPage ();
21 }
22 if (conversion. GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion :: eSuccess)
23 {
24 // save the result
25 pdfdoc. Save (output_path + output_filename, SDF :: SDFDoc :: e_linearized, NULL );
26 }
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 doc := NewPDFDoc ()
3 options := NewOfficeToPDFOptions ()
5 // set up smart font substitutions to improve conversion results
6 // in situations where the original fonts are not available
7 options. SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (inputPath)
9 // create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
10 // perform any conversion logic.
11 // in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
12 // the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
13 conversion := ConvertStreamingPDFConversion (pdfdoc, inputPath + inputFileName, options)
15 // actually perform the conversion
16 // this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
17 // return an error status instead
18 for {
19 if (conversion. GetConversionStatus () != DocumentConversionEIncomplete){
20 break
21 }
22 conversion. ConvertNextPage ()
23 }
24 if (conversion. GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversionESuccess) {
25 // save the result
26 pdfdoc. Save (outputPath + outputFileName, uint (SDFDocE_linearized))
27 }
1 OfficeToPDFOptions options = new OfficeToPDFOptions ();
2 options. setSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (input_path);
4 // create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
5 // perform any conversion logic.
6 // in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
7 // the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
8 DocumentConversion conversion = Convert. streamingPdfConversion (input_path + inputFilename, options);
10 // actually perform the conversion
11 while (conversion. getConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion.e_incomplete) {
12 conversion. convertNextPage ();
13 }
15 if (conversion. tryConvert () == DocumentConversion.e_success) {
16 // save the result
17 PDFDoc doc = conversion. getDoc ();
18 doc. save (output_path + outputFilename, SDFDoc.SaveMode.LINEARIZED, null );
19 }
1 const { PDFNet } = require ( ' @pdftron/pdfnet-node ' );
3 const main = async () => {
4 const options = new PDFNet.Convert. OfficeToPDFOptions ();
5 options. setSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (input_path);
7 // create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
8 // perform any conversion logic.
9 const conversion = await PDFNet.Convert. streamingPdfConversionWithPath (input_path + inputFilename, options);
11 // actually perform the conversion
12 while (conversion. getConversionStatus () == PDFNet.DocumentConversion.e_Incomplete) {
13 conversion. convertNextPage ();
14 }
15 if (conversion. getConversionStatus () == PDFNet.DocumentConversion.e_Success) {
16 // save the result
17 const doc = await conversion. getDoc ();
18 doc. save (output_path + outputFilename, PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
19 }
20 }
22 PDFNet. runWithCleanup (main, ' YOUR_LICENSE_KEY ' ). then ( function (){ PDFNet. shutdown (); });
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 PTPDFDoc * pdfDoc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc ] init ];
4 PTOfficeToPDFOptions * options = [[PTOfficeToPDFOptions alloc ] init ];
5 [options SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath :input_path];
7 // create a conversion object with optional parameters
8 PTDocumentConversion * conversion = [PTConvert StreamingPDFConversionWithDoc : pdfDoc in_filename :[ NSString stringWithFormat : @" %@ / %@ " , input_path, input_filename options :options];
10 // convert each page, and report progress
11 while ([conversion GetConversionStatus ] == e_ptIncomplete)
12 {
13 [conversion ConvertNextPage ];
14 }
15 if ([conversion TryConvert ] == e_ptSuccess)
16 {
17 //save the result
18 [pdfDoc SaveToFile : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @" %@ / %@ " , output_path, output_filename] flags : e_ptlinearized];
19 }
1 // Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 $pdfdoc = new PDFDoc ();
3 $options = new OfficeToPDFOptions (); //ConversionOptions();
5 // set up smart font substitutions to improve conversion results
6 // in situations where the original fonts are not available
7 $options -> SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath ($input_path);
9 // create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
10 // perform any conversion logic.
11 // in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
12 // the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
13 $conversion = Convert :: StreamingPDFConversion ($pdfdoc, $input_path . $input_filename, $options);
15 // actually perform the conversion
16 // this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
17 // return an error status instead
18 while ($conversion -> GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion :: eIncomplete )
19 {
20 $conversion -> ConvertNextPage ();
21 }
22 if ($conversion -> GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion :: eSuccess )
23 {
24 // save the result
25 $pdfdoc -> Save ($output_path . $output_filename, SDFDoc :: e_linearized , NULL );
26 }
1 # Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 pdfdoc = PDFDoc()
3 options = OfficeToPDFOptions()
5 # set up smart font substitutions to improve conversion results
6 # in situations where the original fonts are not available
7 options.SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath(input_path)
9 # create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
10 # perform any conversion logic.
11 # in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
12 # the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
13 conversion = Convert.StreamingPDFConversion(pdfdoc, input_path + input_filename, options)
15 # actually perform the conversion
16 # this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
17 # return an error status instead
18 while (conversion.GetConversionStatus() == DocumentConversion.eIncomplete):
19 conversion.ConvertNextPage()
21 if (conversion.GetConversionStatus() == DocumentConversion.eSuccess):
22 # save the result
23 pdfdoc.Save(output_path + output_filename, SDFDoc.e_linearized)
1 # Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
2 pdfdoc = PDFDoc . new ()
3 options = OfficeToPDFOptions . new ()
5 # set up smart font substitutions to improve conversion results
6 # in situations where the original fonts are not available
7 inputFile = $inputPath
8 options. SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (inputFile)
10 # create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
11 # perform any conversion logic.
12 # in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
13 # the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
14 inputFile = $inputPath + input_filename
15 conversion = Convert . StreamingPDFConversion (pdfdoc, inputFile, options)
17 # actually perform the conversion
18 # this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
19 # return an error status instead
20 while (conversion. GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion :: EIncomplete )
21 conversion. ConvertNextPage ()
22 end
24 if (conversion. GetConversionStatus () == DocumentConversion :: ESuccess )
25 # save the result
26 outputFile = $outputPath + output_filename
27 pdfdoc. Save (outputFile, SDFDoc :: E_linearized )
28 end
1 Using pdfdoc As PDFDoc = New PDFDoc
2 Dim options As OfficeToPDFOptions = New OfficeToPDFOptions
4 ' set up smart font substitutions to improve conversion results
5 ' in situations where the original fonts are not available
6 options. SetSmartSubstitutionPluginPath (input_path)
8 ' # create a conversion object -- this sets things up but does not yet
9 ' perform any conversion logic.
10 ' in a multithreaded environment, this object can be used to monitor
11 ' the conversion progress and potentially cancel it as well
12 Using conversion As DocumentConversion = pdftron.PDF. Convert . StreamingPDFConversion (pdfdoc, input_path + input_filename, options)
14 ' actually perform the conversion
15 ' this particular method will not throw on conversion failure, but will
16 ' return an error status instead
17 While conversion. GetConversionStatus () = DocumentConversionResult.e_document_conversion_incomplete
18 conversion. ConvertNextPage ()
19 End While
21 If conversion. TryConvert () = DocumentConversionResult.e_document_conversion_success Then
22 ' save the result
23 pdfdoc. Save (output_path + output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)
24 End If
25 End Using
26 End Using