Version 11.0.0 Changelog (2024-10-30)

Breaking Changes

See v11 migration guides for information on breaking changes.

WebViewer Core



  • By default WebViewer now uses a Web Component instead of an iframe when it is being constructed. If you would like to revert back to using an iframe you can use WebViewer.Iframe instead.
  • Added APIs deleteAllSavedSignatures and deleteAllSavedInitials on SignatureCreateTool

Content Edit

  • Added APIs setContent and getContent on the Core.ContentEdit namespace, for updating content box text with enhanced styling support.


  • Changed the default signing method for signature widgets to be signed by appearance instead of associating an annotation. For more info please refer to this guide



  • Fixed an issue with user bookmark shortcuts not toggling unless the left panel was open.
  • Removed deprecated worker fallback functionality for gz and uncompressed workers.


  • Fixed an issue where isInternal returned undefined instead of false for newly created annotations.
  • Fixed an issue with JavaScript running on form field annotations that prevented PDF field values from updating.
  • Fixed an issue where copying and pasting grouped FreeText annotations would not work as expected.


  • Fixed an issue where renaming a Form Field resulted in an incorrect duplicate error.

Office Editor

  • Fixed an issue where the touchpad could get stuck while using Office Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where text search was limited to the first page.
  • Fixed an issue where getDocumentCompletePromise resolved before all pages were available.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect image was selected while dragging and dropping images

WebViewer Server

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate annotations were imported by WebViewer Server.

WebViewer UI



  • Modular UI design is now the default for WebViewer. To continue using the previous design, pass ui: 'legacy' in WebViewer constructor.

Modular UI

  • Added uiConfig constructor option to initialize UI with a JSON file.
  • Added a new version of Flyouts optimized for mobile devices.
  • Added new Preset button called CompareButton to start diff in MultiViewerMode and open the compare panel
  • Added MultiViewerMode in Modular UI


  • Added screen reader support for Unposted Comment icons.

Office Editor

  • Added ribbon groups for buttons.
  • Added Modular UI buttons.
  • Added flyout submenus for Modular UI components.
  • Added screen reader accessibility.

Form Builder

  • Changed Form Builder to use the new and improved builder, which allows users to see the exact form fields that will be created in the document.


  • UI is now WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.
  • Added accessibility roles and attributes to tabs in the Multi-tab view.
  • Added accessibility support for keyboard interactions in the Multi-tab view.
  • Updated the Modular UI Header with enhanced keyboard navigation.
  • Made Flyout for Thumbnails Multi-select Page Controls accessible via keyboard.



  • Fixed an issue where shortcut keys did not work with permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where panels in WebViewer were positioned relative to the entire page instead of within the Web Component.
  • Fixed an issue where the available space for adding new tabs in the header was miscalculated when an offset was present in the app.
  • Fixed issue where printing a second time from the UI didn't work in Safari when Web Component was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with embedded printing not working with form field widgets.


  • Fixed multiple accessibility issues on the Bookmark panel.
  • Fixed tooltips for close buttons in modals and screen reader support for align buttons.
  • Added hex color code tooltips for color picker buttons.
  • Improved the comments and redaction text preview for better accessibility.
  • Updated Unposted Comment indicator icon with a more descriptive label.
  • Improved accessibility for the Settings Modal and Edit Shortcut Modal.

Modular UI

  • Fixed an issue where the file picker was not correctly enabled or disabled in Modular UI.
  • Fixed an issue causing the last selected tool to be lost when switching Ribbon Items in Modular UI.
  • Fixed an issue with adding a new flyout with nested children.
  • Fixed an issue where annotationChanged was not triggered when updating an annotation line ending
  • Fixed an issue of the instance.UI.disableClearSearchOnPanelClose API not working properly in Modular UI
  • Fixed an issue where the importModularComponents API threw a vague error when called with incorrect parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where the toolbarGroupChanged event did not trigger when switching ribbons in the Modular UI.
  • Fixed an issue where a single ribbon item was rendered as a responsive dropdown instead of displaying as the item itself.
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts were not opening the correct ribbons in the View mode.

Office Editor

  • Fixed an issue of Modular UI toolbar buttons breaking the flyout container.
  • Fixed an issue with Office Editor UI not switching correctly when loading PDF documents.
  • Fixed an issue where no default Ribbon group was selected when switching between documents.


  • Fixed an issue that occurred when the annotation popup was open, it would flash in the top left corner every time the page scrolled.
  • Fixed an issue where resizing panels with the resize bar caused incorrect behavior when the viewer had a horizontal offset.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a note with empty line breaks displayed


  • Fixed an issue with nested buttons for Change Review and Comment panels causing accessibility problems.

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