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iOS / Changelog / v6.7.3.60035

Version (May 12, 2017)

Release Date: May 12, 2017
Build with: Xcode 8.3.2


  • [PTConvert convertOfficeToPDF:paperSize:completion:] and [PTConvert convertHTMLStringToPDF:baseURL:paperSize:completion:] now use a WKWebView (rather than a UIWebView) for conversion.
  • Increases the size of which annotations with the nozoom flag set appears.
  • Adds method [PTPDFViewCtrl SetDevicePixelDensity:scale_factor:] to customize the size of which annotations with the nozoom flag set appear.
  • Improves caching used by PTPDFDraw

##Bug fixes:

  • Fixes cases where the free text insertion point could be scrolled out of view when the keyboard appears
  • Fix for [PTPDFViewCtrl {is,set}DirectionalLockEnabled]

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