Flyout Menus


Flyout Menus in WebViewer provide a compact and versatile way to offer additional options or actions without overcrowding the interface. These hovering menus appear upon user interaction with UI elements such as buttons.

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Flyout Menus can be customized and integrated seamlessly, enhancing the user experience by neatly organizing extra functionalities.

Creating Flyout Menus

To add a Flyout Menu to your application, create instances of the UI.Components.Flyout class. Each instance can be tailored with custom items, icons, and onClick behaviors, including support for submenu items for deeper navigation options.


1const flyout = new instance.UI.Components.Flyout({
2 dataElement: 'myCustomFlyout',
3 items: [{
4 dataElement: 'customFlyoutItem',
5 label: 'Custom Flyout Item',
6 onClick: () => console.log('Custom Flyout Item Clicked'),
7 icon: 'icon-save',
8 children: [{
9 dataElement: 'submenuItem',
10 label: 'Submenu Item',
11 onClick: () => console.log('Submenu Item Clicked'),
12 icon: 'icon-save'
13 }]
14 }],
17// Add your flyout to the UI
18instance.UI.Flyouts.addFlyouts([ flyout ])

After creation, use the UI.Flyouts.addFlyouts method to integrate your Flyout Menu into the UI.

Methods in the Flyout Class


setItems(items): Sets an array of item objects to the flyout. Each object in the array should follow the structure described for the options.items in the constructor. This operation replaces the existing items in the flyout.


1const flyout = new instance.UI.Components.Flyout({
2 dataElement: 'myCustomFlyout',
3 items: [{
4 dataElement: 'customFlyoutItem',
5 label: 'Custom Flyout Item',
6 onClick: () => console.log('Custom Flyout Item Clicked'),
7 icon: 'icon-save',
8 children: [{
9 dataElement: 'submenuItem',
10 label: 'Submenu Item',
11 onClick: () => console.log('Submenu Item Clicked'),
12 icon: 'icon-save'
13 }]
14 }],
18 {
19 dataElement: 'item-1',
20 label: 'New Item',
21 onClick: () => console.log('New Item clicked'),
22 icon: 'icon-add',
23 children: [
24 // Sub-menu items...
25 ]
26 }

Example Use Case

Below is an example of creating a flyout, adding items to it, and then programmatically removing an item:


1// Create a new Flyout instance
2const flyout = new instance.UI.Components.Flyout({
3 dataElement: 'exampleFlyout',
4 items: [
5 {
6 dataElement: 'item-1',
7 label: 'Item 1',
8 onClick: () => console.log('Item 1 clicked'),
9 icon: 'icon-first'
10 }
11 ]
14// Add your flyout to the UI
15instance.UI.Flyouts.addFlyouts([ flyout ])
17// Add more items to the flyout
19 // Destructure the existing items array
20 ...flyout.items,
21 // Add a new item
22 {
23 dataElement: 'item-2',
24 label: 'Item 2',
25 onClick: () => console.log('Item 2 clicked'),
26 icon: 'icon-second'
27 }
30// Remove an item from the flyout
31flyout.setItems(flyout.items.filter(item => item.dataElement !== 'item-1'));

UI Components inside Flyouts

In WebViewer version 11.3+, you can add other UI components to a flyout's item list. This is particularly useful for creating a flyout containing prebuilt items such as a Zoom menu or a Preset Button. There are some exceptions, as some components wouldn't make sense to add to a flyout, such as a Panel.

Below is an example of a flyout with other nested components:

Flyout with Modular Components

1 const item1 = new instance.UI.Components.GroupedItems({
2 dataElement: 'testGroupedItem',
3 grow: 0,
4 gap: 12,
5 position: 'start',
6 style: {},
7 items: [
8 new instance.UI.Components.CustomButton({
9 label: 'test2',
10 title: 'this is a test button2',
11 onClick: () => console.log('button clicked!2'),
12 img: 'icon-save',
13 dataElement: 'customButton2',
14 }),
15 new instance.UI.Components.ToggleElementButton({
16 label: 'Toggle2',
17 title: 'Toggle the visibility of the element',
18 img: 'icon-form-field-combobox',
19 toggleElement: 'newFlyout',
20 }),
21 ],
22 alwaysVisible: true,
23 });
24 const item2 = new instance.UI.Components.Flyout({
25 dataElement: 'exampleFlyout',
26 label: 'Flyout',
27 items: [
28 new instance.UI.Components.CustomButton({
29 label: 'test4',
30 title: 'this is a test button4',
31 onClick: () => console.log('button clicked!4'),
32 img: 'icon-save',
33 dataElement: 'customButton4',
34 }),
35 ],
36 });
37 const item3 = new instance.UI.Components.PageControls();
38 const item4 = new instance.UI.Components.PresetButton({
39 buttonType: 'saveAsButton',
40 dataElement: 'presetButton-save'
41 });
42 const item5 = new instance.UI.Components.StatefulButton({
43 initialState: 'SinglePage',
44 states: {
45 SinglePage: {
46 img: 'icon-header-page-manipulation-page-layout-single-page-line',
47 onClick: (update) => {
48 update('DoublePage');
49 },
50 title: 'Single Page',
51 },
52 DoublePage: {
53 img: 'icon-header-page-manipulation-page-layout-double-page-line',
54 onClick: (update) => {
55 update('SinglePage');
56 },
57 title: 'Double Page',
58 },
59 },
60 mount: () => {},
61 });
62 const item6 = new instance.UI.Components.ToolButton({
63 label: 'Pan',
64 title: 'Pan the document',
65 img: 'icon-header-pan',
66 toolName: 'Pan',
67 });
68 const item7 = new instance.UI.Components.Zoom({ dataElement: 'zoomControlComponent' });
69 const newFlyout = new instance.UI.Components.Flyout({
70 dataElement: 'newFlyout',
71 items: [
72 item1,
73 item2,
74 item3,
75 item4,
76 item5,
77 item6,
78 item7,
79 ],
80 });
81 instance.UI.Flyouts.addFlyouts([newFlyout]);

Flyout Management

The UI.Flyouts namespace offers a suite of methods for comprehensive Flyout Menu management, allowing for addition, removal, activation, and positioning within the UI. Following are the available methods:


Integrates your Flyout Menu into the UI.


1instance.UI.Flyouts.addFlyouts([ flyout ]); // flyout is an instance of UI.Components.Flyout


Removes the flyout with the specified dataElement from the UI.




Displays the flyout with the specified dataElement. Set to null to hide the active flyout.




Sets the position of the active flyout.


1instance.UI.Flyouts.setFlyoutPosition({ x: 100, y: 100 });


Returns the flyout with the specified dataElement as an instance of UI.Components.Flyout.


1const flyout = instance.UI.Flyouts.getFlyout('customFlyout');


Returns an array of all the flyouts currently in the UI as instances of UI.Components.Flyout.


1const flyoutList = instance.UI.Flyouts.getAllFlyouts();

Flyout Menus are a dynamic component of WebViewer's Modular UI, offering a flexible solution to incorporate additional user actions and options neatly within the user interface.

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