Added a method to sign the digest of any arbitrary data with the private key provided in a PKCS #12 key file. This provides an effective way of validating custom signing logic. (DigestAlgorithm.SignDigest())
Introduced a new Digital Signature logging option, which should help with debugging more complex signing issues. (DigitalSignatureField.SetDigSigLogFilename())
New Options
Added an option to disable PDF structure tag output when converting from office to PDF. Disabling tagging can result in much smaller output file size, particularly for large tables. (OfficeToPDFOptions.SetStructureTagLevel()).
[.net] Added support for .NET 7 and 8.
[image] Added a version of Convert.ToTiff that accepts an output stream, allowing for fully in-memory conversion.
[cad] Updated CAD module binaries to use ODA version 25.1.
[pdfa] When converting to PDF/A, any previously valid and supported XMP metadata entries are now retained.
[pdf] Improved the snapping precision for GeometryCollection.SnapToNearest.
[pdf] Improved support for corrupt documents with unpaired key-value dictionary entries.
[cad] Adjusted CAD layer conversion output to turn off children layers when the parent is off.
[node.js] Improved error handling for a number of constructors that are not intended for direct use in Node.js. These will now throw a clear error when used.
[cad] Adjusted DGN to PDF to map a number of symbols to Unicode so they can be substituted in the case where the expected font resource is not present.
[cad] Provided a new default symbol font to improve substitution for common CAD symbol font resources.
[pdf] Improved support for repairing corrupt PDF files that contain streams missing the endobj operator.
[pdf] Improved Text Extraction word ordering for cases where text patterns inside PDF are not in reading order.
[pdf] Adjusted annotation cloudy border appearance generation to more closely match WebViewer and other PDF viewers.
[node.js] Added missing function Obj.getRawBuffer() to Node.js bindings.
[pdf] Significant accuracy improvements to the FormKeyValue data extraction engine.
[pdf] Fixed an issue with appearance generation where a pre-existing rotation on appearances could sometimes impact future appearance generation.
[all] Fixed an issue with PDFNet.AddFontSubst() where it could crash in rare cases due to a missing font family name.
[pdf] Fixed an issue specific to Ruby where the Data Extraction Module could error out due to interrupts when extracting form fields.
[html] Fixed an issue where the legacy HTML2PDF module could not be found when the file path rather than the directory path was specified.
[xfdf] Fixed a rare crash when exporting empty stamp appearances to XFDF.
[pdf] Added support for Unicode strings in push button captions. Previously only ascii strings would work as expected.
[pdf] Fixed an issue where OCG Group.SetLocked() could incorrectly throw "Index is out of range" exceptions.
[pdf] Fixed an issue where corrupt files with missing font descriptors could cause the document to be unexpectedly modified.
[node.js] Fixed function Obj.getBuffer() for Node.js so that it properly returns a byte array.
[node.js] Fixed an error that would occur when loading the TypeScript binding.
[pdfa] Fixed an issue converting to PDF/A-1 corrupt image masks that include a colorspace. Previously the output could cause errors in other PDF consumers.