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Web / Guides / Hide/Show DOM elements

Hiding/Showing DOM elements in WebViewer UI

Hiding DOM elements is an essential aspect of a customizable UI. WebViewer UI supports hiding/showing elements both initially and dynamically.

Finding data-element attribute values

To hide/show the DOM elements, first you must find the data-element attribute on the elements from a DOM inspector. For example, if we inspect the left panel,

Left panel data element

we can find that it has a data-element value of leftPanel. Now we can use that value to hide/show it.

Constructor option

To hide the DOM elements even before the initial render, you can use a constructor option disabledElements to pass a list of data-element values that should be hidden.


const wvElement = document.getElementById('viewer');
  path: 'lib',
  disabledElements: [
}, wvElement);

Enabling/disabling elements programmatically

To enable/disable the DOM elements, you can use the following APIs:


const wvElement = document.getElementById('viewer');
WebViewer({ ...options }, wvElement).then(() => {
  // remove left panel and left panel button from the DOM
  instance.UI.disableElements([ 'leftPanel', 'leftPanelButton' ]);
  // re-enable left panel and left panel button from the DOM
  instance.UI.enableElements([ 'leftPanel', 'leftPanelButton' ]);

Note that these are different from opening/closing elements. Instead of changing visibility, these APIs will actually remove/re-render elements in the DOM. To change visibility, you can refer to the sample below.

Opening/closing elements programmatically

You can toggle panels, overlays, popups, and modals.


const wvElement = document.getElementById('viewer');
WebViewer({ ...options }, wvElement).then(() => {
  // opens (shows) text popup and annotation popup in the UI
  instance.UI.openElements([ 'menuOverlay', 'leftPanel' ]);
  // closes (hides) text popup and left panel in the UI
  instance.UI.closeElements([ 'menuOverlay', 'leftPanel' ]);

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